PRU-TEE T DE TAIL 5 Phase I, Data Collection and Preliminary Data Analysis You may collect your data from {almo st] any source[s]. The objective is to find a numerical response (dependent) variable that can be predicted from some number of other [independent] variables. [The independent variables may be categorical, binary, or numerical, but the response variable must be numerical.] These data do not have to come from the same source, but should be compatiole as data sets. Data should be cross-sectional {no time-series data]. The minimum requirement is El] observations with ten independent variables. [Beware the tautology: do not collect temperature and humidity to "predict" the heat inderl] Ensure that your data set will allow you to draw relevant conclusions about something that matters. The data may be from any field {preferably business-related] and should be collected so that you can establish relationships among your data to support some sort of a conclusion or recommendation. Apply descriptive statistics to your data set. This should include graphical depictions (histograms and scatter plots] as well as some basic calculated descriptive statistics. Since you will be building a multivariate model, the correlations between your independent variables should be included. You should, at this point, be able to make some preliminary observations about your data. These observations [and any others you come up with later] should make their way into your business report, but will generally appear in appendices unless you determine them to be critical to the decision you are recommending. This submission should be a word document [for the descriptive stats, graphics, and analysis] and an excel file [for the data only}