Question 1 2 points (Extra Credit) There are 4 Blanks Please indicate the answers with the preface letter A, for first one, B for second one. Cfor third, and D for the forth, or I will assume the awwers you give are in that order You are a dentist. During the course of the month of October you renovated and invested in your place of business with the addition of an office and furnishings throughout the place. That cost you a total of $32,000, all of which you had to pay GST on top of this amounted to AS Note, you are in jurisdiction that does NOT have its own sales tax. For instance the province or territory of B In the month of October, in this jurisdiction mentioned in B, you billed your clients a total of $47.000. This means you collected CS in GST You must thermit to CAA, the amount of $ For the toolbar, press ALT-F10 (PC) or ALT FN-F10 Mac). Awal 2 Question 1 2 points (Extra Credit) There are 4 Blanks Please indicate the answers with the preface letter A, for first one, B for second one. Cfor third, and D for the forth, or I will assume the awwers you give are in that order You are a dentist. During the course of the month of October you renovated and invested in your place of business with the addition of an office and furnishings throughout the place. That cost you a total of $32,000, all of which you had to pay GST on top of this amounted to AS Note, you are in jurisdiction that does NOT have its own sales tax. For instance the province or territory of B In the month of October, in this jurisdiction mentioned in B, you billed your clients a total of $47.000. This means you collected CS in GST You must thermit to CAA, the amount of $ For the toolbar, press ALT-F10 (PC) or ALT FN-F10 Mac). Awal 2