Q. Using the chart above, analyze why this stock has moderate risk (medium volatility).
Daily Returns (Last 90 Days) Best 5.0% Worst -4.6% Monthly Returns (Last 60 Months) Best Worst Standard Deviation Last 90 Days 1.96 Last 60 Months 11.27 Intra-Day Swing (Last 90 Days) 3.0% 11.2 % 35.1% Average -33.1% Largest Beta vs. FBM KLCI Positive Days Only Negative Days Only Beta vs. Group Positive Days Only Negative Days Only 0.52 Correlation vs. FBM KLCI 0.47 Last 90 Days 0.69 Last 60 Months 0.37 Correlation vs. Group 0.22 Last 90 Days 0.09 Last 60 Months 21% 24% 36% 59% PADINI HOLDINGS BERHAD (PADINI-KU) Retalers/Specialty Retailers/ Apparel Retailers RISK RISK NEUTRAL OUTLOOK: Moderate risk (medium volatility). 6 Risk Score Trend (4-Week Moving Avg) Positive Neutral Negative 2019-05 2020-05 2021-05 RISK INDICATORS Magnitude of Returns (25% weight Postive Neutral MESB Negative BONIA CRG TOMEI No Rating Peers PADINI BONIA MESB CRG 2022-05 TOMEI 3 Volatility (25% weight) alphaindicator DETAILED STOCK REPORT Report Date: 2022-May-24 Risk Score Averages Mid Market Cap 7.1 FBM KLCI Index 8.6 TY Trend Specialty Retailers Group: 6.0 Retailers Sector 5.9 PADIN MESS BONIA CRG TOME Daily Returns (Last 90 Days) Standard Deviation Last 90 Days Bost 5.0% Worst -4.6% Last 60 Months 11.27 Beta vs. FBM KLCI 1.96 Positive Days Only Negative Days Only Intra-Day Swing (Last 90 Days) Beta vs. Group 35.1% Average 3.0% Positive Days Only 11.2% Negative Days Only Monthly Returns (Last 60 Months) Best Worst -33.1% Largest HIGHLIGHTS RISK ANALYSIS -Padini Holdings Berhad currently has a Risk Rating of 6, which is significantly below the FTSE BURSA MALAYSIA COMPOSITE index average rating of 8.6. On days when the market is up, PADINI shares tend to lng the FTSE BURSA MALAYSIA COMPOSITE index. However, on Peers PADINI days when the market is down, the shares generally decrease less than the index BONIA CRG - In both short-term and long-term penods, PADINI has shown average correlation ( 0.2 and 0.4) with the FTSE BURSA MALAYSIA COMPOSITE index. Thus, this stock would provide only average levels of diversification to a portfolio similar to the broader market. MESB TOME! FBM KLCI - Over the last 90 days, PADINI shares have been more volatile than the overall market, as the stock's daily price fluctuations have exceeded that of 73% of FTSE BURSA MALAYSIA COMPOSITE Index Sims. Page 8 of 11 BURSAMKTPLC 2022 Ref All rights reserved 6M 3M IM -1W 887 7 7 S 3 4 4 3 5 5 NR 2 6 8 4 Beta (1-year) (25% weight) 10 6 CRG MESB TOMEI BONIA PADIN 52388 10 Current 5 29 Correlation (25% weight) 0.52 Correlation vs. FBM KLCI 0.47 Last 90 Days 0.69 Last 60 Months 0:37 Correlation vs. Group 0.22 Last 90 Days 0.09 Last 60 Months Last 30 Days Best Worst # #Largest Daily Daily Days Days Intra-Day Retum Retum Up Down Swing 29 27 5.0% 40% 12.5% 83% 31 25 11.6% 10.8% 15.6% 1% 10 4.8% 87% 20 12.6% 10.8% -10.0% 28 26 15.0% 2.6% 1.3% -20% 31 REFINITIV DATA IS JUST THE BEGINNING 100 000 8 SONA TOME! CRG MESS 1 21% 36% 59% Last 60 Months Best Worst Monthly Monthly Return Retu 35.1% -32.1% 55.4% 44.6% 69.2% -38.9% 66.7% 42.1% 97.7% 34.8% 7.1% -8.9% Daily Returns (Last 90 Days) Best 5.0% Worst -4.6% Monthly Returns (Last 60 Months) Best Worst Standard Deviation Last 90 Days 1.96 Last 60 Months 11.27 Intra-Day Swing (Last 90 Days) 3.0% 11.2 % 35.1% Average -33.1% Largest Beta vs. FBM KLCI Positive Days Only Negative Days Only Beta vs. Group Positive Days Only Negative Days Only 0.52 Correlation vs. FBM KLCI 0.47 Last 90 Days 0.69 Last 60 Months 0.37 Correlation vs. Group 0.22 Last 90 Days 0.09 Last 60 Months 21% 24% 36% 59% PADINI HOLDINGS BERHAD (PADINI-KU) Retalers/Specialty Retailers/ Apparel Retailers RISK RISK NEUTRAL OUTLOOK: Moderate risk (medium volatility). 6 Risk Score Trend (4-Week Moving Avg) Positive Neutral Negative 2019-05 2020-05 2021-05 RISK INDICATORS Magnitude of Returns (25% weight Postive Neutral MESB Negative BONIA CRG TOMEI No Rating Peers PADINI BONIA MESB CRG 2022-05 TOMEI 3 Volatility (25% weight) alphaindicator DETAILED STOCK REPORT Report Date: 2022-May-24 Risk Score Averages Mid Market Cap 7.1 FBM KLCI Index 8.6 TY Trend Specialty Retailers Group: 6.0 Retailers Sector 5.9 PADIN MESS BONIA CRG TOME Daily Returns (Last 90 Days) Standard Deviation Last 90 Days Bost 5.0% Worst -4.6% Last 60 Months 11.27 Beta vs. FBM KLCI 1.96 Positive Days Only Negative Days Only Intra-Day Swing (Last 90 Days) Beta vs. Group 35.1% Average 3.0% Positive Days Only 11.2% Negative Days Only Monthly Returns (Last 60 Months) Best Worst -33.1% Largest HIGHLIGHTS RISK ANALYSIS -Padini Holdings Berhad currently has a Risk Rating of 6, which is significantly below the FTSE BURSA MALAYSIA COMPOSITE index average rating of 8.6. On days when the market is up, PADINI shares tend to lng the FTSE BURSA MALAYSIA COMPOSITE index. However, on Peers PADINI days when the market is down, the shares generally decrease less than the index BONIA CRG - In both short-term and long-term penods, PADINI has shown average correlation ( 0.2 and 0.4) with the FTSE BURSA MALAYSIA COMPOSITE index. Thus, this stock would provide only average levels of diversification to a portfolio similar to the broader market. MESB TOME! FBM KLCI - Over the last 90 days, PADINI shares have been more volatile than the overall market, as the stock's daily price fluctuations have exceeded that of 73% of FTSE BURSA MALAYSIA COMPOSITE Index Sims. Page 8 of 11 BURSAMKTPLC 2022 Ref All rights reserved 6M 3M IM -1W 887 7 7 S 3 4 4 3 5 5 NR 2 6 8 4 Beta (1-year) (25% weight) 10 6 CRG MESB TOMEI BONIA PADIN 52388 10 Current 5 29 Correlation (25% weight) 0.52 Correlation vs. FBM KLCI 0.47 Last 90 Days 0.69 Last 60 Months 0:37 Correlation vs. Group 0.22 Last 90 Days 0.09 Last 60 Months Last 30 Days Best Worst # #Largest Daily Daily Days Days Intra-Day Retum Retum Up Down Swing 29 27 5.0% 40% 12.5% 83% 31 25 11.6% 10.8% 15.6% 1% 10 4.8% 87% 20 12.6% 10.8% -10.0% 28 26 15.0% 2.6% 1.3% -20% 31 REFINITIV DATA IS JUST THE BEGINNING 100 000 8 SONA TOME! CRG MESS 1 21% 36% 59% Last 60 Months Best Worst Monthly Monthly Return Retu 35.1% -32.1% 55.4% 44.6% 69.2% -38.9% 66.7% 42.1% 97.7% 34.8% 7.1% -8.9%