Prepare a budget using the following information. Also, prepare the ratios such as;
Liquidity - Current assets (cash, A/R, Inventory)/Current liabilities
Going Concern - Revenues/Expenses
Capital Structure - Debt/Total assets & Debt/Net assets
Program effectiveness - Program expenses/Total expenses
Efficiency - Program expenses/Number of clients served
Fundraising ratio - Total contributions-fund-raising costs/Total contributions
Fund-raising efficiency - Fund-raising expenses/Public support
Investment performance - Interest and dividend income+- realized and unrealized gains/losses/Average fair value of investments [(balance at the beginning of the year + end of the year)/2]
Summarize the budget and make suggestions for the future of the operation. What could be done differently? What kind of changes would you make to your budget or operations?
Trial Balance as of 12/31/18 NOTE: Enter your nonprofit's name and it will populate the other tabs. Cash Pledges Receivable-Without Donor Restrictions Estimated Uncollectible Pledges Inventory Investments Furniture and Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Furniture and Equipment Accounts Payable Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions Net Assets With Donor Restrictions-Programs Net Assets With Donor Restrictions-Permanent Endowment Contributions-Without Donor Restrictions Contributions-With Donor Restrictions-Programs Investment Income-Without Donor Restrictions Depreciation Expense Printing and Publishing Expense Rent and Utility Expense Salaries and Fringe Benefit Expense Supplies Expense Telephone and Postage Expense Utilities Expense Totals Debit Credit $156,500 41,000 $4,100 2,800 178,000 210,000 120,000 20,520 196,500 50,500 140,000 378,820 38,100 11,200 30,000 4,190 32,000 288,410 5,940 4,500 6,400 $959,740 $959,740 Figures and data adapted from Reck, Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities, 18e Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2018 Assets Cash Pledges Receivable Inventory Investments Furniture and Equipment 54500 36900 2800 178000 9000 464200 $0.00 Total Assets Liabilities Accounts Payable 2050 20520 $0.00 Total Liabilities Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions-Programs With Donor Restrictions-Permanent Endowment 215080 88600 IL DOOD Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 44268C$0.00 464200$0.00 Salaries d Fringe 40% Program Se am Services ProGrona Program a 115.3704 57682 1280 128 DO 6400 2376 J$00 6000 6000 7425760 74288 Program 3 28841 240 419 594 6000 40744 90% Supporting 10% Total Imamta GN Fund Rais 201.8917 57482 28847 1280 640 2933 838 22400 6400 3200 111 88 3150 900 450 6000 6000 257008 74288 40144 419 Serves? Total Total 86523 288410 1920 6400 4190 9600 32000 5940 1350 4500 /2000 1300 774432 371440 5941 250 1800D Deprec. Exp Total Exp. Statement of Activities Year Ended December 31, 2018 Without Donor Restrictions Revenues, Gains, and Other Support: Contributions 378820 Investment Income !1 200 With Donor Restrictions Total 351 DO 4162D $0 HADOO 390000 soi 38.00 $0 428/20$0 Total Revenues, Gains, and Other Support Expenses and Losses: Program Services: Program 1 Program 2 Program 3 742 5712 zyass 25760 742880 401440 257008 $0 25700K $0 Total Program Expenses Support Expenses: Management and General Fundraising 74258 40144 74 2880 4014YO Total Support Expenses Total Expenses and Losses Change in Net Assets Net Assets, December 31, 2017 Net Assets, December 31, 2018 71443 $0 3714D ON 1X580 $0 $0 4422 $0 3714400 3810 $0 56680 $0 1905003870000 238 600 $ 0 2670 $0 21508D $0 Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended December 31, 2018 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Cash Received from Contributors Cash Received as Investment Income Cash Paid to Employees Cash Pald for Operating Expenses 1.340800 I1200 288410 (865041 so ( 22914) TODO0D Net Cash Used for Operating Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Purchase of Furniture and Equipment Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Proceeds from Contributions Restricted for: Investment in Capital Assets Net Increase(Decrease) in Cash Cash, December 31, 2017 Cash, December 31, 2018 38100 (1814) 163314 $056500 Reconciliation of Changes in Net Assets to Net Cash Used for Change in Net Assets $0 $64.80 Adjustments to Reconcile Changes in Net Assets to Net Cash Provided Depreciation 30000 Increase in Net Pledges Receivable LOOO) Increase in Inventory (1000) Decrease in Accounts Payable (108594) Net Cash Used for Operating Activities - $0 (229/4) Budget January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019 Budget 2019 Contributions-Without Donor Restrictions YTD Actual 2018 378820 38100 l 1200 30.000 Contributions-With Donor Restrictions--Programs 30000 Investment Income-Without Donor Restrictions Depreciation Expense Printing and Publishing Expense Rent and Utility Expense Salaries and Fringe Benefit Expense Supplies Expense Telephone and Postage Expense Utilities Expense Change in Net Assets 32000 388410 5940 4500 $0 55LLED Trial Balance as of 12/31/18 NOTE: Enter your nonprofit's name and it will populate the other tabs. Cash Pledges Receivable-Without Donor Restrictions Estimated Uncollectible Pledges Inventory Investments Furniture and Equipment Accumulated Depreciation-Furniture and Equipment Accounts Payable Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions Net Assets With Donor Restrictions-Programs Net Assets With Donor Restrictions-Permanent Endowment Contributions-Without Donor Restrictions Contributions-With Donor Restrictions-Programs Investment Income-Without Donor Restrictions Depreciation Expense Printing and Publishing Expense Rent and Utility Expense Salaries and Fringe Benefit Expense Supplies Expense Telephone and Postage Expense Utilities Expense Totals Debit Credit $156,500 41,000 $4,100 2,800 178,000 210,000 120,000 20,520 196,500 50,500 140,000 378,820 38,100 11,200 30,000 4,190 32,000 288,410 5,940 4,500 6,400 $959,740 $959,740 Figures and data adapted from Reck, Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities, 18e Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2018 Assets Cash Pledges Receivable Inventory Investments Furniture and Equipment 54500 36900 2800 178000 9000 464200 $0.00 Total Assets Liabilities Accounts Payable 2050 20520 $0.00 Total Liabilities Net Assets Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions-Programs With Donor Restrictions-Permanent Endowment 215080 88600 IL DOOD Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 44268C$0.00 464200$0.00 Salaries d Fringe 40% Program Se am Services ProGrona Program a 115.3704 57682 1280 128 DO 6400 2376 J$00 6000 6000 7425760 74288 Program 3 28841 240 419 594 6000 40744 90% Supporting 10% Total Imamta GN Fund Rais 201.8917 57482 28847 1280 640 2933 838 22400 6400 3200 111 88 3150 900 450 6000 6000 257008 74288 40144 419 Serves? Total Total 86523 288410 1920 6400 4190 9600 32000 5940 1350 4500 /2000 1300 774432 371440 5941 250 1800D Deprec. Exp Total Exp. Statement of Activities Year Ended December 31, 2018 Without Donor Restrictions Revenues, Gains, and Other Support: Contributions 378820 Investment Income !1 200 With Donor Restrictions Total 351 DO 4162D $0 HADOO 390000 soi 38.00 $0 428/20$0 Total Revenues, Gains, and Other Support Expenses and Losses: Program Services: Program 1 Program 2 Program 3 742 5712 zyass 25760 742880 401440 257008 $0 25700K $0 Total Program Expenses Support Expenses: Management and General Fundraising 74258 40144 74 2880 4014YO Total Support Expenses Total Expenses and Losses Change in Net Assets Net Assets, December 31, 2017 Net Assets, December 31, 2018 71443 $0 3714D ON 1X580 $0 $0 4422 $0 3714400 3810 $0 56680 $0 1905003870000 238 600 $ 0 2670 $0 21508D $0 Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended December 31, 2018 Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Cash Received from Contributors Cash Received as Investment Income Cash Paid to Employees Cash Pald for Operating Expenses 1.340800 I1200 288410 (865041 so ( 22914) TODO0D Net Cash Used for Operating Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Purchase of Furniture and Equipment Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Proceeds from Contributions Restricted for: Investment in Capital Assets Net Increase(Decrease) in Cash Cash, December 31, 2017 Cash, December 31, 2018 38100 (1814) 163314 $056500 Reconciliation of Changes in Net Assets to Net Cash Used for Change in Net Assets $0 $64.80 Adjustments to Reconcile Changes in Net Assets to Net Cash Provided Depreciation 30000 Increase in Net Pledges Receivable LOOO) Increase in Inventory (1000) Decrease in Accounts Payable (108594) Net Cash Used for Operating Activities - $0 (229/4) Budget January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019 Budget 2019 Contributions-Without Donor Restrictions YTD Actual 2018 378820 38100 l 1200 30.000 Contributions-With Donor Restrictions--Programs 30000 Investment Income-Without Donor Restrictions Depreciation Expense Printing and Publishing Expense Rent and Utility Expense Salaries and Fringe Benefit Expense Supplies Expense Telephone and Postage Expense Utilities Expense Change in Net Assets 32000 388410 5940 4500 $0 55LLED