PROIECTED VIEW Be careful-files from the Internet can contain viruses. Unless you need to edit, it's safer to stay in Protected View Enable Editing F16x A for C B D E F G H I K M N Problem 3 8 4.4 80.8 Instructions 1. Use the "Create from Selection" option to create name ranges for each city in the table that includes the population of that city 2. Calculate the total population of Miami, New Orleans, and LA combined. 87.7 2 City Population Lat 3 Atlanta 472,522 4 Boston 673,184 5 Charlotte 842,051 6 Chicago 2,705,000 7 Cleveland 385,809 8 Dallas 1,318,000 9 Denver 682,545 10 Detroit 672,795 11 Houston 2,303,000 12 Indy 864,771 13 LA 3,976,000 14 Miami 453,579 15 Minneapolis 410,116 16 New Orleans 391,495 17 New York 8,538,000 18 Philadelphia 1,568,000 19 Phoenix 1,583,000 20 Salt Lake City 193,744 21 SD 1,407,000 22 Seattle 704,352 23 SE 846,816 Long 8 33. 42.3 35.2 41.8 41.5 32.8 39.8 42.4 29.8 39.8 34.1 96.8 104.9 83.1 95.4 86.1 118.4 80.2 25.8 93.3 89.9 30 40.7 40 33.5 40.8 32.8 41.6 37.8 73.9 75.1 112.1 111.9 117.1 122.4 122.6 Red City distances Sharedata Last5 Ready Type here to sea oli e H799 llyanna. Rosario001 8 = Excel_Chap2 Assignment_V3 (1) - Protected View Search - Page Layout Formulas Data Review View Help les from the Internet can contain viruses. Unless you need to edit, it's safer to stay in Protected View Enable Editing NO Pa RTS TU V W X Y Z AA AB Problem 4 City Instructions Using the Green table complete the following tasks: City 1 Lat/Long Degrees Radians Lat 25.8 0.45029 Long 80.2 1.39975 Lat 30 0.5236 Long 89.9 1.56905 Distance 659.92 City 2 1. Name the values for Lat and long for City 1 as "City1_Lat" & "Cityi_Long" 2. Name the values for Radians for City 1 as "City1 Radi" & "City1_Rad2" 3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for City2 replace references for City1 with City2) 4. In the Radians column, replace all Cell References with the appropriate Names created above. Citydistances Sharedata Last