PR 14.49 (Static) Moke or Buy (LO 14-4, 14-5) increasing and rebched $6800 per unit last year, CTR's management has asked for an estimabe of the cost of manutactiarng the purss in CTR's facibies. CTR makes stampings and castings and has Iftle experience with products roquing assenbly The enginetring manxfoctunng and accounting departrwents have prepored a teport for managenent that incluoes the folowing estonate for an assecobly run of 10,000 pumps hodbonal production employees would be hired to manufacture the pumps but no adononel equpment spoce or wopervison would be nevded. The report states thet lotal costs for $0,000 unas are estimieted at $957,000 or $9570 per unt. The currect puechave price is $6800 per unit, so the repoit recommends continued purchose of the product. "Assembly labor consist of houry productoon workers 'Manufocturing overheod is appled to products on a dect Habof-dollar basa Vhriable-ovethead costs very closely with diect labor dollars mankactumng orethesd Beguired: ib. Calculate the relevant cont per iant. ic. Was bie recommendation to continie purchasng Ener oumps correct? Complete this question try entering var answers in the Labs botow. PR 14.49 (Static) Moke or Buy (LO 14-4, 14-5) increasing and rebched $6800 per unit last year, CTR's management has asked for an estimabe of the cost of manutactiarng the purss in CTR's facibies. CTR makes stampings and castings and has Iftle experience with products roquing assenbly The enginetring manxfoctunng and accounting departrwents have prepored a teport for managenent that incluoes the folowing estonate for an assecobly run of 10,000 pumps hodbonal production employees would be hired to manufacture the pumps but no adononel equpment spoce or wopervison would be nevded. The report states thet lotal costs for $0,000 unas are estimieted at $957,000 or $9570 per unt. The currect puechave price is $6800 per unit, so the repoit recommends continued purchose of the product. "Assembly labor consist of houry productoon workers 'Manufocturing overheod is appled to products on a dect Habof-dollar basa Vhriable-ovethead costs very closely with diect labor dollars mankactumng orethesd Beguired: ib. Calculate the relevant cont per iant. ic. Was bie recommendation to continie purchasng Ener oumps correct? Complete this question try entering var answers in the Labs botow