Problem 2: (15 points)
Refer to the consolidated income statement and balance sheet of Wal-Mart in Appendix.
1.Compute net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) for fiscal year 2016 and 2017.Assume that combined federal and state statutory tax is 37% for both years.
2.Compute net operating assets (NOA) for 2017, 2016, and 2015.
3.Compute return on net operating assets (RNOA) for 2017 and 2016.
4.What is nonoperating return component of ROE for 2017 and 2016?
5.Comment on the difference between ROE and RNOA.What inference do you draw from this comparison?
\fWIl-Mart 5mm, Ine. Canludated BIIInee Sheet: U51! (5} S In Mlllinua Curl-Int Il-II'II'. Cash and 5515115 equivalenu Receivableguet lmrenterie: Prepaid exp-mm and other Tetal euIIent aaaets Property IJIIl aquipnenr. Preperryr and cquipment Lem aeemnulnted demciatiern Property and equipment, net Pruner\" 'IJIIIIEIIIJIIII lane and nancing uhliganna: Property under capital lease and nancing ebligatielns Lem aeemnulnted amurzalim Preperryr wide: capital lease and nancing ebligaticns, net Gucci-will Other 5.51mi: and deferred charges Total assets Current lllhlu: Ebert-term benewiuga Aeccunts payable Accrued Iialrililim Accrued incume taxes Long-term debt due wii'm ene year Capital lease and nancing cbligacns due within ene yea: Total emncnt liabilities [engienn dcbt [nag-term eanital lease and nancing chligalicna Denred incume taxes and ether Commitments and enni'iugeneien Equltjr: Ccmmun steak l|i3a|5ital in cncc55 efpuu' valuc Retained earnings. Accumulate-cl other eemprehenaiw lea: Total Walmart allarebuldeta' enqlu'tyr Nemcdccmablc ncneentrclling interest T9131 l'l'fl" Tetal liabilities and c4:[uii'_I,r 55551, 2512 55552 5555 45545 1541 52,555 125552 515521 152515 15552 {55551 5555 12552 5551 155525 1555 41555 25554 551 2555 555 55555 55515 5555 5544 555 2521 55554 1145525 22555 2552 55555 5155525 55551, 2515 55555 5554 44555 1541 55555 125555 555521 115521 1L556 1455\" 5545 15555 5551 155551 2555 55552 15552 521 2545 551 54515 55514 5515 2521 512 1555 55551 11L5551 55545 5555 55511 5155551 55L51, 2515 55555 5525 45541 2524 55525 122555 555151 114555 5555 {3,354} 2525 15552 5555 255555 1552 55515 15552 L051 4551 252 55555 45555 2555 55555 5525 2552 55522 {25555 51554 4545 55552 5255555