Damon Manufacturing is preparing its master budget for the first quarter of the upcoming year. The following data pertain to Damon Manufacturing's operations: 1(Click the icon to view the date ) z. Click the ion to view additional data ) Read the requirements? Requiroment 1. Prepare a schedule of cash collections for January, February, and March, and for the quarter in total. Requirement 2. Prepare a production budget. (Hint: Unit sales = Sales in dollars + Seling price per unit) Requirement 3. Prepare a direct materials budgot. (Round your antwers to the nearest whole dollar.) Damen Manutactueine For the Quarter tinded March 31 Damsen Minutatiuciro contined Cash Buspet Forlen Quene Fated Murebsis Damon Manufacturing Combinod Cush gudgot For the Quarter Ended March 31 Beginning cash balance Pux: Cash collections Total cosh wailable Less cash payments: Direct malerial purchases Drnct labor Minutacturing overhead costs Operating expenses Tax paymant. Equipment purchases Total casti poyments Endeg cash balance belore financing Francing Plue New bo rowinga Lest Debtropaymems Less: intereat poyments Total firancing Ending catribalance Damon Manufacturing Budgeted Manulacturing Cost per Unit For the Ouarter Ended March 21 Drect mathench oom per unil Dred laboc cust pert unt Find manulacturing onenead couts per init Damen Manstachuring Eudgeted Handacturing Cost per Uni For the Quirter Ended Uneh 11 pred minumber comi per une Died later coul perionf licageted cont of mandscturg ore une. Damon Minutasturing Bospeted Weome Statement For tha Quaner Ended Merthas Ther ieninces Lme Coet of popes sond bonsiont Oparatry rovis Cenc inureti nobente lices interin las experse natinecone nouta Faine \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline [........... & aike \\ \hline & s1, \\ \hline inverty in ... & 15,200 \\ \hline & 122500 \\ \hline & aysen \\ \hline \end{tabular} 1. Dala Tabit Paper nita \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline & tan \\ \hline & sic00 \\ \hline Inenion & rove \\ \hline & 122,500 \\ \hline Aceouita poratis: & \\ \hline Cailal the. & pesco \\ \hline & 22300 \\ \hline \end{tabular} Si Morb inte \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline & \\ \hline Furuary itw... x3 & \\ \hline & 2000 \\ \hline \end{tabular} manth in which they mia nomed 3. Rogurestahts