Question 1-Results [Annotated SPSS t-test output tables, courtesy of UCLA] List descriptive statistics for your data. List the accompanying tables. Report descriptive statistics (means
Question 1-Results [Annotated SPSS t-test output tables, courtesy of UCLA]
List descriptive statistics for your data. List the accompanying tables. Report descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) and inferential statistics (t-test results) in APA format. Explain whether or not you rejected the null hypothesis and why. Calculate Cohen's d statistics as a measure of effect size and report that value ( Note for this section: Be sure to enter the correct values from your SPSS table into the Cohen's d calculator.
Question 2 Interpretation, 200 w o r d
Write a brief description of your results and what they mean about your research question. Was there a difference between the media you analyzed and what would that tell you about the main research question? Interpret effect size measurements. End with your final take-home message about what your study shows and comment on what you learned or have questions about based on this assignment.