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Previous Class public class Card { //Define the enumerated class Color, Shape, and Fill //to get the card's fear=tures. public enum Color { RED ,

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Previous Class

public class Card


//Define the enumerated class Color, Shape, and Fill

//to get the card's fear=tures.

public enum Color {RED, PURPLE, GREEN};

public enum Shape {OVAL, SQUARE, DIAMOND};

public enum Fill {SOLID, HATCHED, OUTLINE};

//Declare the required member variables.

private int rank_Of_Card;

private Color card_color;

private Shape card_shape;

private Fill fill_card;

//Define the constructor of the class.

public Card(int cardRank, Color col, Shape sh, Fill



this.rank_Of_Card = cardRank;

this.card_color = col;

this.card_shape = sh;

this.fill_card = fil;


//Define the method toString() to reperesent a card

//on the board.

public String toString()


return rank_Of_Card + "_" + card_color + "_" +

card_shape + "_" + fill_card;


//Define the method checkSet().

public static boolean checkSet(Card card_one, Card

card_two, Card card_three)


//Initialize the required variables.

boolean rank_status = false;

boolean color_status = false;

boolean shape_status = false;

boolean fill_status = false;

//If rank of each card is same, then set the

//rank status true.

if(card_one.rank_Of_Card == card_two.

rank_Of_Card && card_one.rank_Of_Card ==


rank_status = true;

//If rank of each card is different, then set

//the rank status true.

else if(card_one.rank_Of_Card != card_two.

rank_Of_Card && card_two.rank_Of_Card !=

card_three.rank_Of_Card && card_one.

rank_Of_Card != card_three.rank_Of_Card)

rank_status = true;

//If fill of each card is same, then set

//the fill status true.

if(card_one.fill_card == card_two.fill_card

&& card_one.fill_card == card_three.


fill_status = true;

//If fill of each card is different, then set

//the fill status true.

else if(card_one.fill_card != card_two.

fill_card && card_two.fill_card !=

card_three.fill_card && card_one.fill_card

!= card_three.fill_card)

fill_status = true;

//If shape of each card is same, then set

//the shape status true.

if(card_one.card_shape == card_two.

card_shape && card_one.card_shape ==


shape_status = true;

//If shape of each card is different, then set

//the shape status true.

else if(card_one.card_shape != card_two.

card_shape && card_two.card_shape !=

card_three.card_shape && card_one.card_shape

!= card_three.card_shape)

shape_status = true;

//If color of each card is same, then set

//the color status true.

if(card_one.card_color == card_two.

card_color && card_one.card_color ==


color_status = true;

//If color of each card is different, then set

//the color status true.

else if(card_one.card_color != card_two.

card_color && card_two.card_color !=

card_three.card_color && card_one.card_color

!= card_three.card_color)

color_status = true;

//Get the result of AND of each status.

boolean isCardSet = rank_status && color_status

&& fill_status && shape_status;

//Return the result.

return isCardSet;




//Import the required packages.

import java.util.ArrayList;

//Define the class Deck.

public class Deck


//Declare the object of the array list of Card


private ArrayList card_obj;

public Deck()


//Initialize the color, fill and shape of the


Card.Color[] card_colors = Card.Color.values();

Card.Fill[] fill_cards = Card.Fill.values();

Card.Shape[] card_shapes = Card.Shape.values();

//Create an object of array list of card objects.

card_obj = new ArrayList();

//Start the four for loops till the length of

//color, shape, fill arrays and 3 ranks.

for(int rank_num = 1; rank_num


for(int col = 0; col


for(int sh = 0; sh

card_shapes.length; sh++)

for(int fil = 0; fil

length; fil++)

//Initialize the object of

//the card with required

//values and add it into the

//array list.








//Define the method shuffle().

public void shuffle()


//Start the for loop till the size of the array

//list of card objects.

for(int i = 0; i


//Swap the current card with a random card

//in the deck of cards.

int random_index =(int) (Math.random() *


Card temp_card = card_obj.get(i);

card_obj.set(i, card_obj.get(random_index));

card_obj.set(random_index, temp_card);



//Define the method isEmpty().

public boolean isEmpty()


//Return the result of the condition if the

//size of the deck of the cards is 0.

return card_obj.size() == 0;


//Define the method getTopCard().

public Card getTopCard()


//If the deck of cards is not empty.


//Remove the first card from the array

//list and return that card.

return card_obj.remove(0);

//Otherwise, return nothing.


return null;


//Define the method toString().

public String toString()


//Declare a string variable to store the

//resulted string.

String res = "";

//Start a for each loopto access the

//items of the array list.

for(Card card: card_obj)

res += card + " ";

//Return the resultant string.

return res;




//Define the class BoardSquare,

public class BoardSquare


//Declare the required member variales.

private Card card;

private int row_pos, col_pos;

boolean isSetSelect;

//Define the constructor of the class.

public BoardSquare(Card card, int rpos, int cpos)


//Initialize the required variables.

this.card = card;

this.row_pos = rpos;

this.col_pos = cpos;

this.isSetSelect = false;


//Define the method getCard() to return the card.

public Card getCard()


return card;


//Define the method setCard() to set the card value.

public void setCard(Card card)


this.card = card;


//Define the method getRowValue() to return the row


public int getRowValue()


return row_pos;


//Define the method setRowValue() to set the row


public void setRowValue(int row)


this.row_pos = row;


//Define the method getColValue() to return the

//coloumn position.

public int getColValue()


return col_pos;


//Define the method setColValue() to set the

//coloumn position.

public void setColValue(int col)


this.col_pos = col;


//Define the method getSelect() to return the

//result of whether the set is selected or not.

public boolean getSelect()


return isSetSelect;


//Define the method setSelect() to set the

//result of whether the set is selected or not.

public void setSelected(boolean select)


this.isSetSelect = select;




//Import the required package.

import java.util.ArrayList;

//Define the class Board.

public class Board


//Declare the array list of array list of board


private ArrayList>


//Define the constructor of the class.

public Board(Deck deck)


//Create an object of the array list of array

//list of board square.

board = new ArrayList


//Start the for loop till the number of rows

//in the board.

for(int row_index = 0; row_index



//Add the array list of the board square


board.add(new ArrayList


//Start the for loop till the number of

//columns of the board.

for(int col_index = 0; col_index



//Add the array list of the board

//square objects with required top card

//at required row and column position.



row_index, col_index));




//Define the method replaceCard().

public void replaceCard(Card rep_card, int row,

int col)


//Call the method getBoardSquare().

getSquareBoard(row, col).setCard(rep_card);


//Define the method getSquareBoard().

public BoardSquare getSquareBoard(int row, int



//Return the card at the required row and

//column position.

return board.get(row).get(col);


//Define the method add3().

public void add3(Deck deck)


//Get the required column position.

int col_index = board.get(0).size() - 1;

//Start the for loop till the number

//of rows.

for(int row_index = 0; row_index



//Add the required card at required




row_index, col_index));



//Define the method getCard().

public Card getCard(int row, int col)


//Return the cards at required position.

return getSquareBoard(row, col).getCard();


//Define the method numRows().

public int numRows()


//Retirn the size of the board.

return board.size();


//Define the numCols().

public int numCols()


//Return the size of the first item of

//the arraylist board.

return board.get(0).size();


//Define the method toString().

public String toString()


//Get the required number of rows and


int num_rows = numRows();

int num_cols = numCols();

//Declare a resultant string.

String res = "";

//Start the for loops till number of

//rows and columns.

for(int rpos = 0; rpos



for(int cpos = 0; cpos



//Append the required card to

//the resultant string.

res += getCard(rpos, cpos).

toString() + "\t";


//Append " " to the resultant string.

res += " ";


//Return the resultant string.

return res;




//Define the class Test to test the board.

public class test


//Start the main() method.

public static void main(String[] args)


//Create an object of the class Deck.

Deck d = new Deck();

//Call shuffle() method.


//Create an object of the Board class and pass

//the deck class object.

Board b = new Board(d);

//Display the board.


//Display the card of the board at 0,0.

System.out.println(" " + b.getCard(0, 0)

+ " ");


//If the set of the card is set,then display the

//message set.

if(Card.checkSet(b.getCard(0, 0), b.getCard(0,

1), b.getCard(0, 2)))


//Otherwise, display the message not set.


System.out.println("not a set");



Using the classes implemented in PartI, and the GameText class provided with this assignment, you will create a fully functional Game of Set with console I/O, Your Game class will implement all aspects of the game (but NOT user interface). Your Game class does NOT user input/output. Look carefully at the code in GameText class. This will determine the minimum public interface your Game class must provide. I have highlighted some areas of interest. Sample run 1 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 PURPLE DIAMOND OUTLINE 2 PURPLE DIAMOND SOLID 2 PURPLE SQUARE HATCHED 2 RED DIAMOND HATCHED 3 PURPLE DIAMOND HATCHED 3 RED SQUARE SOLID 1 RED OVAL HATCHED 2 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 2 GREEN OVAL OUTLINE 3 RED OVAL OUTLINE (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: s row col? 0 2 (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: 1 [1_GREEN DIAMOND SOLID] (s)elect, (u) nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: s row col12 (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: 1 [1 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID, 2 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID] (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e) nd: s row col? 11 not a set!1_GREEN_DIAMOND_SOLID2_GREENDIAMOND_SOLID3_RED_SQUARE_SOLID 2 PURPLE DIAMOND SOLII 2 PURPLE SQUARE HATCHED 2 RED DIAMOND HATCHED 3 PURPLE DIAMOND HATCHED 1 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 PURPLE DIAMOND OUTLINE 3 RED SQUARE SOLID 1 RED OVAL HATCHED 2 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 2 GREEN OVAL OUTLINE 3 RED OVAL OUTLINE (s)elect, (u) nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: 1 I] (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: s row col 0 2 (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: s row col? 1 2 (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e) nd: s row col 2 2 set 1 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 2 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 2 PURPLE DIAMOND SOLID 2 PURPLE SQUARE HATCHED 2 RED DIAMOND HATCHED 3 PURPLE DIAMOND HATCHED 1 PURPLE OVAL HATCHED 3 PURPLE DIAMOND OUTLINE 1 GREEN DIAMOND OUTLINE 3_GREEN_SQUARE_HATCHED 2 GREEN OVAL OUTLINE 3 RED SQUARE SOLID 1 RED OVAL HATCHED 3 RED OVAL OUTLINE (s)elect, (u) nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: e Using the classes implemented in PartI, and the GameText class provided with this assignment, you will create a fully functional Game of Set with console I/O, Your Game class will implement all aspects of the game (but NOT user interface). Your Game class does NOT user input/output. Look carefully at the code in GameText class. This will determine the minimum public interface your Game class must provide. I have highlighted some areas of interest. Sample run 1 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 PURPLE DIAMOND OUTLINE 2 PURPLE DIAMOND SOLID 2 PURPLE SQUARE HATCHED 2 RED DIAMOND HATCHED 3 PURPLE DIAMOND HATCHED 3 RED SQUARE SOLID 1 RED OVAL HATCHED 2 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 2 GREEN OVAL OUTLINE 3 RED OVAL OUTLINE (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: s row col? 0 2 (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: 1 [1_GREEN DIAMOND SOLID] (s)elect, (u) nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: s row col12 (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: 1 [1 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID, 2 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID] (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e) nd: s row col? 11 not a set!1_GREEN_DIAMOND_SOLID2_GREENDIAMOND_SOLID3_RED_SQUARE_SOLID 2 PURPLE DIAMOND SOLII 2 PURPLE SQUARE HATCHED 2 RED DIAMOND HATCHED 3 PURPLE DIAMOND HATCHED 1 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 PURPLE DIAMOND OUTLINE 3 RED SQUARE SOLID 1 RED OVAL HATCHED 2 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 2 GREEN OVAL OUTLINE 3 RED OVAL OUTLINE (s)elect, (u) nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: 1 I] (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: s row col 0 2 (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: s row col? 1 2 (s)elect, (u)nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e) nd: s row col 2 2 set 1 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 2 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 3 GREEN DIAMOND SOLID 2 PURPLE DIAMOND SOLID 2 PURPLE SQUARE HATCHED 2 RED DIAMOND HATCHED 3 PURPLE DIAMOND HATCHED 1 PURPLE OVAL HATCHED 3 PURPLE DIAMOND OUTLINE 1 GREEN DIAMOND OUTLINE 3_GREEN_SQUARE_HATCHED 2 GREEN OVAL OUTLINE 3 RED SQUARE SOLID 1 RED OVAL HATCHED 3 RED OVAL OUTLINE (s)elect, (u) nselect, (a) dd3, (1)ist selected, (e)nd: e

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