Prompt Review the Disclosure notes in Chapter 3 and determine which items you think should be included and which items of disclosure can be omitted. Remember who looks at these notes and who they are intended to benefit. Fetained earnings and sometimes y components such as accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI). Financial Disclosures At the end of each fiscal year, companies with public securities are required to provide shareholders with an annual report. The annual report includes financial statements such as the balance sheet and additional disclosures which may include tems such as relating to business conditions, risk factors, legal proceedings, stock performance, and internal control procedures. Also disclosure notes explain data presented in financial statements themselves, or provide information not directly related to any specified in the statements. Some examples are Pensions Longform Debt Income Taxes Property Plan and Equipment Les Investments, Employee Benefes Pan. It must include a summary of significant accounting policies, descriptions of subsequent events and related to party transactions Specific Disclosure Notes summary of Significant Accounting Policies. It conveys valuable information about a company's choices from among various native accounting methods. Sutant Events Cours after a company fiscal year. end but before the financial statements are issued Examples of det og lycuries Business combination or the sale of a business Sale of assets Evert that sheds light on the outcome of a los contingency Noteworty Events and Transactions come transactions and events occur only occasionally but are potentially mportant to evaluating a company's facial statement in the Category are. Related-party transactions Transactions between the company and we areas of owners, Errors and fraud Misstatements that are unintentional rorononcional (raud Illegal acts-bestacks, el corbutions to political candidates and other violations of the law. The more frequent of these is related party transactions Management's Discussion and Analysis & Responsibilities provides management vows on significant events, trends and uncertaines pertaining to Operations, Liquidity and Capital resources Managements Responsibles Section as the responsibility of management for the company's annual report and control procedures Requires corporate executives to personally certify the financiaterments as per the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Compensation of Directors and Top Executives - SEC rement provide for dinclosures on compensation to rectors and executives. A proxy statement must be reported each year to shareholders sally along with the annual report statement is shareholders to the arvual moting to it board members and to vote ono o to vote by proxy. Includes compensation and sock cotion infomation for directors and to execu D Prompt Review the Disclosure notes in Chapter 3 and determine which items you think should be included and which items of disclosure can be omitted. Remember who looks at these notes and who they are intended to benefit. Fetained earnings and sometimes y components such as accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI). Financial Disclosures At the end of each fiscal year, companies with public securities are required to provide shareholders with an annual report. The annual report includes financial statements such as the balance sheet and additional disclosures which may include tems such as relating to business conditions, risk factors, legal proceedings, stock performance, and internal control procedures. Also disclosure notes explain data presented in financial statements themselves, or provide information not directly related to any specified in the statements. Some examples are Pensions Longform Debt Income Taxes Property Plan and Equipment Les Investments, Employee Benefes Pan. It must include a summary of significant accounting policies, descriptions of subsequent events and related to party transactions Specific Disclosure Notes summary of Significant Accounting Policies. It conveys valuable information about a company's choices from among various native accounting methods. Sutant Events Cours after a company fiscal year. end but before the financial statements are issued Examples of det og lycuries Business combination or the sale of a business Sale of assets Evert that sheds light on the outcome of a los contingency Noteworty Events and Transactions come transactions and events occur only occasionally but are potentially mportant to evaluating a company's facial statement in the Category are. Related-party transactions Transactions between the company and we areas of owners, Errors and fraud Misstatements that are unintentional rorononcional (raud Illegal acts-bestacks, el corbutions to political candidates and other violations of the law. The more frequent of these is related party transactions Management's Discussion and Analysis & Responsibilities provides management vows on significant events, trends and uncertaines pertaining to Operations, Liquidity and Capital resources Managements Responsibles Section as the responsibility of management for the company's annual report and control procedures Requires corporate executives to personally certify the financiaterments as per the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Compensation of Directors and Top Executives - SEC rement provide for dinclosures on compensation to rectors and executives. A proxy statement must be reported each year to shareholders sally along with the annual report statement is shareholders to the arvual moting to it board members and to vote ono o to vote by proxy. Includes compensation and sock cotion infomation for directors and to execu D