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problem- I need help breaking down this specific program it's a banking code and I need to explain the below steps as mentioned in a

problem- I need help breaking down this specific program it's a banking code and I need to explain the below steps as mentioned in a 2 pg or so summary I just need help in the right direction please and thank you. link to original code is also provided as well as code below

1. Problem description (Should explain what you are trying to do and its importance)

2. Introduction (Should introduce your topic and applications, advantages / disadvantages)

3. Your analysis (Results)

4. Conclusion

Make sure to include and identify the OOP concepts in your project.

#include #include #include #include using namespace std; //*************************************************************** // CLASS USED IN PROJECT //****************************************************************  class account { int acno; char name[50]; int deposit; char type; public: void create_account(); //function to get data from user  void show_account() const; //function to show data on screen  void modify(); //function to add new data  void dep(int); //function to accept amount and add to balance amount  void draw(int); //function to accept amount and subtract from balance amount  void report() const; //function to show data in tabular format  int retacno() const; //function to return account number  int retdeposit() const; //function to return balance amount  char rettype() const; //function to return type of account }; //class ends here  void account::create_account() { cout<<" Enter The account No. :"; cin>>acno; cout<<" Enter The Name of The account Holder : "; cin.ignore(); cin.getline(name,50); cout<<" Enter Type of The account (C/S) : "; cin>>type; type=toupper(type); cout<<" Enter The Initial amount(>=500 for Saving and >=1000 for current ) : "; cin>>deposit; cout<<" Account Created.."; } void account::show_account() const { cout<<" Account No. : "<>type; type=toupper(type); cout<<" Modify Balance amount : "; cin>>deposit; } void account::dep(int x) { deposit+=x; } void account::draw(int x) { deposit-=x; } void account::report() const { cout< //*************************************************************** // function declaration //**************************************************************** void write_account(); //function to write record in binary file void display_sp(int); //function to display account details given by user void modify_account(int); //function to modify record of file void delete_account(int); //function to delete record of file void display_all(); //function to display all account details void deposit_withdraw(int, int); // function to desposit/withdraw amount for given account void intro(); //introductory screen function //*************************************************************** // THE MAIN FUNCTION OF PROGRAM //****************************************************************  int main() { char ch; int num; intro(); do { system("cls"); cout<<" \tMAIN MENU"; cout<<" \t01. NEW ACCOUNT"; cout<<" \t02. DEPOSIT AMOUNT"; cout<<" \t03. WITHDRAW AMOUNT"; cout<<" \t04. BALANCE ENQUIRY"; cout<<" \t05. ALL ACCOUNT HOLDER LIST"; cout<<" \t06. CLOSE AN ACCOUNT"; cout<<" \t07. MODIFY AN ACCOUNT"; cout<<" \t08. EXIT"; cout<<" \tSelect Your Option (1-8) "; cin>>ch; system("cls"); switch(ch) { case '1': write_account(); break; case '2': cout<<" \tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; deposit_withdraw(num, 1); break; case '3': cout<<" \tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; deposit_withdraw(num, 2); break; case '4': cout<<" \tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; display_sp(num); break; case '5': display_all(); break; case '6': cout<<" \tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; delete_account(num); break; case '7': cout<<" \tEnter The account No. : "; cin>>num; modify_account(num); break; case '8': cout<<" \tThanks for using bank managemnt system"; break; default :cout<<"\a"; } cin.ignore(); cin.get(); }while(ch!='8'); return 0; } //*************************************************************** // function to write in file //****************************************************************  void write_account() { account ac; ofstream outFile;"account.dat",ios::binary|ios::app); ac.create_account(); outFile.write(reinterpret_cast (&ac), sizeof(account)); outFile.close(); } //*************************************************************** // function to read specific record from file //****************************************************************  void display_sp(int n) { account ac; bool flag=false; ifstream inFile;"account.dat",ios::binary); if(!inFile) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } cout<<" BALANCE DETAILS "; while( (&ac), sizeof(account))) { if(ac.retacno()==n) { ac.show_account(); flag=true; } } inFile.close(); if(flag==false) cout<<" Account number does not exist"; } //*************************************************************** // function to modify record of file //****************************************************************  void modify_account(int n) { bool found=false; account ac; fstream File;"account.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); if(!File) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } while(!File.eof() && found==false) { (&ac), sizeof(account)); if(ac.retacno()==n) { ac.show_account(); cout<<" Enter The New Details of account"<(sizeof(account)); File.seekp(pos,ios::cur); File.write(reinterpret_cast (&ac), sizeof(account)); cout<<" \t Record Updated"; found=true; } } File.close(); if(found==false) cout<<" Record Not Found "; } //*************************************************************** // function to delete record of file //****************************************************************  void delete_account(int n) { account ac; ifstream inFile; ofstream outFile;"account.dat",ios::binary); if(!inFile) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; }"Temp.dat",ios::binary); inFile.seekg(0,ios::beg); while( (&ac), sizeof(account))) { if(ac.retacno()!=n) { outFile.write(reinterpret_cast (&ac), sizeof(account)); } } inFile.close(); outFile.close(); remove("account.dat"); rename("Temp.dat","account.dat"); cout<<" \tRecord Deleted .."; } //*************************************************************** // function to display all accounts deposit list //****************************************************************  void display_all() { account ac; ifstream inFile;"account.dat",ios::binary); if(!inFile) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } cout<<" \t\tACCOUNT HOLDER LIST "; cout<<"==================================================== "; cout<<"A/c no. NAME Type Balance "; cout<<"==================================================== "; while( (&ac), sizeof(account))) {; } inFile.close(); } //*************************************************************** // function to deposit and withdraw amounts //****************************************************************  void deposit_withdraw(int n, int option) { int amt; bool found=false; account ac; fstream File;"account.dat", ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); if(!File) { cout<<"File could not be open !! Press any Key..."; return; } while(!File.eof() && found==false) { (&ac), sizeof(account)); if(ac.retacno()==n) { ac.show_account(); if(option==1) { cout<<" \tTO DEPOSITE AMOUNT "; cout<<" Enter The amount to be deposited"; cin>>amt; ac.dep(amt); } if(option==2) { cout<<" \tTO WITHDRAW AMOUNT "; cout<<" Enter The amount to be withdraw"; cin>>amt; int bal=ac.retdeposit()-amt; if((bal<500 && ac.rettype()=='S') || (bal<1000 cout<<"insufficience balance"; else ac.draw(amt); } int pos =(-1)*static_cast(sizeof(ac)); File.seekp(pos,ios::cur); File.write(reinterpret_cast (&ac), sizeof(account)); cout<<" \t Record Updated"; found=true; } } File.close(); if(found==false) cout<<" Record Not Found "; } //*************************************************************** // INTRODUCTION FUNCTION //****************************************************************  void intro() { cout<<" \t BANK"; cout<<" \tMANAGEMENT"; cout<<" \t SYSTEM"; cout<<" MADE BY : your name"; cout<<" SCHOOL : your school name"; cin.get(); } 

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