Preparing a Cash Budget with Supporting Schedules using Excel's Multi-Tab Cell Referencing and Basic Math Functions SsP Enterprises has provided data from the first thee months of the yeat. The Controller has asked you to prepare the Cash Budget and the related Schedules for Expected cash collections and Payments to suppliers. Use the information inciuded in the Excel Simulation and the Excel functions described below to complete the task. - Cell Referencec Allows you to refer to data from another ceil in the worksineet. Fiom the Excel Simulation below, if in a blank cell on the Bucget Data tab, - 85- was entered, the formula would output the result from cell 85 , or 1,600 in this example. - Multi-Tob Cell Reference: Allows you to refer to data from another cell in a seporate tab in the worksheet When using the mult-tab cell. reference, type the equal sign first, then cick on the other tab and then cick on the cell you want to reference. The syntax of a mult-tab cell reference looks different than a normal cell reference, since it inclucles the tab name surounded by apostrophes and also an exciamation point before the cell location. From the Excel Simulaton below, if in a blank cell on the Schedules and Cash Budget tab " = 'Budget Data'c7 was entered, the formula would output the resuit trom cell C7 in the Budget Data tab, or 33750 in this example - Bocke Moth functions: Aliows you to use the basic math symbois to perform mathematical functions. You can use the following keys: + (plus sign to add), - (minus sign to subtract, "(asterisk sign to multiphy, and / (iforward slash to divide). From the Excel Simulation beiow, if in a Dlank cell on the Budget Data tab, - =15+116was entered, the formula would ada the values from those cells and output the result, or 34,000 in this example If using the other math symbois the resul would output an appropiate answer for its function. - SuM function; Aliows you to refer to mutiple cells and adds all the values you can add individual cell references or ranges to utilize this function. From the Excel Simulation below, if in a blank cell "SUM(B10,B11,B12) was entered, the formula would output the result of adding those three separate cells, or 9786 in inis example. Simlaily, if in a blank cea -SuM810.812) was entered, the formula would output the same resuit of adding those cells, except they are expressed as a range in the formula, and the result would be 9796 in this example []] ]=c. W] =+= Cash Budget with Supporting Cash Collections and Disbursements Schedules - Excel