; Prepare a make or buy analysis ExceE HOME INSERT PAGE LAYOUT FDRMULAS DATA REWEW WEW o E: E! Paste v Alignment Number CDHditiDMI Format as CE\" Cells Editing 7 1" ' v v Formatting ' Table ' Styles ' Y Y ciiptnloaid- I'm Styia m: 2'3 1. Assumingthe company has no alternative use for the facilies now being used to produce the 21 9.9m easesssampEbe the follawinaans WEE- to datermins. iii}: Eosisids supplier's after.Ehasl.d.b.e..aEE.ntesi-. Per Unit Differemjal Cost Make _ Buy _ Cost of purchasing _ _ ill Direct Wisteria. IS- Direct labor _ _ Esriaiile mansfactyrins Overheasi Fixed manufacturing overhead, tracea bla Fixed manufacturing overhead, common Tatalsa-FE. _ Based an t.his.a.na.irisr.wsit.e.an .ifststamensm satermine KNEE-s? $991151 make. or. .bsw. the.som.imnsni-. Nansashaulsi .ihesampsnent ..'-'-}'-."E Fi-BE: '1 21 i". '1 Prepare a make or mud analysis - Excel PAGE LAYOUT FORMULAS DATA HE"II"II:"II'I.Ir ED WEI-D 7 _QA v a - Alignment Number- Conditional FDTMEI'EES CE\" Cells Editing _ v v Fonnatng' TabIE' Style-5' v v _An outsidesupplier has offered\"E to Sell one of those components to Agar\" n_I_:o. To eueluatethis offemr, the following _ information has been gathered relarg to the cost of producing the component interna lIIf: __ _I_!_i_ _!.I _ _mrectmaIl !__:L0.9__I _D_irect labor I l . 6.0:) l Fixed manufacturing overhead traceable* I 'FIJtEtII manufacturingoverhead, common buta_liIocaI3ed . Supplier ric_e .-_.L.!.'][I_.l.'__59d Per IBHLI *Fixed manufacturinglovierhead traceabIe_ i_co_m_ppsed oftwgiternn: IllEHETMHEEHIll __ __- . 1. A13.5I_.I_min_g__ the company has no altemaijve use for the facilities noIIIIr being used to prod_ ucet_he_ _co_ponent, complete the followng a naIVS'E to determine if the outside supplier' 5 offer Should be accepted. '- l l l PerUnitDifferenalCost l llumunirs