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Python open and read file Anyone help me understand the meathod onePDF in the class routs step by step, also can anyone help me write

Python open and read file

Anyone help me understand the meathod onePDF in the class routs step by step, also can anyone help me write a couples tests cases for the meathod

@bp.route('//onePDF') def onePDF(url): outfile = open("content/workmd/", "w") for filename in os.listdir('content/'): if filename.endswith(".md"): f = open('content/' + filename, 'r') outfile.write( outfile.write(' ') outfile.close() pypandoc.convert('content/workmd/', 'pdf', outputfile='content/createdpdfs/fullWiki.pdf', extra_args=['-V geometry:margin=1.5cm']) return send_file('../../content/createdpdfs/fullWiki.pdf')

Class routes:

""" Routes ~~~~~~ """ import os from flask import send_file import pypandoc as pypandoc from flask import Blueprint from flask import flash from flask import redirect from flask import render_template from flask import request from flask import url_for from flask_login import current_user from flask_login import login_required from flask_login import login_user from flask_login import logout_user

from wiki.core import Processor from wiki.web.forms import EditorForm from wiki.web.forms import LoginForm from wiki.web.forms import SearchForm from wiki.web.forms import URLForm from wiki.web import current_wiki from wiki.web import current_users from wiki.web.user import protect

bp = Blueprint('wiki', __name__)

@bp.route('/') @protect def home(): page = current_wiki.get('home') if page: return display('home') return render_template('home.html')

@bp.route('/index/') @protect def index(): pages = current_wiki.index() return render_template('index.html', pages=pages)

@bp.route('//') @protect def display(url): page = current_wiki.get_or_404(url) return render_template('page.html', page=page)

@bp.route('/create/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @protect def create(): form = URLForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): return redirect(url_for( 'wiki.edit', url=form.clean_url( return render_template('create.html', form=form)

@bp.route('/edit//', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @protect def edit(url): page = current_wiki.get(url) form = EditorForm(obj=page) if form.validate_on_submit(): if not page: page = current_wiki.get_bare(url) form.populate_obj(page) flash('"%s" was saved.' % page.title, 'success') return redirect(url_for('wiki.display', url=url)) return render_template('editor.html', form=form, page=page)

@bp.route('/preview/', methods=['POST']) @protect def preview(): data = {} processor = Processor(request.form['body']) data['html'], data['body'], data['meta'] = processor.process() return data['html']

@bp.route('/move//', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @protect def move(url): page = current_wiki.get_or_404(url) form = URLForm(obj=page) if form.validate_on_submit(): newurl = current_wiki.move(url, newurl) return redirect(url_for('wiki.display', url=newurl)) return render_template('move.html', form=form, page=page)

@bp.route('/delete//') @protect def delete(url): page = current_wiki.get_or_404(url) current_wiki.delete(url) flash('Page "%s" was deleted.' % page.title, 'success') return redirect(url_for('wiki.home'))

@bp.route('/tags/') @protect def tags(): tags = current_wiki.get_tags() return render_template('tags.html', tags=tags)

@bp.route('/tag//') @protect def tag(name): tagged = current_wiki.index_by_tag(name) return render_template('tag.html', pages=tagged, tag=name)

@bp.route('//onePDF') def onePDF(url): outfile = open("content/workmd/", "w") for filename in os.listdir('content/'): if filename.endswith(".md"): f = open('content/' + filename, 'r') outfile.write( outfile.write(' ') outfile.close() pypandoc.convert('content/workmd/', 'pdf', outputfile='content/createdpdfs/fullWiki.pdf', extra_args=['-V geometry:margin=1.5cm']) return send_file('../../content/createdpdfs/fullWiki.pdf')

@bp.route('//toodt/') def convertODT(url): pypandoc.convert('content/' + url + '.md', 'odt', outputfile='content/createdodts/' + url + '.odt', extra_args=['-V geometry:margin=1.5cm']) return send_file('../../content/createdodts/' + url + '.odt')

@bp.route('//topdf/') def convertPDF(url): pypandoc.convert('content/' + url + '.md', 'pdf', outputfile='content/createdpdfs/' + url + '.pdf', extra_args=['-V geometry:margin=1.5cm']) return send_file('../../content/createdpdfs/' + url + '.pdf')

@bp.route('/search/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @protect def search(): form = SearchForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): results =, return render_template('search.html', form=form, results=results, return render_template('search.html', form=form, search=None)

@bp.route('/user/login/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def user_login(): form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = current_users.get_user( login_user(user) user.set('authenticated', True) flash('Login successful.', 'success') return redirect(request.args.get("next") or url_for('wiki.index')) return render_template('login.html', form=form)

@bp.route('/user/logout/') @login_required def user_logout(): current_user.set('authenticated', False) logout_user() flash('Logout successful.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('wiki.index'))

@bp.route('/user/') def user_index(): pass

@bp.route('/user/create/') def user_create(): pass

@bp.route('/user//') def user_admin(user_id): pass

@bp.route('/user/delete//') def user_delete(user_id): pass

""" Error Handlers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ """

@bp.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(error): return render_template('404.html'), 404

Core class:

""" Wiki core ~~~~~~~~~ """ from collections import OrderedDict from io import open import os import re

from flask import abort from flask import url_for import markdown

def clean_url(url): """ Cleans the url and corrects various errors. Removes multiple spaces and all leading and trailing spaces. Changes spaces to underscores and makes all characters lowercase. Also takes care of Windows style folders use.

:param str url: the url to clean

:returns: the cleaned url :rtype: str """ url = re.sub('[ ]{2,}', ' ', url).strip() url = url.lower().replace(' ', '_') url = url.replace('\\\\', '/').replace('\\', '/') return url

def wikilink(text, url_formatter=None): """ Processes Wikilink syntax "[[Link]]" within the html body. This is intended to be run after content has been processed by markdown and is already HTML.

:param str text: the html to highlight wiki links in. :param function url_formatter: which URL formatter to use, will by default use the flask url formatter

Syntax: This accepts Wikilink syntax in the form of [[WikiLink]] or [[url/location|LinkName]]. Everything is referenced from the base location "/", therefore sub-pages need to use the [[page/subpage|Subpage]].

:returns: the processed html :rtype: str """ if url_formatter is None: url_formatter = url_for link_regex = re.compile( r"((?)\[\[([^<].+?) \s*([|] \s* (.+?) \s*)?]])", re.X | re.U ) for i in link_regex.findall(text): title = [i[-1] if i[-1] else i[1]][0] url = clean_url(i[1]) html_url = u"{1}".format( url_formatter('wiki.display', url=url), title ) text = re.sub(link_regex, html_url, text, count=1) return text

class Processor(object): """ The processor handles the processing of file content into metadata and markdown and takes care of the rendering.

It also offers some helper methods that can be used for various cases. """

preprocessors = [] postprocessors = [wikilink]

def __init__(self, text): """ Initialization of the processor.

:param str text: the text to process """ = markdown.Markdown([ 'codehilite', 'fenced_code', 'meta', 'tables' ]) self.input = text self.markdown = None self.meta_raw = None

self.pre = None self.html = None = None self.meta = None

def process_pre(self): """ Content preprocessor. """ current = self.input for processor in self.preprocessors: current = processor(current) self.pre = current

def process_markdown(self): """ Convert to HTML. """ self.html =

def split_raw(self): """ Split text into raw meta and content. """ self.meta_raw, self.markdown = self.pre.split(' ', 1)

def process_meta(self): """ Get metadata.

.. warning:: Can only be called after :meth:`html` was called. """ # the markdown meta plugin does not retain the order of the # entries, so we have to loop over the meta values a second # time to put them into a dictionary in the correct order self.meta = OrderedDict() for line in self.meta_raw.split(' '): key = line.split(':', 1)[0] # markdown metadata always returns a list of lines, we will # reverse that here self.meta[key.lower()] = \ ' '.join([key.lower()])

def process_post(self): """ Content postprocessor. """ current = self.html for processor in self.postprocessors: current = processor(current) = current

def process(self): """ Runs the full suite of processing on the given text, all pre and post processing, markdown rendering and meta data handling. """ self.process_pre() self.process_markdown() self.split_raw() self.process_meta() self.process_post()

return, self.markdown, self.meta

class Page(object): def __init__(self, path, url, new=False): self.path = path self.url = url self._meta = OrderedDict() if not new: self.load() self.render()

def __repr__(self): return u"".format(self.url, self.path)

def load(self): with open(self.path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: self.content =

def render(self): processor = Processor(self.content) self._html, self.body, self._meta = processor.process()

def save(self, update=True): folder = os.path.dirname(self.path) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) with open(self.path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for key, value in self._meta.items(): line = u'%s: %s ' % (key, value) f.write(line) f.write(u' ') f.write(self.body.replace(u' ', u' ')) if update: self.load() self.render()

@property def meta(self): return self._meta

def __getitem__(self, name): return self._meta[name]

def __setitem__(self, name, value): self._meta[name] = value

@property def html(self): return self._html

def __html__(self): return self.html

@property def title(self): try: return self['title'] except KeyError: return self.url

@title.setter def title(self, value): self['title'] = value

@property def tags(self): try: return self['tags'] except KeyError: return ""

@tags.setter def tags(self, value): self['tags'] = value

class Wiki(object): def __init__(self, root): self.root = root

def path(self, url): return os.path.join(self.root, url + '.md')

def exists(self, url): path = self.path(url) return os.path.exists(path)

def get(self, url): path = self.path(url) #path = os.path.join(self.root, url + '.md') if self.exists(url): return Page(path, url) return None

def get_or_404(self, url): page = self.get(url) if page: return page abort(404)

def get_bare(self, url): path = self.path(url) if self.exists(url): return False return Page(path, url, new=True)

def move(self, url, newurl): source = os.path.join(self.root, url) + '.md' target = os.path.join(self.root, newurl) + '.md' # normalize root path (just in case somebody defined it absolute, # having some '../' inside) to correctly compare it to the target root = os.path.normpath(self.root) # get root path longest common prefix with normalized target path common = os.path.commonprefix((root, os.path.normpath(target))) # common prefix length must be at least as root length is # otherwise there are probably some '..' links in target path leading # us outside defined root directory if len(common) < len(root): raise RuntimeError( 'Possible write attempt outside content directory: ' '%s' % newurl) # create folder if it does not exists yet folder = os.path.dirname(target) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) os.rename(source, target)

def delete(self, url): path = self.path(url) if not self.exists(url): return False os.remove(path) return True

def index(self): """ Builds up a list of all the available pages.

:returns: a list of all the wiki pages :rtype: list """ # make sure we always have the absolute path for fixing the # walk path pages = [] root = os.path.abspath(self.root) for cur_dir, _, files in os.walk(root): # get the url of the current directory cur_dir_url = cur_dir[len(root)+1:] for cur_file in files: path = os.path.join(cur_dir, cur_file) if cur_file.endswith('.md'): url = clean_url(os.path.join(cur_dir_url, cur_file[:-3])) page = Page(path, url) pages.append(page) return sorted(pages, key=lambda x: x.title.lower())

def index_by(self, key): """ Get an index based on the given key.

Will use the metadata value of the given key to group the existing pages.

:param str key: the attribute to group the index on.

:returns: Will return a dictionary where each entry holds a list of pages that share the given attribute. :rtype: dict """ pages = {} for page in self.index(): value = getattr(page, key) pre = pages.get(value, []) pages[value] = pre.append(page) return pages

def get_by_title(self, title): pages = self.index(attr='title') return pages.get(title)

def get_tags(self): pages = self.index() tags = {} for page in pages: pagetags = page.tags.split(',') for tag in pagetags: tag = tag.strip() if tag == '': continue elif tags.get(tag): tags[tag].append(page) else: tags[tag] = [page] return tags

def index_by_tag(self, tag): pages = self.index() tagged = [] for page in pages: if tag in page.tags: tagged.append(page) return sorted(tagged, key=lambda x: x.title.lower())

def delete_dup_tag(self, tag): pages = self.index() tagged = [] clean_tag = [] print("delete_dup_tag running")

for page in pages: if tag in page.tags: tagged.append(page) tag = sorted(tagged, key=lambda x: x.title.lower())

i=1 while i<= len(tag): if tag[i] != tag[i - 1]: clean_tag.append(page) return clean_tag

def search(self, term, ignore_case=True, attrs=['title', 'tags', 'body']): pages = self.index() regex = re.compile(term, re.IGNORECASE if ignore_case else 0) matched = [] for page in pages: for attr in attrs: if, attr)): matched.append(page) break return matched

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