Question 5: answer everything please
Complete: Chapter 10 Problem Set 5. Differentiating pooled variance and the estimated standard error of the difference in sample means To For the independent-measures t test, which of the following describes the pooled variance (whose symbol is *)? An estimate of the standard distance between the difference in sample means (M, - M,) OS and the difference in the corresponding population means (H, - H2) A weighted average of the two sample variances (weighted by the sample sizes) The variance across all the data values when both samples are pooled together The difference between the standard deviations of the two samples For the independent-measures t test, which of the following describes the estimated standard error of the difference in sample means (whose symbol is _ )? The difference between the standard deviations of the two samples A weighted average of the two sample variances (weighted by the sample sizes) o An estimate of the standard distance between the difference in sample means (M, - M,) and the difference in the corresponding population means (H, - H2) The variance across all the data values when both samples are pooled together In calculating , you typically first need to calculate is the value used in the denominator of the t statistic for the independent-measures t test. Suppose you conduct a study using an independent-measures research design, and you intend to use the independent-measures t test to test whether the means of the two independent populations are the same. The following is a table of the information you gather. Fill in any missing values. Sample Degrees of Sample Standard Size Freedom Mean Deviation Sums of Squares Sample n, = 41 M. = 14.3 S = 8.2 1 Sample n, = 21 M, = 13.6 SS, = 924.8 2 The pooled variance for your study Is . (Note: You are being asked for this value to three decimal places, because you will need to use it In succeeding calculations. For the most accurate results, retain these three decimal places throughout the calculations.) The estimated standard error of the difference in sample means for your study Is The t statistic for your independent-measures t test, when the null hypothesis is that the two population means are the same, is_ The degrees of freedom for this t statistic Is Save & Continue