Problem 2. Manhattan Island Associates is a Supply Chain software company based in Atlanta. They offer computer training seminars on their software systems. In the seminars each student works at a personal computer, practicing the particular activity that the instructor is presenting. Manhattan island Associates is currently planning a two-day seminar on the use of Warehouse Management Systems. The projected fee for the seminar is $600 per student. The cost for the conference room, instructor compensation, lab assistants, and promotion is $9600. Manhattan Island Associates spends $120 for the print of materials for each student. The sales department is forecasting 24 students. A) Place the data in the appropriate data cells. B) Place the appropriate formulas given in column H to the appropriate place in column F. c) Using Excel, what size must the class be before a break-even point is obtained? Leave the break-even value in Cell C9. D) Using Excel, Create a scatter Chart possible outcomes to reflect a visualization and breakeven point of the analysis. Label your scatter chart "Break Even". Highlight the value of total students where the breakeven crossover occurs. D) Manhattan Island Associates has forecasted an enrollment of 24 students for the seminar. How much profit will be earned if their forecast is accurate? You do the work. Put monetary value in Cell C11. Total Revenoe=UnitRevenue 'MINisalesF oresast. ProductionQuantity Total F aed Cost = IF (ProducbonQuantity >0 FinedCost, (0) Total Variable Cost a MarginalCost'ProductionCuantity Proht ( oss )= TotalRevenue-(TotalFixedCost + TotarVatiabicCost ) Break-Even Point = FiredCostf(UnatRevenue-MarginalCost) - Blue cells are data cells. Make sure your cells are labelled appropriately. - Yellow cells are locations where your solve for the answer. - The Orange cells are Informational cells that provide you mathematical points of interest. - In column H are formulas that you will use in appropriate places to solve the model. - Where there are accounting values, use appropriate $. Problem 2. Manhattan Island Associates is a Supply Chain software company based in Atlanta. They offer computer training seminars on their software systems. In the seminars each student works at a personal computer, practicing the particular activity that the instructor is presenting. Manhattan island Associates is currently planning a two-day seminar on the use of Warehouse Management Systems. The projected fee for the seminar is $600 per student. The cost for the conference room, instructor compensation, lab assistants, and promotion is $9600. Manhattan Island Associates spends $120 for the print of materials for each student. The sales department is forecasting 24 students. A) Place the data in the appropriate data cells. B) Place the appropriate formulas given in column H to the appropriate place in column F. c) Using Excel, what size must the class be before a break-even point is obtained? Leave the break-even value in Cell C9. D) Using Excel, Create a scatter Chart possible outcomes to reflect a visualization and breakeven point of the analysis. Label your scatter chart "Break Even". Highlight the value of total students where the breakeven crossover occurs. D) Manhattan Island Associates has forecasted an enrollment of 24 students for the seminar. How much profit will be earned if their forecast is accurate? You do the work. Put monetary value in Cell C11. Total Revenoe=UnitRevenue 'MINisalesF oresast. ProductionQuantity Total F aed Cost = IF (ProducbonQuantity >0 FinedCost, (0) Total Variable Cost a MarginalCost'ProductionCuantity Proht ( oss )= TotalRevenue-(TotalFixedCost + TotarVatiabicCost ) Break-Even Point = FiredCostf(UnatRevenue-MarginalCost) - Blue cells are data cells. Make sure your cells are labelled appropriately. - Yellow cells are locations where your solve for the answer. - The Orange cells are Informational cells that provide you mathematical points of interest. - In column H are formulas that you will use in appropriate places to solve the model. - Where there are accounting values, use appropriate $