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pou Section B Section B is worth 40 marks and consists of 1 computer-based question. The question in Section B has 5 parts, and


pou Section B Section B is worth 40 marks and consists of 1 computer-based question. The question in Section B has 5 parts, and each part carries 8 marks. You should attempt all parts of section B. You will need the spreadsheet 'Data.xlsx' for this section. Question 1 (20 points) You are given a data file with the title 'Data.xlsx'. The first column is the price, Price, of a house measured in pounds, the second column is the number of bedrooms, Rooms, in each house, and the third column is the floor space of the house, Sqfeet, measured in square feet. You want to study whether the number of bedrooms and the size of the house play an important role in determining the house prices. (a) Plot the time series and histogram for each column. Calculate the mean for each column. Compute the correlation matrix. (b) Build a multiple regression model for Price, using Rooms and Sqfeet as regressors. Obtain the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates for the pa- rameters, and discuss whether Rooms or Sqfeet has a significant effect on the sales, at the 95% significance level. (c) Calculate the residual sum of squares RSS, and the total sum of squares TSS. Calculate R2 and explain the goodness of fit of the model. (d) Compute the F-statistics, and test the overall significance of the model (at the 5% level) using the F-statistics and explain the meaning of your result. (e) Suppose there is a house has 3 bedroom and the floor space of the house is 100 Sqfeet, what is the price of the house according to your model?

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Answered: 3 weeks ago