Question #4 (55%): RGC energy discovered a new oilfield (Wilming) in California, USA in 2021 with the following average values for reservoir parameters: D=0.24 Area = 10,000 m2 Thickness = 15m So 0.55 Sg = 0.22 NGR=0.4 Kv/Kh-0.5 RGC came in to produce it using primary recovery for the next 15 years producing using primary recovery based on a concession type agreement from the holding company paying a 13.5% royalty. CAPEX spent included D&C and production facility totaled S750MM, This included drilling 24 horizontal wells at $9.8MM/Well. Make all necessary assumptions based on the above given data and use your sound judgment for assuming components of CAPEX, OPEX. Construct an E&P curve with all your findings. Explain the Format #1 and format #2 with illustrating the main differences. You have to show the columns and explain based on your own understanding? Would you recommend to proceed with this project? Following are Po: Po2022 Po2023 P.2024 Po2025 Po2026 $67/Bbl 571/BbI 579/Bbl $94/Bbl S107/Bb! Question #4 (55%): RGC energy discovered a new oilfield (Wilming) in California, USA in 2021 with the following average values for reservoir parameters: D=0.24 Area = 10,000 m2 Thickness = 15m So 0.55 Sg = 0.22 NGR=0.4 Kv/Kh-0.5 RGC came in to produce it using primary recovery for the next 15 years producing using primary recovery based on a concession type agreement from the holding company paying a 13.5% royalty. CAPEX spent included D&C and production facility totaled S750MM, This included drilling 24 horizontal wells at $9.8MM/Well. Make all necessary assumptions based on the above given data and use your sound judgment for assuming components of CAPEX, OPEX. Construct an E&P curve with all your findings. Explain the Format #1 and format #2 with illustrating the main differences. You have to show the columns and explain based on your own understanding? Would you recommend to proceed with this project? Following are Po: Po2022 Po2023 P.2024 Po2025 Po2026 $67/Bbl 571/BbI 579/Bbl $94/Bbl S107/Bb