Q. 1. As a case management social process worker Explain how you would involve your client in the decision making process. Highlight the rights, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders within the decision making process.
2. Reflect and write about the impact of values systems of worker, client and key stakeholder on outcomes in the Case Management process.
(1 point) The following function is called a Gaussian Function. Gaussian functions are used in statistics, image processing, signal processing, and in mathematics to solve heat and diffusion equations. - (x -b) 2 f(x) = ae 202 Find the first and second derivative of the given Gaussian function when a = 3, b = 1, and c = 3 f' ( x ) = -(x-1) ((2e)(-((x-1)^2)/(9))/(3)) f"(x) = -(12e)^(-((x-1)^2)/(9))(-2x^2+4:Question 5 This is a MATLAB exercise. This exercise is to produce a histogram of a set of random numbers, distributed according to a gaussian. You are to write a program (i.e an m-file) that asks the user for the mean and standard deviation of the Gaussian, and the number of points to generate. The output is a pdf file that shows the histogrammed data along with the Gaussian shape that corresponds to the input parameters. You'll need to recall that a Gaussian function is given by g(I) = e (2-2)2/202 ov27 where the mean is z, the standard deviation is o, and the normalization is Jog(r)dr = 1. You need to email two files for this assignment. One is the program, that is, the m-file. The other is the pdf file with the plot. In addition to MATLAB functions and commands encountered in the introduction today and in previous classes, you will need to make use of two other commands. One is the function rand (N.1) which returns an N-dimensional array of random numbers between zero and one. The other is the function erfinv(r) which returns a number distributed according to a Gaussian with mean zero and standard deviation 1/v2 for a random number 7 between minus one and one. Make your plot (as it appears in the pdf file) eight inches square. Plot the histogram as round, red points, and the superimposed Gaussian function as a thick blue line. Put a suitable label on the r-axis, but label the y-axis "Number of points per xxxx where xx.xx is the bin width. (Think about this! You will need to appreciate this point to plot an appropriately normalized Gaussian function.) Include a title that has in it the values of the generated mean and standard deviation. You are of course welcome to run your program with whatever parameters you want to use as input. Exercise your freedom to make your plot look "good." For example, use a range on the r-axis that fully covers the Gaussian, perhaps several standard deviations below and above the mean. Perhaps you'd like to adjust the font size of the axis labels or title. You might also try using the text command ( within the body of your program, of course) to add more information inside the plot frame, such as the actual mean and standard deviation ( from the functions average and std which you've already seen) of the points you generated.A gamma peak in an energy spectrum detected by a Ge detector can be fitted very well with a Gaussian fuchtion o e-0.25(E-661.7keV) where the energy E is in keV. The area (or total counts) under the peak is measured to be 100. What is the energy resolution (FWHM) of the detector in keV? And what are the peak centroid energy and its statistical uncertainty