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Question: Compare and contrast the presentation of Cash Flow with partnership and analyse its financial performance and operation results with recommendation. Cash flows iron-t operating

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Compare and contrast the presentation of Cash Flow with partnership and analyse its financial performance and operation results with recommendation.

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Cash flows iron-t operating activities Cash generated from/[used in) operations Income tax paid Net cash flows generated from/{used in) operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of property. plant and equipment Proceeds from disposals of property. plant and equipment Purchase of intangible assets Proceeds from disposals of intangible assets Payments for business combinations. net of cash acquired Purchase of investments of term deposits with initial term over three months and wealth management products Proceeds from disposals of term deposits with initial term over three months and wealth management products Acquisition ot investments accounted for using the equity method Proceeds from disposal of equity investments and reiund of prepayment for investments Acquisition oi investments measured at lair value Cash inow arising from disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed Gains received from investments of term deposits with initial term over three months and wealth management products Dividends received Loan to related party Increase in prepayment for investments Net cash flows used in investing activities Meiluan Dianping 2019 Annual Fleport Company B - Cash Flow Year ended December 31, 201 9 Note FIMB' 000 35 6,037,524 (463.304) 5,574,220 (2.934.973) 62.334 (16,?60) 1.933 (1.335.975) (177,154,553) 170243.473 (141 .925) 323.377 (455.937) 35.808 1.315.333 13.731 (35.335) (29.954) (10.174.018) 2013 HMB'UOO (3.931.139) (1 93.829) (9.179.313) (2.21 0.2 49) 24.693 (99,? 1 2) 3.397 (7.230.037) (91.205.155) 75.235.650 (1 83,875) 3.453.913 (1.599.549) 231 533.063 65.954 (247,673) (23.438586) Marking Rubric Below Standard Satisfactory Good Excellent Compare and contrast the Your answer only lists the Your answer provides some Your answer provides specific Your answer provides balanced presentation of its financial general similarities and discussion on the similarities discussion on the similarities and and specific discussion on the statements with partnership. (20 marks) differences without regard to the public limited company and differences with regard to the public limited differences with regard to the public limited company identified. similarities and differences with regard to the public limited identified. company identified company identified. Learning outcome: Your answer incorrectly Your answer discusses some Your answer correctly discusses Your answer correctly discusses Outline the characteristics discusses the similarities and similarities and differences the similarities and differences in and financial statements of a differences. very briefly with some some detail. the similarities and differences in sufficient detail. partnership and limited Your answer provides no inaccuracies. . Your answer provides some . Your answer provides sufficient company and related reasons for the differences Your answer provides reasons for the differences and reasons for the differences and accounting treatments. and similarities. inappropriate reasons for the similarities. similarities differences and similarities. Marks 6 - 10 10 - 15 16 -20 Use of data and tools for Your answer uses narrow data and * Your answer uses narrow data and . Your answer uses data and Your answer uses broad areas of analysing financial information information. information in different areas data and information. performance and operation despite some inadequacy. Your calculation is largely correct results. (10 marks) Your calculation is largely Your calculation is incorrect a incorrect with no workings of some points with insufficient Your calculation is largely correct with sufficient workings of calculation. workings of calculation. with insufficient workings of calculation Learning outcome: Illustrate the preparation of Your answer only makes use of Your answer only makes use of calculation at some points. Your answer makes use of quantitative data/information of quantitative data/information of Your answer only makes use of quantitative and qualitative a statement of cash flows the company. the company. quantitative data/information of the data/information of the company. and analysis of financial statements. Your answer includes much Your answer includes some irrelevant data/information. company. Your answer fully includes all irrelevant data/information. Your answer largely includes relevant data/information relevant data/information. Analysis and interpretation . Your answer narrowly analyses Your answer broadly analyses the . Your answer broadly analyses the . Your answer broadly analyses the of financial performance the financial performance and financial performance and financial performance and financial performance and and operation results (30 operation results, or the analysis is operation results, but the analysis operation results, but the analysis is operation results; the analysis is marks) incorrect. is incorrect. Your answer provides no incorrect at some points. comprehensive and accurate. Your answer sufficiently Learning outcome: Your answer provides no consideration of the interactions consideration of the interactions Your answer insufficiently considers the interactions between considers interactions between Illustrate the preparation of between different areas of between different areas of different areas of analysis. different areas of analysis. a statement of cash flows analysis. and analysis of financial analysis. Your answer insufficiently considers the overall results. Your answer sufficiently considers the overall results. statements. Your answer provides no consideration of the overall Your answer provides no results. consideration of the overall results. Recommendation Your recommendation is not Your recommendation is not Your recommendation is feasible Your recommendation is highly (20 marks) feasible and incorrect. Your recommendation is generic feasible and not accurate. but not fully accurate. Your recommendation covers some feasible. Your recommendation covers Your recommendation covers Learning outcome: sufficient broad areas of analysis. Illustrate the preparation of and does not target to the results narrow areas of analysis. from your analysis. Your recommendation does not Your recommendation is targeted areas of analysis. a statement of cash flows to narrow areas of the results Your recommendation is targeted Your recommendation is sufficiently targeted to the results and analysis of financial consider the internal and external found from your analysis. to some of the results found from your analysis. found from your analysis. statements environment of the company Your recommendation narrowly Your recommendation considers Your recommendation sufficiently considers the internal and external the internal and external environment of the company. environment of the company to considers the internal and external environment of the company. some extent. Marks 0-15 16 -30 31 - 4 46-60 Organization (10 marks) * Presentation is unorganized. Coherence is weak. * Presentation is insufficiently * Presentation is sufficiently organized. * Presentation is well-organised. Coherence is insufficiently organized. Coherence is well-developed. Coherence is sufficiently developed. developed. Marks 0-2 3 -4 5-7 8 - 10 Writing skills . Writing is tidy but not easily . Writing is neat and easily (10 marks) Writing is untidy but not hardly * Writing is tidy but not easily readable. readable. readable at some points. Vocabulary selection is readable. Vocabulary selection is not Vocabulary selection is not Vocabulary selection is very appropriate. appropriate at some points. appropriate. appropriate. Marks 3-4 8 - 102019 ANNUAL REPORT 189 Company A - Cash Flow CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For the year ended December 31. 2019 [Expressed in EMS] Year ended December 31. Note 2019 2818 RMB'OOU RM B'UOO Cash flows from operating activities Cash generated from operations 36laI 255752.231I 122.171 Income tax paid [2,141,885] [1536.742] Net cash generated from/[used II'II operating activities 23,310,354 [1.414.571] Cash flows from investing activities Capital expenditures [3.405.163] [3.785.259] Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment Bolbi 67.735 27.367 Placement of short-term bank deposits [25,728,849] (2,060.??91 Withdrawal of short-term bank deposits 5.525.382 903.504 Placement of tong-term bank deposits [590.157] Purchase of short-term investments measured at fair value through profit or loss [134,409,027] [140355.400] Receipt from maturity of short-term investments measured at fair value through profit or toss 124.632.553 139,154.171 Purchase of short-term investments measured at amortized cost [3.500.500] Receipt from maturity of short-term investments measured at amortized cost 4,300.500 Interest income received 864.226 489.8l6 Investment income received 386.461 335.675 Purchase of long-term investments measured at fair value through profit or loss [3.937.225] [1399.752] Proceeds from disposal of long-term investments measured at fair value through profit or toss 4.346.175 304.??? Purchase of investments accounted for using the equity method [200.000] I7?3.5?5] Proceeds from disposal of investments accounted for using the equity method 80.048 Disposat of a subsidiary [25.655] Acquisition of a subsidiary. net ol cash acquired - [34.936] Dividends received 347.205 131.804 Net cash used in investing activities [31 570.136] [7.508.540] Company A - Cash Flow Continue) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For the year ended December 31,2019 [Expressed in RMB] Year ended December 31. Note 2019 2018 RMB'DOD RM 8000 Cash flows from nancing activities Proceeds From borrowings 117.036.3724 10,269,415 Repayment of borrowings [10.411025] 110.505.6371 Finance expenses paid 1218.994] 1243.966] Placement of restricted cash [4.152.365] Withdrawal of restricted cash 75.??3 5.059.265 Payment tor acquisition of nonecontrolling interests in a non-wholly owned subsidiary 118?.000] 1165.000] Proceeds From tund investors 2.781.000 Net proceeds From issuance of ordinary shares relating to the initial public offering 232438.620 Net proceeds from exercise of share options 186.838 7 Payments tor shares repurchase [2.932.111] Payment of Lease liabilities 1578.863] Capital contribution from noncontrolling interests 1551.96 Proceeds from release of ordinary shares from Share Scheme Trust 91.96? Others 190.8?3 Net cash generated from financing activities 3.121.238 26.5%.\"? Net tdecreasei/increase in cash and cash equivalents [6.638.544] 17,651.56] Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Edie] 30,230.14? 11,563.28? Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 328.258 1.015.304 Cash and cash eguivalenls at the end at the year 241a] 25.911861 30,230.14'.1r The notes on pages 191 to 325 are an integral part of these consolidated nancial statements. Company B - Cash Flow(Continue) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year ended December 31, 2019 2018 Note RMB' 000 RMB' 000 Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from borrowings, excluding asset-backed securities ("ABS") 3,640,000 2,305,000 Repayments of borrowings, excluding ABS (2,250,000) (1,057,000) Proceeds from ABS, net 467,000 470,000 Repayments of ABS (107,969) Finance costs paid (218,692) (62,043) Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares, net 28,516,174 Proceeds from exercise of option and RSU vesting 444,915 158,054 Repurchase of ordinary shares (854,630) Payment for acquisitions of non-controlling interests (75,162) (176,261) Lease payments (785,825) Dividends paid to non-controlling interests (4,000) Net cash flows generated from financing activities 1,114,267 29,295,294 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (3,485,531) (3,323,210) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 17,043,692 19,408,839 Exchange (loss)/gain on cash and cash equivalents (173,442) 1,009,587 Cash and cash equivalents reclassified from the assets classified as held for sale/(included in the assets classified as held for sale) 11,466 (51,524) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 24 13,396,185 17,043,692 2019 Annual Report Meituan Dianping 157

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