Q The Athen be of 14.07,000 in verwendet wurd Aw the wonded December 31, a nadion, the formation is relevant 1. Gouday expenditure amounted to SR.SO,000 in the modified more on General governo 20000 GRO Anand had an average of 20 years 2. Tenied foron reported proceed from the sale of land in the amount of $450,000. The land watot $250.000 Pre und bertevlied der the amount of 30,000,000. It was outrated that would never collected, thu 400.000 would be good to w of year-end, and that $195,000 would be collected more than 60 days from your end. The City had recognized them prved der vi HOE aconding 4 $185,000 or property taxes had been deferred at the end of the previous year and was recognized under modified wool as revenue in the current your 5. The modified acou wtatement reflected debe service expenditures in the amount of $450,000 for Interest and $800,000 for principal. No adjustment was necessary for interest noon at year and & long term compensated absences flabilities increased $180,000 from the previous year. MacBook Air Ningur Prawom the change in and once reported above to the change in Not Position in the governmental column in the govern San Aces for he year and December 31, 2020 pay a Longorated annone Table Incred $100.000 from the previous Papa Prepare a conto from the change in fund balances reported above to the change in Not Position in the governmental column in the government Samant arAtties for the yeardar Dacanha 31, 2000, MacBook Air Q The Athen be of 14.07,000 in verwendet wurd Aw the wonded December 31, a nadion, the formation is relevant 1. Gouday expenditure amounted to SR.SO,000 in the modified more on General governo 20000 GRO Anand had an average of 20 years 2. Tenied foron reported proceed from the sale of land in the amount of $450,000. The land watot $250.000 Pre und bertevlied der the amount of 30,000,000. It was outrated that would never collected, thu 400.000 would be good to w of year-end, and that $195,000 would be collected more than 60 days from your end. The City had recognized them prved der vi HOE aconding 4 $185,000 or property taxes had been deferred at the end of the previous year and was recognized under modified wool as revenue in the current your 5. The modified acou wtatement reflected debe service expenditures in the amount of $450,000 for Interest and $800,000 for principal. No adjustment was necessary for interest noon at year and & long term compensated absences flabilities increased $180,000 from the previous year. MacBook Air Ningur Prawom the change in and once reported above to the change in Not Position in the governmental column in the govern San Aces for he year and December 31, 2020 pay a Longorated annone Table Incred $100.000 from the previous Papa Prepare a conto from the change in fund balances reported above to the change in Not Position in the governmental column in the government Samant arAtties for the yeardar Dacanha 31, 2000, MacBook Air