QUESTION 42 2 points Save A (16 points) In this research scenario, a researcher is interested in how price (1 = less than 35$, 2 = 35$ and above) and income level (1 = Low, 2 = High) impact consumers' purchase intentions at Sephora? . RQ: How price and income level impact consumers' purchase decisions at Sephora? IV 1: price (2 levels: less than 35$, 35$ and above) IV 2: income level (2 levels: low, high) . DV: Purchase intentions . Purchase intentions is measured by the following scale How likely are you to buy products in Sephora in the future? Very unlikely Very likely 5 What is the factorial design in this research scenario?Please interpret the SPSS output of two-way ANOVA and answer the following questions Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Purchaseintentions@Sephora Type Ill Sum Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 25.350 8.450 9.941 .001 Intercept 186.050 186.050 218.882 .000 Price 8.450 8.450 9.941 .006 Income 8.450 8.450 9.941 .006 Price * Income 8.450 1 8.450 9.941 .006 Error 13.600 16 .850 Total 225.000 20 Corrected Total 38.950 19 a. R Squared = .651 (Adjusted R Squared = .585) (5) Is the main effect of price on consumers' purchase intentions at Sephora significant? And why?Please interpret the SPSS output of two-way ANOVA and answer the following questions Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Purchaseintentions@Sephora Type Ill Sum Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 25.350 w 8.450 9.941 001 Intercept 186.050 186.050 218.882 .000 Price 8.450 8.450 9.941 .006 Income 8.450 1 8.450 9.941 .006 Price * Income 8.450 8.450 9.941 .006 Error 13.600 16 .850 Total 225.000 20 Corrected Total 38.950 19 a. R Squared - .651 (Adjusted R Squared - .585) (6) Is the main effect of income level on consumers' purchase intentions at Sephora significant? And why?Please interpret the SPSS output of two-way ANOVA and answer the following questions Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Purchaseintentions@Sephora Type Ill Sum Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 25.350" W 8.450 9.941 .001 Intercept 186.050 186.050 218.882 000 Price 8.450 8.450 9.941 .006 Income 8.450 8.450 9.941 .006 Price * Income 8.450 1 8.450 9.941 006 Error 13.600 16 .850 Total 225.000 20 Corrected Total 38.950 19 a. R Squared - .651 (Adjusted R Squared - .585) (7) Is the interaction effect between price and income level on consumers' purchase intentions at Sephora significant? And why