Question 1 points Case Study Read the case and answer the questions given below. In 1986. Ourroughs Corporation and Sperry Corporation combined to form Unisys. Today Unisys is one of the world's leading providers of professional information services and systems. One of its most popular hardware products is the Unisys ClearPath HMP NXAGOD Series Computers. The ClearPath HMP NX4600 allows the use of redundant hardware components in two physically independent system environments, provides advanced levels of system availability and offers the flexibility to use many types of computing resources. Today most financial institutions follow a customer oriented business approach. To achieve this successfully, however, they need support from their information systems suppliers. Unisys has developed its Customize philosophy to enable its clients to become more responsive to customers needs. Unisys works with its clients to assess how to re-organize their processes and systems to help them realize their strategic business objectives. Such concern led Zurich-based Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) to restructure its delivery channels. UBS launched the Marketing 2000 program to enable customers to conduct all basic banking transactions through kiosks (booths) located in public places and through home computers. UBS's full-service banking kiosks use Unisys ClearPath HMP NX4600 computers placed in shopping malls, parks, public plazas, and other central locations throughout the country. Customers can conduct transactions as simple as a quick withdrawal or as complicated as retirement planning and investment analysis. Like an ATM machine, the multimedia kiosks require a magnetic stripe card and an identification number for access, but the kiosks support much more complex transactions than typical ATMs. Answer the following given questions 92. (Unisys) How does Unisys help UBS meet customer needs? For the toolbar, press ALT F10 (PC) or ALTEN.F10 Mac B / VS Paragraph Arial 2 XO Q6 10pt !!! A T