Problem - Functions of Financial Markets Fill in the gaps with the appropriate terms as you read the following text. SAVINGS are channeled to real investments through financial markets and (Click to select) . They also uansfer money from those who wish to (Cick to select) for the future to people who need money right now. The ability of people and corporations to manage their risk is a third function of financial markets. Individuals can diversify their risk actoss a wide number of equities using (Click to select) y such as the BlackRock Funds, and (Click to select) such as Vanguard S&P 500 or "IV. Other techniques for risk sharing exist in financial markets. A wheat farmer and a baker, for example, may utilize (Click to select) v to hedge their exposure to wheat prices. Investors can use financial markets and intermediaries to convert their investments into cash when they need it. The public company (Click to select) for example, are (Click to select) because they are exchanged in large numbers on the (Click to select) By supplying checking accounts and electronic transfers. (Click to select) are the primary suppliers of payment services. Financial markets, in the final reveal Information For example, a company's (Click to seloct) can look at existing (Click to select) rates to determine how much interest it will have to pay if it decides to issue debt. es Fill in the gaps with the appropriate terms savings are channeled to (Click to select) bse who wish to (C financial intermediaries s to manage their savings 9 (Click to select) real investments hniques for risk sha save to hedge their exp mutual funds ash when they nee ETFs commodity markets anged in large num shares t) vare the liquid (Click to select) stock market to issue debt. banks CFO bonds