Purpose. The purpose of activation, Eu, for the reaetion of acetome with iodine. Procedare: In this exp the rabe of reaction betwean iodles acetare at diff temps is being mecrured. a veaetion mixtue whth a reaction time of bleween 182 mins is solected trom last week's laboud the rute of reaction is remeasunel at rook terp. The vaiebauts: P(iodine, HCl l deionized vibew) are poured its a clean Erleurreyen flesk 8 mixed with acctore:) (Into 250mi extearmesw flosk add de simed amoub of ledice then add appropiabe wolnme of HCC then deionised unber) The color of reaction mixture will fode away as the lodine reacts with the acetone \& reaction time is debermined when color dis appeaus. The exp is repeated at diff temps using hot watre bath / ov/4/ cold waren bath and the refevenoe for determining the reaction time is the same reacted solen. make sure to avaph data when yore done. Amh Calculations - Calculate the initial concentrations (i.e., before the reaction begins) of acetone, hydrogen ion, and iodine present in the flask after these solutions have been diluted upon mixing. - Calculate the rate of reaction at each temperature by dividing the initial iodine concentration by the average time, in seconds, of the two runs. - Use the rate law for the iodination reaction that you determined last week to calculate the value of the rate constant at each temperature. - Calculate the quantities needed for a plot of In k versus 1/T as suggested in the table of results. Use Excel, or other graphing software, to determine the best linear fit for your data, and the value of the correlation coefficient, R2. When adding the trend line, do not set the intercept to zero. From the slope of the line calculate the value Ea. Make sure to report the slope to the correct number of significant figures