Prepared by: Dr Ahmad Kamal Hassan \& Prof. Dr. Nisar Ahmed Scrnario: Data transfer using wireless means are integeral componcut of our daily activities. For sach, mustly Bluctooth or Wi-Fi technologies are used. However, another technology, i.e. Light-Fideliry (Li-Fi) is another limised range conamunication technology which is dependent on the ambient legha, and it utilizes the light spectrum to transfer data packets. Furthermore, easily assesible rescurces rach as PCsl.aptops and hand-phones ean be ased to develop wotking prodotype of a Li-fi system. The design of such sysiem whould have several sub-problems and it is therefore it is tequirod that the analysis shall be performed on transcivers which enable the Li-Fi techoology. The scenario and the requirements in the cermplex enginscring problem is eutlined in Figure 1. Figure 1 : A sechano for the construct of Li-fi Transeciver design. Problem.Statement: "Design and Developmeat of Li-Fi Transccive Stxtcm arsing Computer and Mahile Phonex." In a group of maximum four stadents, you are required to type a text messye which shall inclade initials of students' names, convent the text data to binary foem by using appropriate ADC. Develop a mechanism of transferring these bits into encoded ligha through PC at Laptop Screens. Use Ambient Light sensor in smart phones and record out the lux reading by any soffware eg. Phiypox Lab. Develop a mechanism to export the raw lux data from the cell phone. Devclop a iransdocer to convert lux reading to binary bits, Employ a relevant DAC so convent the binary bits to fect form again. Table 1 eutlines the CEP attributes. Major Task: - Lilerature review of relevant techaiques in your esperimsui - Devign and implemenesion of algorituma. - Use or sendraction ef litearies and tootheses in yeur desigu. - Diglay encoded nocsage asing MCI Laptep Sorecn. - Liepon of raw dua fiom crilphotes. Fuarterl 19tcuenc: Staderes ase capocked to + Vodessand and explain the stages in Li-Fi sysiem. - Uederiand the ave of nodern fools fir duta acyaisition and sigral peccecoing. - Perform anabsis of the system designed in L.hi. + Wriec a report asing an IEEF template. All the refertncts ahcula be in IFEE furmat. The report should be 4.5 pagos in leryith indading the fuferences poge. The ascumeat will be bused in live demieatratiet, cude, and repert acpoeding is the rubrice Aheres in Table 2