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Question C# (Modifying the following changes) QUESTION: Modify the Library example for the following changes *Create a new Interface: interface IDigital { uint LengthInSeconds {

Question C# (Modifying the following changes)


Modify the Library example for the following changes

*Create a new Interface:

interface IDigital


uint LengthInSeconds { get; set; }

DigitalDisc.DiscType MediaType { get; set; }

// following method will return Hours, Minutes, Sec

// for the duration of digital media (lengthSeconds)

// e.g., 1:30:25

string getHMS();


*Implement IDigital interface with Music, Movie and AudioBook class:

Make other necessary changes in application to retain the functionality

Add lines in Main() method to check-out and check-in a Music item, Movie item and AudioBook item one each

From Main() method, print duration for each of Music item, Movie item and AudioBook item in HH:MM:SS format (no zero padding required)

*Create a new List as a private member of Item class:

Implement necessary methods to get/set an element publicly for this List

*Implement IComparable interface which compares based on year field of Item class:

*Implement ItemCollection class which implements IEnumerable interface:

Use Dictionary to list all Items accessible by year

Dictionary requires unique key. So have only one item per year for this example

Implement Indexer to access items by value of year

*At the end of Main() method:

Print all (unsorted) elements of List using Iterator

Sort elements of List based on year

Print all (sorted) elements of List using Iterator

Print all elements in dictionary collection using Indexer

*Add a method to read Items from a text file using Regex to parse the entries where each entry is in the following format per line:

Type: Book Year: 1991 Title: This is book 1 ISBN:1234567890 Pages: 500 Authors: Smith, John; Brown, Jack

And likewise for other media types also

Using above data, populate List and Dictionary

*Add a method to write the LibraryCatalog.txt file which dumps all entries in plain text format (as per above mentioned format)


CODE: Library Example:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

namespace Library


class Library


// Create Users

public Borrower user1 = new Borrower("user1", "1234");

public Borrower user2 = new Borrower("user2", "1111");

public Admin admin = new Admin("admin", "9999");

// Create Authors

public Author author1 = new Author("Smith", "John");

public Author author2 = new Author("Brown", "Jack");

// Add Books

public Book book1 = new Book(1234567890, 2005, 1000, "This is book 1");

public Book book2 = new Book(1122334455, 2006, 1500, "This is book 2");

// Add eBooks

public eBook ebook1 = new eBook(1234512345, 2005, 1000, "This is eBook 1", @"/eBook/book3");

public eBook ebook2 = new eBook(1212121212, 2006, 1500, "This is eBook 2", @"/eBook/book4");

// Add AudioBooks

public AudioBook audioBook1 = new AudioBook(2233445566, 2005, "This is audio book 1",

DigitalDisc.DiscType.DVD, 7200);

public AudioBook audioBook2 = new AudioBook(3344556677, 2005, "This is audio book 2",

DigitalDisc.DiscType.CD, 3600);

// Add Movies

public Movie movie1 = new Movie(2008, "This is movie 1", DigitalDisc.DiscType.BlueRay, 7200);

public Movie movie2 = new Movie(2007, "This is movie 2", DigitalDisc.DiscType.DVD, 8000);

// Add Music

public Music music1 = new Music(2001, "This is music 1", DigitalDisc.DiscType.CD, 3000);

public Music music2 = new Music(2002, "This is music 2", DigitalDisc.DiscType.DVD, 3500);

public Library()


// set the authors

book1.setAuthors(author1, author2);


ebook1.setAuthors(author2, author1, new Author("Miller", "Julie"));

ebook2.setAuthors(author1, author2);





namespace Library


class Item


protected string title;

protected ushort year;

private Author[] authors = new Author[500];

public string printAuthors




string s = String.Empty;

int i = 0;

while (authors[i] != null)


if (i > 0)


s += "; ";


s += authors[i].LastName + ", " + authors[i].FirstName;



return s;



public Item()


title = String.Empty;

year = 0;

authors[0] = new Author();


public Item(string t, ushort y)


title = t;

year = y;


public void setAuthors(params Author[] a)


for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)


authors.SetValue(a[i], i);






namespace Library


class Author


private string lastName;

private string firstName;

public string LastName


get { return lastName; }

set { lastName = value; }


public string FirstName


get { return firstName; }

set { firstName = value; }


public Author()


lastName = String.Empty;

firstName = String.Empty;


public Author(string last, string first)


lastName = last;

firstName = first;





namespace Library


class User


private string uName;

public string UserName


get { return uName; }

set { uName = value; }


private string passwd;

public string Password


get { return passwd; }

set { passwd = value; }


private bool isAdmin = false;

protected bool IsAdmin


get { return isAdmin; }

set { isAdmin = value; }


public DateTime memberSince { get; set; }

public DateTime lastLogin { get; set; }

public User()


uName = String.Empty;

passwd = String.Empty;


public User(string un, string pass)


uName = un;

passwd = pass;





namespace Library


class Admin : User


public Admin()

: base()



public Admin(string un, string pass)

: base(un,pass)


IsAdmin = true;





namespace Library


class Program


static void Main(string[] args)


Console.WriteLine("Test Program for Library Application");


Library myLib = new Library();

// check-out one book


// try to check-out the same book by another user


// return the book


// hold a book


// try to check-out the same book by another user


// remove hold



// print authors








namespace Library


class Music : Item, Iloanable


private DigitalDisc.DiscType mediaType;

internal DigitalDisc.DiscType MediaType


get { return mediaType; }

set { mediaType = value; }


private uint lengthSeconds;

public uint LengthInSeconds


get { return lengthSeconds; }

set { lengthSeconds = value; }


public Music()

: base()


lengthSeconds = 0;

mediaType = DigitalDisc.DiscType.CD;


public Music(ushort myYear, string myTitle, DigitalDisc.DiscType disc, uint sec)

: base(myTitle, myYear)


mediaType = disc;

lengthSeconds = sec;


#region Iloanable Members

public User currentUser { get; set; }

public DateTime checkOutTime { get; set; }

public DateTime checkInTime { get; set; }

public bool isAvailable { get; set; }

public bool isOnHold { get; set; }

public void issue(User u)


if (isAvailable)


currentUser = u;

checkOutTime = DateTime.Now;

checkInTime = DateTime.MinValue;

isAvailable = false;

isOnHold = false;

Console.WriteLine(title + " is issued to " + currentUser.UserName + " at " + checkOutTime);




Console.WriteLine(title + " is not available to check-out");



public void returnIt()


if (!isAvailable)


checkInTime = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine(title + " is returned by " + currentUser.UserName + " at " + checkInTime);

currentUser = null;

isAvailable = true;

isOnHold = false;




Console.WriteLine("This item is not checked-out yet");



public void holdIt(User u)


if (isAvailable && !isOnHold)


currentUser = u;

isAvailable = true;

isOnHold = false;

checkOutTime = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine(title + " is on hold for " + currentUser.UserName + " at " + checkOutTime);




Console.WriteLine("This item can not be put on hold");



public void removeHolds()


if (!isAvailable && isOnHold)


currentUser = null;

isAvailable = true;

isOnHold = false;

checkOutTime = DateTime.MaxValue;

Console.WriteLine("Hold is removed");




Console.WriteLine("This item is not on hold");







namespace Library


class Movie : Item, Iloanable


private DigitalDisc.DiscType mediaType;

internal DigitalDisc.DiscType MediaType


get { return mediaType; }

set { mediaType = value; }


private uint lengthSeconds;

public uint LengthInSeconds


get { return lengthSeconds; }

set { lengthSeconds = value; }


public Movie()

: base()


lengthSeconds = 0;

mediaType = DigitalDisc.DiscType.CD;


public Movie(ushort myYear, string myTitle, DigitalDisc.DiscType disc, uint sec)

: base(myTitle,myYear)


mediaType = disc;

lengthSeconds = sec;


#region Iloanable Members

public User currentUser { get; set; }

public DateTime checkOutTime { get; set; }

public DateTime checkInTime { get; set; }

public bool isAvailable { get; set; }

public bool isOnHold { get; set; }

public void issue(User u)


if (isAvailable)


currentUser = u;

checkOutTime = DateTime.Now;

checkInTime = DateTime.MinValue;

isAvailable = false;

isOnHold = false;

Console.WriteLine(title + " is issued to " + currentUser.UserName + " at " + checkOutTime);




Console.WriteLine(title + " is not available to check-out");



public void returnIt()


if (!isAvailable)


checkInTime = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine(title + " is returned by " + currentUser.UserName + " at " + checkInTime);

currentUser = null;

isAvailable = true;

isOnHold = false;




Console.WriteLine("This item is not checked-out yet");



public void holdIt(User u)


if (isAvailable && !isOnHold)


currentUser = u;

isAvailable = true;

isOnHold = false;

checkOutTime = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine(title + " is on hold for " + currentUser.UserName + " at " + checkOutTime);




Console.WriteLine("This item can not be put on hold");



public void removeHolds()


if (!isAvailable && isOnHold)


currentUser = null;

isAvailable = true;

isOnHold = false;

checkOutTime = DateTime.MaxValue;

Console.WriteLine("Hold is removed");




Console.WriteLine("This item is not on hold");







namespace Library


interface Iloanable


User currentUser { get; set; }

DateTime checkOutTime { get; set; }

DateTime checkInTime { get; set; }

bool isAvailable { get; set; }

bool isOnHold { get; set; }

void issue(User u);

void returnIt();

void holdIt(User u);

void removeHolds();




namespace Library


class ReferenceBook : Item


private readonly uint isbn;

public uint ISBN


get { return isbn; }


private readonly uint pages;

public uint Pages


get { return pages; }


public ReferenceBook()

: base()


isbn = 0;

pages = 0;


public ReferenceBook(uint myISBN, ushort myYear, uint myPages, string myTitle)

: base(myTitle, myYear)


isbn = myISBN;

pages = myPages;





namespace Library


class eBook : Book


private string filePath = String.Empty;

public string FilePath


get { return filePath; }

set { filePath = value; }


public eBook()

: base()


filePath = String.Empty;


public eBook(uint myISBN, ushort myYear, uint myPages, string myTitle, string fileP)

: base(myISBN, myYear, myPages, myTitle)


filePath = fileP;





namespace Library


class DigitalDisc


public enum DiscType { CD, DVD, BlueRay }




namespace Library


class Borrower : User


public Borrower()

: base()


IsAdmin = false;


public Borrower(string un, string pass)

: base(un, pass)


IsAdmin = false;





namespace Library


class Book : Item, Iloanable


private readonly uint isbn;

public uint ISBN


get { return isbn; }


private readonly uint pages;

public uint Pages


get { return pages; }


public Book()

: base()


isbn = 0;

pages = 0;

isAvailable = false;

isOnHold = false;


public Book(uint myISBN, ushort myYear, uint myPages, string myTitle)

: base(myTitle,myYear)


isbn = myISBN;

pages = myPages;

isAvailable = true;

isOnHold = false;


#region Iloanable Members

public User currentUser { get; set; }

public DateTime checkOutTime { get; set; }

public DateTime checkInTime { get; set; }

public bool isAvailable { get; set; }

public bool isOnHold { get; set; }

public void issue(User u)


if (isAvailable)


currentUser = u;

checkOutTime = DateTime.Now;

checkInTime = DateTime.MinValue;

isAvailable = false;

isOnHold = false;

Console.WriteLine(ISBN + " is issued to " + currentUser.UserName + " at " + checkOutTime);




Console.WriteLine(ISBN + " is not available to check-out");



public void returnIt()


if (!isAvailable)


checkInTime = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine(ISBN + " is returned by " + currentUser.UserName + " at " + checkInTime);

currentUser = null;

isAvailable = true;

isOnHold = false;




Console.WriteLine("This item is not checked-out yet");



public void holdIt(User u)


if (isAvailable && !isOnHold)


currentUser = u;

isAvailable = false;

isOnHold = false;

checkOutTime = DateTime.Now;

Console.WriteLine(ISBN + " is on hold for " + currentUser.UserName + " at " + checkOutTime);




Console.WriteLine("This item can not be put on hold");



public void removeHolds()


if (!isAvailable && isOnHold)


currentUser = null;

isAvailable = true;

isOnHold = false;

checkOutTime = DateTime.MaxValue;

Console.WriteLine("Hold is removed");




Console.WriteLine("This item is not on hold");







namespace Library


class AudioBook : Book


private DigitalDisc.DiscType mediaType;

internal DigitalDisc.DiscType MediaType


get { return mediaType; }

set { mediaType = value; }


private uint lengthSeconds;

public uint LengthSeconds


get { return lengthSeconds; }

set { lengthSeconds = value; }


public AudioBook()

: base()


lengthSeconds = 0;

mediaType = DigitalDisc.DiscType.CD;


public AudioBook(uint myISBN, ushort myYear, string myTitle, DigitalDisc.DiscType disc, uint sec)

: base(myISBN, myYear, 0, myTitle)


mediaType = disc;

lengthSeconds = sec;






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