Problem Set 1 The following is an electric rate tariff for larger industrial customers Meter Charge: $680/ billing period Energy Charge $0.05 for the first 100,000kwh $0.06 for the next 400,000kWh $0.075 for all remaining kwh $5.45 per kw demand charge per billing period. Peak demand charges are leveled on customers only during the peak demand period which is from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Weekdays (Monday thru Friday) A 20% energy charge fee is added to the total energy charges (energy only) if the power factor of the plant is below 0.85 It is suggested that you in: What are the customer's bill for the year if the power factor 2. Compare that result to the customers bills if the power factor for all months of the year is 80% 3. Find the customers load factor for the following months This customer now performs an energy audit and finds the savings in usage from a number of projects. Find the customer's savings in dollar per year for the following projects. Assume the customer has a PF 0.8 in all cases 6. This customer reduces power use by 10kW by installing more efficient exit signs. 7. The customer shuts down 50% of their parking lot lights from midnight to 6AM, reducing power usage during that period by 100kW. fyr. 8. The customer's business requires the operation of a 250kW heat treatment oven for 3 hours each weekday, and will be moving this operation from the first shift, during the day (which contributed to peak demand), to the third shift from 11PM to 7AM. Assume that the average month has 20 weekdays. For many customers, an added element is added to the bill, and that is a lower cost for power purchased at night. Here in Northern Illinois, large customers were, for decades on a rate of $0.022/kWh for all power used at night. Add this to the customer rates used previously. Assume that the average month has 20 weekdays. 9. Use the same situation used in Problem 8 but now include the effect of the nighttime power rates. Now how much will the customer save by moving the operation of the 250kW moving to the third shift. Include both the demand savings and the energy cost savings in you answer. Write you answers on these pages and turn them in along with any spreadsheets you have used