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python please help I need help trying to convert this code into a GUI-based program. also, I need help with explaining why my menu isn't

python please help

I need help trying to convert this code into a GUI-based program.

also, I need help with explaining why my "menu" isn't working?

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class item: def __init__(self,name,wholesale,retail,no_of_times): self.wholesale=wholesale self.retail=retail self.no_of_times=no_of_times def __str__(self): return f"{} {self.wholesale} {self.retail} {self.no_of_times}"

'''function to print the menu to restaurant manager ''' def print_menu(menu): for index, i in enumerate(menu, start=1): print(f"{index}. {i}") '''function to print the menu to customer''' def customer_menu(menu): for index, i in enumerate(menu, start=1): print(f"{index}. {} {i.retail}") ''' Function to search for a item in menu with the given name''' def search(menu,name): for i in range(len(menu)): if menu[i].name==name.strip(): return i print(menu[i].name+" "+name) print("Item not present in menu") return -1 ''' Function to place order by the customer''' def place_order(menu): names=[] quantity=[] total=0 while 1: print("Enter choice") ch=int(input()) print("Enter Quantity") q=int(input()) menu[ch-1].no_of_times+=q total+=(menu[ch-1].retail*q) names.append(menu[ch-1].name) quantity.append(q) print("Do you want to place more order 1) yes 2) no") con=int(input()) if con==2: break ''' 5% tax on the total amount''' total += total*0.05 print("Add Tip") tip=int(input()) ''' Adding tip to the total ''' total+=tip ''' printing bill of the customer ''' print("\t\tBILL ") for name,q in zip(names,quantity): print(f"{name} {q}") print("Total Bill is "+str(total)) return menu ''' Function to remove item from the menu''' def removeItem(menu,name): index=search(menu,name) print(f"{menu[index].name} Deleted From menu") menu=menu[:index]+menu[index+1:] return menu ''' function to add item in the menu''' def addItem(menu): print("Enter name") name=input() print("Enter wholesale price") wholesale=int(input()) print("Enter retail price") retail= int(input()) print("Number of items") no_of_times=int(input()) menu.append(item(name,wholesale,retail,no_of_times)) ''' Function to print the update menu''' def update_menu(): print("Enter choice to update") print("1) Name") print("2) wholesale") print("3) Retail") print("4) No of Items") ''' Function to update item in the menu''' def updateitem(menu,name): index=search(menu,name) update_menu() ch=int(input()) if ch==1: print("Enter new name") name=input() menu[index].name=name elif ch==2: print("Enter new wholsale price") wholesale=int(input()) menu[index].wholesale=wholesale elif ch==3: print("Enter new retail price") retail=int(input()) menu[index].retail=retail elif ch==4: print("Enter new number of items") no=int(input()) menu[index].no_of_times=no return menu ''' Function to print the main menu''' def Menu(): print("*************MENU********") print("1 . Restaurant Manager") print("2 . Customer") ''' Function to print the restaurent manager display''' def restaurent_manager_menu(): print("Restaurant Manager Menu") print("1. Add Item") print("2. Delete Item") print("3. Update Item") print("4. Print Menu") ''' Function to write the updated menu in the file''' def write_to_file(menu): with open("menu", "w") as f: for i in menu: f.write(f"{},{i.wholesale},{i.retail},{i.no_of_times} ")

if __name__=="__main__": ''' array to store list of items ''' menu=[] ''' reading items from file into list''' with open("menu") as f:

for line in f.readlines(): arr=line.rstrip().split(',') menu.append(item(arr[0],int(arr[1]),int(arr[2]),int(arr[3]))) ''' While the user does not exit keep looping''' while 1: ''' display the main menu ''' Menu() ''' Enter choice ''' ch1=int(input()) ''' if choice is 1 print restaurent manager display''' if ch1==1: restaurent_manager_menu() ''' Enter choice ''' ch2=int(input()) if ch2==1: ''' add item in the menu''' addItem(menu) elif ch2==2: ''' if choice is 2 remove a item ''' print("Enter name of dish to remove ") name=input() menu=removeItem(menu,name) elif ch2==3: ''' if choice is 3 update the item''' print("Enter name of item to update") name=input() menu=updateitem(menu,name) elif ch2==4: ''' if choice is 4 print the menu''' print_menu(menu) else:

print("*****Customer's Menu******") print("1. View Menu") print("2. Place Order") ch=int(input())

if ch==1: '''Display customers menu''' customer_menu(menu) elif ch==2: ''' invoke place order menu ''' menu=place_order(menu)

print("1. To Continue 2.Exit") ch=int(input()) ''' if choice is 2 exit ''' if ch==2: break '''Store the updated menu into the file menu ''' write_to_file("menu",menu)

class item: def __init__(self,name, wholesale, retail,no_of_times): self wholesale=wholesale self retail-retail self.no_of_times=no_of_times def __str_(self): return f"{} {self wholesale} {self.retail} {self.no_of_times}" 'function to print the menu to restaurant manager def print_menu (menu): for index, i in enumerate(menu, start=1): print(f"{index}. {i}") "'function to print the menu to custo def customer_menu (menu): for index, i in enumerate (menu, start=1): print(f"{index}. {} {i.retail}") Function to search for a item in menu with the given names def search(menu, name): for i in range(len (menu): if menu[i].name==name.strip(): return i print (menu[i].name+" "+name print("Item not present in menu") return -1 " Function to place order by the customer" def place_order (menu): names=[] quantity=[] total=0 while 1: print("Enter choice") ch=int(input() print("Enter Quantity") q=int(input()) menu[ch-1].no_of_timestaq total+=(menu(ch-1].retail*q) names.append(menu[ch-1].name) quantity.append(a) print("Do you want to place more order 1) yes 2) no") con=int(input()) if con==2: break " 5% tax on the total amount total += total*0.05 print("Add Tip") tiprint(input()) ""' Adding tip to the total "" totalt=tip printing bill of the customer print("\t\tBILL ") for name,q in zip(names, quantity): print (f"{name} {q}") print("Total Bill is "+str(total)) return menu Function to remove item from the menu'" def removeItem(menu, name): index=search(menu, name) print(f"{menu[index].name} Deleted From menu") menu=menu[:index]+menu[index+1:] return menu function to add item in the menu def addItem(menu): print("Enter name") name=input() print("Enter wholesale price") wholesale int(input) print("Enter retail price") retail= int(input) print("Number of items") no_of_times=int(input() menu.append(item(name, wholesale, retail,no_of_times)) "" Function to print the update menu'' def update_menu(): print("Enter choice to update") print("1) Name") print("2) wholesale") print("3) Retail") print("4) No of Items") Function to update item in the menu'! def updateitem(menu, name): index=search (menu, name) update_menu) ch=int(input) if ch==1: print("Enter new name") name=input() menu[index].name=name elif ch=2: print("Enter new wholsale price") wholesale-int(input() menu[index].wholesale=wholesale elif ch=3: print("Enter new retail price") retail=int(input) menu[index].retail-retail elif ch=-4: print("Enter new number of items") norint(input) menu[index].no_of_times=no return menu Function to print the main menu def Menu(): print("*************MENU**** print("1 . Restaurant Manager") print("2. Customer") Function to print the restaurent manager display'' def restaurent_manager_menu(): print("Restaurant Manager Menu") print("1. Add Item") print("2. Delete Item") 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 print("3. Update Item") print("4. Print Menu") "" Function to write the updated menu in the file'' def write_to_file(menu): with open("menu", "W") as f: for i in menu: f.write("{}, {i.wholesale}, {i.retail},{i.no_of_times} ") if 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 name =="_main_": array to store list of items! menu=[] ""' reading items from file into list"'' with open("menu") as f: 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 1 2 3 4 5 for line in f.readlines(): arr=line.rstrip().split(',') menu.append(item(arr[0], int (arr[1]),int(arr[2]), int(arr[3]))) " While the user does not exit keep looping' while 1: "display the main menu Menu() "Enter choice "". chl=int(input()) "" if choice is 1 print restaurent manager display'' if ch1==1: restaurent_manager_menu() ""' Enter choice ch2=int(input) if ch2=-1: "" add item in the menu addItem(menu) elif ch2==2: if choice is 2 remove a item print("Enter name of dish to remove ") name=input() menu=removeItem(menu, name) elif ch2==3: ""' if choice is 3 update the item"" print("Enter name of item to update") name=input() menu=updateitem(menu, name) elif ch2=34: if choice is 4 print the menu''. print_menu (menu) else: 6 7 8 9 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 print("*****Customer's Menu******" print("1. View Menu") print("2. Place Order") ch=int(input) 2 1 2 3 4 if ch=-1: Display customers menu customer_menu (menu) elif ch=2: "" invoke place order menu menu=place_order (menu) 7 8 print("1. To Continue 2.Exit") ch=int(input() if choice is 2 exit !! if ch==2: break ''Store the updated menu into the file menu write_to_file("menu",menu) class item: def __init__(self,name, wholesale, retail,no_of_times): self wholesale=wholesale self retail-retail self.no_of_times=no_of_times def __str_(self): return f"{} {self wholesale} {self.retail} {self.no_of_times}" 'function to print the menu to restaurant manager def print_menu (menu): for index, i in enumerate(menu, start=1): print(f"{index}. {i}") "'function to print the menu to custo def customer_menu (menu): for index, i in enumerate (menu, start=1): print(f"{index}. {} {i.retail}") Function to search for a item in menu with the given names def search(menu, name): for i in range(len (menu): if menu[i].name==name.strip(): return i print (menu[i].name+" "+name print("Item not present in menu") return -1 " Function to place order by the customer" def place_order (menu): names=[] quantity=[] total=0 while 1: print("Enter choice") ch=int(input() print("Enter Quantity") q=int(input()) menu[ch-1].no_of_timestaq total+=(menu(ch-1].retail*q) names.append(menu[ch-1].name) quantity.append(a) print("Do you want to place more order 1) yes 2) no") con=int(input()) if con==2: break " 5% tax on the total amount total += total*0.05 print("Add Tip") tiprint(input()) ""' Adding tip to the total "" totalt=tip printing bill of the customer print("\t\tBILL ") for name,q in zip(names, quantity): print (f"{name} {q}") print("Total Bill is "+str(total)) return menu Function to remove item from the menu'" def removeItem(menu, name): index=search(menu, name) print(f"{menu[index].name} Deleted From menu") menu=menu[:index]+menu[index+1:] return menu function to add item in the menu def addItem(menu): print("Enter name") name=input() print("Enter wholesale price") wholesale int(input) print("Enter retail price") retail= int(input) print("Number of items") no_of_times=int(input() menu.append(item(name, wholesale, retail,no_of_times)) "" Function to print the update menu'' def update_menu(): print("Enter choice to update") print("1) Name") print("2) wholesale") print("3) Retail") print("4) No of Items") Function to update item in the menu'! def updateitem(menu, name): index=search (menu, name) update_menu) ch=int(input) if ch==1: print("Enter new name") name=input() menu[index].name=name elif ch=2: print("Enter new wholsale price") wholesale-int(input() menu[index].wholesale=wholesale elif ch=3: print("Enter new retail price") retail=int(input) menu[index].retail-retail elif ch=-4: print("Enter new number of items") norint(input) menu[index].no_of_times=no return menu Function to print the main menu def Menu(): print("*************MENU**** print("1 . Restaurant Manager") print("2. Customer") Function to print the restaurent manager display'' def restaurent_manager_menu(): print("Restaurant Manager Menu") print("1. Add Item") print("2. Delete Item") 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 print("3. Update Item") print("4. Print Menu") "" Function to write the updated menu in the file'' def write_to_file(menu): with open("menu", "W") as f: for i in menu: f.write("{}, {i.wholesale}, {i.retail},{i.no_of_times} ") if 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 name =="_main_": array to store list of items! menu=[] ""' reading items from file into list"'' with open("menu") as f: 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 1 2 3 4 5 for line in f.readlines(): arr=line.rstrip().split(',') menu.append(item(arr[0], int (arr[1]),int(arr[2]), int(arr[3]))) " While the user does not exit keep looping' while 1: "display the main menu Menu() "Enter choice "". chl=int(input()) "" if choice is 1 print restaurent manager display'' if ch1==1: restaurent_manager_menu() ""' Enter choice ch2=int(input) if ch2=-1: "" add item in the menu addItem(menu) elif ch2==2: if choice is 2 remove a item print("Enter name of dish to remove ") name=input() menu=removeItem(menu, name) elif ch2==3: ""' if choice is 3 update the item"" print("Enter name of item to update") name=input() menu=updateitem(menu, name) elif ch2=34: if choice is 4 print the menu''. print_menu (menu) else: 6 7 8 9 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 print("*****Customer's Menu******" print("1. View Menu") print("2. Place Order") ch=int(input) 2 1 2 3 4 if ch=-1: Display customers menu customer_menu (menu) elif ch=2: "" invoke place order menu menu=place_order (menu) 7 8 print("1. To Continue 2.Exit") ch=int(input() if choice is 2 exit !! if ch==2: break ''Store the updated menu into the file menu write_to_file("menu",menu)

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