Presidio, Inc, produces one model of mountain bike. Partis intormaton for the company follows: Reaulred: 1. Complete Presidie's cost daea table. 2. Calculate Presidio's certribution margh eatio and its teeas contribuson magin at each soles keet indicaled in the cost dot table assuming the company sefts each blke far $630 3. Calculate net operating income (lass) at each of the sales leve's assuming a seles price of $630. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Required: 1. Complete Presidio's cost data table. 2. Calculate Presidlo's contribution margin ratio and its total contribution margin at each sales level indicated in the cost data table assuming the compary sells each bike for $630. 3. Calculate net operating income (loss) at each of the sales levels assuming a sales price of $630. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Calculate Presidio's contribsion margin ratio and its totat contribution margin at each soies level indicated in the cost dato table assuming the company sells each bike for $630. (Riound your Contribution Margin fatio percentage answers fo 7 decimal places (1.e. 1234 should be entered as 12.34\%..) Required: 1. Complete. Presidio's cost data table; 2. Calculate Presidio's contribution margin ratio and its total contribution margin at each sales level indicated in the cost data table assuming the company sells each bike for $630. 3. Calculate net operating income (loss) at each of the sales levels assuming a sales price of $630. Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Calculate net operating income (loss) at each of the sales levels assuming a sales price of $630. (Round your anwers to the noarest whole dollar amount.) Presido, the peoduces one modet of mountain bse. Parsal information for the company follows: Required: 1. Complete Prosid o's cost data table. 2. CViculate Presidio's cortribution magin ratio and its toes contribution maigin at eoch sous level indicated in the cost data table assuming the company selis each bike for $630. 3. Calculate net operating incorte fosst at each of the sales lenets assuming a soles price of 4630 Complete this cuestian by hering your ansaers in the tabs below. Presidio, they produces one model of mountain biep. Partsi thiomation for the campary folows: Required: 1. Complese Presiolo's cost data table. table assuming the company sells each biwe for 3630 . 3. Calculate net operating incotse (orit) at each of the swies levels assuming a sales prico of 5630. Ceeplete this question by entering vese anwwers in the tabs below. Presidio, Inc, produces one medel of mountain bike. Partial information for the company folows: Required: 1. Complete Presidio's cost data table. 2. Calculate Presidio's contribution margin fatio and its total contribution margin at each sales level ind cased in the cost data table assuming the compary sells each bike for $630. 3. Calculate net operating income tossy at each of the sales leveis atsuming a sales price of 5630 Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Cafcutate net coperating income (iost) at qach of the spies ievis assumen a saes price of 1630 (Hotrd bisk aiskifs in to nearne whole doliar amount