public class ComparableDemo ( public void initCobject arr3) // initialize each array element by instantializing Employee class arr[0]- new Employee("Abby", 3000, 1, nul1, f: arr[1] new Employee("John, 2000, 2, CEmployee)arr[0], 'm arr[2] new EmployeeC"Tim, 2008, 2, CEmployee)arr[0], 'm' ar[3neEployeeToy 100, 3, CEmployee arr), This method finds the largest object in the array arr. The largest object is determined on the basis of compareToO method in the Employee class. You have to call compareToO to determine which object is the largest public Object max(Object arra) t public static void main(String args) ComparableDemo demo new ComparableDemoO; // create one-dimensional array of 4 Java Object references. object arr new Object[4]; // populate the array with Employee objects demo.init(arr); //call maxO method to find the largest object in the array Object largest - demo.maxCarr) System.out.printlnC"The Largest object is:1n"+largest); //end of demo class public class ComparableDemo ( public void initCobject arr3) // initialize each array element by instantializing Employee class arr[0]- new Employee("Abby", 3000, 1, nul1, f: arr[1] new Employee("John, 2000, 2, CEmployee)arr[0], 'm arr[2] new EmployeeC"Tim, 2008, 2, CEmployee)arr[0], 'm' ar[3neEployeeToy 100, 3, CEmployee arr), This method finds the largest object in the array arr. The largest object is determined on the basis of compareToO method in the Employee class. You have to call compareToO to determine which object is the largest public Object max(Object arra) t public static void main(String args) ComparableDemo demo new ComparableDemoO; // create one-dimensional array of 4 Java Object references. object arr new Object[4]; // populate the array with Employee objects demo.init(arr); //call maxO method to find the largest object in the array Object largest - demo.maxCarr) System.out.printlnC"The Largest object is:1n"+largest); //end of demo class