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Question: Question: Task 1: Interview Review and Transcription 1. Watch and listen to the video of the manager interview at least twice before starting your



Task 1: Interview Review and Transcription 1. Watch and listen to the video of the manager interview at least twice before starting your transcription. 2. brief out the questions and sub-questions the interviewer asks. 3. Number each question (i.e. Question 1) and each sub-question (i.e. 1a) 4. Paraphrase the manager's response to each question and sub-question. You will notice that the manager refers to different managerial functions in different questions in the interview, often two or more managerial functions are referred to in one question. 5. After transcribing the interview, highlight what aspects of the interview relate to the managerial functions of Planning, Organising, Leading & Controlling (POLC). You may find it useful at this stage to use different colours to highlight the different management functions (POLC), for instance, P=Green, O=Yellow, L= Pink, C= Purple. This transcript will be included as Appendix 1 of your report.

Task 2: Analysis and Linking to Relevant Theory Instructions for comparing the interview with theory: For this part of the group assignment you will need to identify the main themes of the questions being asked (e.g. planning, leading, organising or controlling) and see how the manager's answers link to theories and practices described in those sections of the textbook as well as peer reviewed journal articles. You will find it helpful to use the transcript that you prepared for this task rather than watching the interview video to identify key information. By reading the transcript of the interview you can focus on each of the different functions of management. The comparison with relevant theory should be written up as a Word document with enough words (not including the interview transcription). Use the Group Report Template as a style guide. If you use the template for this first part of the assignment, it will make your task easier when you start work on writing up the formal business report for part two. An example of how to approach the analysis (comparison with theory) can be found on pages 6 and 7 of these assignment instructions. WHAT HAS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR PART 1 OF THE GROUP ASSIGNMENT: (Executive summary not included for part 1, will be included in part 2) Table of Contents (Introduction not included for part 1, will be included in part 2) Main Body - this is the analysis section comparing theory and practice (Conclusion not included for part 1, will be included in part 2) Reference List3 Appendix 1 (interview transcript) (Appendix 2 not included for part 1, will be included in part 2) (Appendix 3 not included for part 1, will be included in part 2) (Appendix 4 not included for part 1, will be included in part 2) INSTRUCTION DETAILS FOR PART 1 OF THE GROUP REPORT: Each group will be assigned a video recording of a manager interview to analyse. Your report will be based on the video recording and this part 1 of the assignment will be included as a component of your final report. You are required to watch the manager interview and identify key information to be transcribed. Next, you are required to use your transcription of the manager interview to compare the answers given by the manager with relevant theory from your textbook and peer reviewed journal articles. Your transcription of the interview will be included as an appendix to this Part 1 submission and will be also included as an appendix in Part 2 final report submission. The comparison with relevant theory should be written up as a Word document of enough words words (not including the interview transcription). Use the Group Report Template as a style guide. If you use the template for this first part of the assignment, it will make your task easier when you start work on writing up the formal business report for part two. Task 1: Interview Review 6. Watch and listen to the interview at least twice before starting your transcription. 7. briefly mention out the questions and sub-questions the interviewer asks. 8. Number each question (i.e. Question 1) and each sub-question (i.e. 1a) 9. Paraphrase the manager's response to each question and sub-question. You will notice that the manager refers to different managerial functions in different questions in the interview, often two or more managerial functions are referred to in one question. 10. After transcribing the interview, highlight what aspects of the interview relate to the managerial functions of Planning, Organising, Leading & Controlling (POLC). You may find it useful at this stage to use different colours to highlight the different management areas, for instance, P=Green, O=Yellow, L= Pink, C= Purple. Task 2: Interview Analysis and Linking to Relevant Theory Instructions for comparing the interview with theory: For this part of the assessment task you will need to identify the main themes of the questions being asked (e.g. planning, leading, organising or controlling) and see how the manager's answers link to theories and practices described in the relevant sections of the textbook and peer reviewed journal articles. You will find it helpful to use the transcript that you prepared for this task rather than watching the interview video to identify key information. By reading the transcript of the interview you can focus on each of the different functions of management.4 For example, the manager might respond to questions about leadership and motivation like this: How do you approach the task of leading others? Manager Response: I try to adjust how I work with the team based on each project. If it is a type of project that is the same as something we've done before, I know that the team knows how to do it and what needs to be done. In that case I'll step back and let them get on with it. In that situation my job is to just make sure they have what they need to get the project completed and to keep an eye on them so that I can help where necessary. If the project is completely new, something we haven't done before, I'll spend more time showing what has to be done and making it very clear what standard I expect to be met lot more telling and a lot more showing them what to do until I feel confident that they actually know what they are doing and what I want. How do you motivate your subordinates? Manager Response: I usually try to set specific goals for each of my staff, something that they can achieve in the next six to twelve months. The goals are something that we discuss and agree on. All the goals that are set are linked to the strategic plan for my department. Achieving the goals will result in the staff member getting their bonus - if they achieve all of their goals, they get 100% of their bonus, and if they only achieve half of their goals they only get 50% of their bonus. Having the bonus as a reward helps to keep them focussed on achieving their goals - so they work hard for the bonus without me looking over their shoulder all the time. If their performance reviews show that they are meeting goals they have a much better chance of success when they apply for promotion. If one of the teams points out that they need extra help or training to achieve a goal, or if I know that already, I'll try to make sure they get the help or training that they need. These questions come from the Leading section of the textbook and are about leading (chapter 13) and motivation (chapter 12). The manager is using the Path-Goal approach to leadership and a goal setting approach to motivating staff. In this example you should write brief summary of the Path- Goal leadership theory and goal setting under the heading 'Leading' then show how the manager's answer contains aspects of these two theories, under the heading 'Analysis'. that to motivate and inspire her team. She is clear about the goals that need to be achieved and works with her staff to set goals, which, according to goal-setting theory increase employee motivation to achieve goals (Williams, McWilliams, Lawrence & Waheduzzaman 2020). She ensures her team are aware of and understands the specific goals that they set and in line with goal theory provides feedback and strategies to assist her team to achieve their goals. Ms. X assists her team to achieve those set goals by building a rapport with her team, keeping the communication lines open and providing assistance and/or training when either requested or required. Ms. X establishes a firm vision for the duration of projects by making sure each team member knows what is required and expected of them and ensures both she, and her team, continue to look forward.

below is the interview of john and alan


john thank you very much again for your

time today and for the benefit of the

students listening it would be wonderful

if you could just introduce yourself and

your role and a little of your history

that would be great

okay no thanks alan uh so john stanway

i'm currently the chief executive

here at the royal children's hospital

and have been chief executive for nearly

five years but worked here for 15 years

my previous role was chief operating


so look


humble background i suppose i've

ended up with a double degree in

economics and then did a graduate

diploma in

industrial relations at victoria


entered into

uh started off japan trade center

as a

just doing some basic research on


and then i joined general motors

and worked in the marketing department


mainly though on forecasting and trying

to work out trends

and then thought

i don't want to end up selling cars so i

to wholesalers so i

moved to hr or people and culture as

it's now called



spent some time there and


in various areas including up in new

south wales

and then got caught

fortunately in developing a

computerized hr system for the whole of

general motors

and that then led me to work in other


which i did move to

other industries including


the department of health

landed there was a bit like landing on

the moon actually

quite different to private enterprise



soon realized that yes they got me there

to develop a system but they didn't have

a budget so that didn't last very long

but what happened was

and this is interesting for the students

i think

i've been at general motors had a little


what's now called a desktop computer

with a little bit of memory and i used

to strip the payroll system so i could

manipulate data

one day the ceo of the health department

came down i wonder how many doctors are

in each hospital

and the hr staff said oh we'll take

about three weeks to find that

i immediately went on the computer

sent the had the report done in about an


the next day i was working for the ceo

which started a career direct directory

so it was a bit of

opportunism but also a bit of knowledge

and then i worked at the transport

action commission and eventually came

into the health industry

now john can i start with the the

interview questions that the students

will be following

so i'll start with the first which is

how do you plan your work day

well i've in a very privileged position

i've got a very good executive assistant

who manages my diary

but i do uh mentally uh have a priority


so if i

and i can look at it now actually it's

not highly sophisticated it's just a

sticky note on my computer screen

actually there's normally about three or

four things that i want to achieve in

the day

and i've got them there

and then

the night before i'm probably also

thinking through what uh how my day will


in line with my diary of course which

can be fairly busy

and just thinking about that's your your

immediate sort of tasks the things

you're waking up to and coming to into

work and saying this is my day but how

far into the future do you plan in your

job role

well in my role at the moment i'm

looking at three to five years out

my role of chief executive is to have a




having come from chief operations

officer where i was looking at the

day-to-day operations of the hospital

to move then to more strategic focus is

important so

the majority of my role is

looking at strategy setting priorities


with the external part of the hospital

whether it's stakeholders like

government or

you know philanthropic organizations


so it's a different role to just the

normal running of a hospital daily sort

of role

it's really interesting that those

stakeholders come into your your

planning a bit as it were

that range that you look forward into

the future and i guess as you say that

that's because of where you are at the

the apex of the organization

you're right there the the top

management layer you're the

the strategic planner and thinker so

that does shape a lot of how you plan

i'm going to ask you about your career

john but this is a question that would

normally be


somebody much more junior in the

organization than yourself but i'm i'm

assuming there's still an element of

career planning in in what you do so

how do you plan

how do you and how did you plan for your

career and how far into the future do

you do you look when you're thinking

about that plan

um well first of all my career has been

a bit like a roller coaster

or as i term it like the share market it

has gone up and down somewhat but it's

always gone in a

slightly positive trajectory which is


and i suppose

in planning i really

wanted to experience different


not just stay in the one industry which

has been very helpful

and i suppose i also planned which i

this is who i am anyway

is to have a good grounding in

whether it's management

hr people and culture industrial

relations because

it doesn't matter whether i'm managing

six thousand staff here at the hospital


you know two thousand staff for the

transport accident commission

it's the whole group of people and

you've got to get them all motivated to

go in a similar direction


the grounding in that is important and i

always thought it was important to

have good people skills to be able to

lead and manage

and i

you know fortuitly and with some luck as

well but i built those skills


at the time didn't seem that

relevant in some cases

but became more and more relevant as i

moved up

you know in the leadership hierarchy so

to speak those people skills that you

talk about as you know from the

perspective of ceo looking at 6 000

employees in the hospital


they're probably just a

developed version of the skills you

would have had when the team you were

managing was smaller

yeah well i started general motors i was

a statistician grade one

and then i became a statistician grade

two and looked after one person



strange enough that person went on to be

ceo of a large organization

as well um and he was quite difficult to


there's probably a story in that

yeah i might say


um that now in that idea of career

setting and this idea of looking at

where to next it takes me to a question

about goal setting so what is it about

your job that makes it difficult to

achieve goals and what makes it easy

um well first of all what's difficult to

achieve goals is


organizations are full of people and to

get the alignment and everyone moving in

the right direction to achieve the

organization goals is the challenge that

management and leadership has

so that's what makes it difficult but

it's also the positive side of the role

as well if you can achieve that

so in my view sure there can be

other blockers whether it's financial or

you know

digital whatever it might be

but fundamentally

in my view it'll come down to people

so they're the things that make it

difficult what makes it easy to achieve


in my view what makes it easy to achieve

goals is to create

a vision and a plan

and then have break that down into what

we want to achieve in the next 12 months

three years

and then

get the organization to own that vision

and then relentlessly pursue that vision



management techniques whether it be

through setting the kpis having regular


follow-up restrain what can we do to

bring it back on track etc etc um so i

think there's some fundamental vision

setting and then good project management

to deliver it

i really like that that idea of starting

with the vision that's something we talk

about a lot in

the unit we take what we're talking

about now management organization

behaviour that vision setting and

following it is part of what we teach

can i ask then

how do you motivate your subordinates

and how do you maintain your own




first of all i'm very fortunate to

motivate myself because i i lead the

royal children's hospital which is

well liked and respected by the


and is pretty well recognized around

australia and globally as well so

people see it as a very positive

organization and therefore

if i'm leading it i must feel some of

that vibe so to speak uh which i do



yeah i think that um

you know that's what motivates me and

i'm very fortunate that if i'm having a

bad day

i can walk out of my office

walk up to the intensive care unit and

see a lot of


patients and families and think well

okay my day's not too bad let's go back

to work john uh

so you know you've got to put yourself

in a a place


uh you know it's everything's relative

in life as we know


so to motivate yourself

working in a hospital it's not that

difficult to be honest

so i mean working in a prestigious

highly respected much loved organization

that that's a a pretty strong reward i

guess as you say yeah it is that kind of

it's also a big responsibility

you've spoken in in two

two ways now about leadership

that vision setting and the strategic

planning process and you've talked about

how you motivate yourself to motivate



specifically how do you come at the task

of leading other people what's your


well first of all


i'd like to think

i lead others how i would like to be led


i like to lead by being visible


you know

i like to get out and about and engage


all parts of the organisation


i think


lead well you need excellent

communication that's just not me

communicating it's having a good

communication team around you to put

together various channels of


i think

particularly in these times

any vacuum of communication people fill

it with


theories and options which most of them

tend to be slightly negative so i think

communication is exceptionally important

and more important when things get tough


yeah i approach leadership with um


really trying to

uh i suppose engage on a personal level


i don't do anger it's just not me i

can't see the point of that if someone

gets angry with me i've already won the

argument so you know

qed thanks very much


so yeah i just

like to think that

people want to be

supported and led

how they would want to

do it themselves so to speak

so in in the very high profile

organization it's by definition a very

high profile role

i guess what you're describing to me is

that you you model the behaviors that

you think are appropriate for your role


that others would probably look upon and

emulate themselves

yes and that can be reinforced by



initiatives and in our case we are

thinking what's called the compact

where we make pledges to each other

the 6000 staff make pledges on how we


work together

for example


we care better for patients and families

when we care for each other

you know pledges like that

we speak up when things aren't right


developing those sort of cultural

embodiments of how we want to work

together and live together

is important

it's a bit of a privilege i think being

in a position such as yours because you

can put into practice the principles

that you hold strongly to be important

and and those principles of um

mutuality uh mutual respect and keeping

focus on the goals of the organization

and that that's a really powerful


can be a double-edged sword of course

because you're held up as uh

following those things to the letter of

the law though yeah so the pressure's

never off is it

no what do you look for in the people

that you've been led by and

was it the same method


well first of all i'd say that

i've learned

just as much

from poor leaders i had from good

leaders so that's 0.1

but in good leaders i look for

their commitment to values particularly


i would like to think they're good


and don't want to control


and they

support you professionally and allow you


take a little bit of risk to get on and

do things


without being too prescriptive and you

know we work in the public sector

environment so we've got lots of checks

and balances so

our risk appetite is not as great as in

the pure private sector

but you can still

allow a little bit of latitude to get on

and try a few things

and i think there's there's a

sort of an element of what you're

talking about in your own leadership

style there and so much as there's a lot

of trust

and there's a lot of mutual respect

built into that idea



so that kind of takes me to another

aspect of leadership and that's

mentoring and

i mean you

you told the story of the

statistician great one who went on to

become the ceo of a large organization

under your care


who do you see as your mentors and to

whom do you provide mentoring


sounds a bit

i say but uh

you know

my father was also managing director of

an organization

and i used to as a

12 13 year old trail around and he'd go

to work on a

saturday morning

and what he did was

walk through the organisation he'd go

down to the storeroom and he'd play

cards with the storm and

he was

and he i learned a lot from that and

you know when if you

go to an area in an organization when

things aren't right people think oh

here's the ceo thinks things aren't

going too well he's going to tell us off

but if you go there when things are

going well and you engage people

when you go there when things aren't


they know you're there to support and

help them

and i have taken that lesson forward


i also think as i said before you learn

from the very good

ceos and leaders as you do from the ones

not so good


you learn how not to behave

or do things

so i think they're the two strongest

lessons i've

gathered is from good and bad leaders

and from my own

family so to speak

so that that's you you've somewhat

answered my next question which is how

do you mentor


i've got an idea of where you're going

to go

well i suppose yes i'd hopefully mentor

by leading by example

i do go to my way now and again to

support individuals

just to give them that little bit of

extra if i think they're

really committed and doing

you know trying to do very good work


i don't


internally mentor i have actually

strange enough to do some external


uh only you know people have asked and i

say okay help out



so yeah my mentoring is sort of really

as you say by example

yeah and that's a strong thing in your

leadership and your motivation and how

you mentor

that by setting a good model of behavior

it is one of those things we we always

look to the boss


what's acceptable and what's not i think

when we see the behaviors of the boss we

see those as being

what the organization is about in a lot

of ways no matter who we see as our boss

at what level we're operating it's

it right all the time by the way it's


get it wrong enough

a bit but you know

now the one of the things we talk about

in organizational management

organization behavior is that

the role of a manager isn't just rolling

up your sleeves and getting things done

on your own

it's often about working with others so

how do you achieve goals

how are your teams around your structure

you are as good as the people around you



it's a common statement but it's it's

very true so you need to develop a good



and you need to be able to performance

manage or engage if people aren't


and it helps them along the way so they


you know excel

i think as i said before you need to

have a plan develop the kpis key

performance indicators that

you want to hold

your staff to account for and let them

get on and deliver those


so yeah i think and then monitor it


and progressively

but you need a good plan

now taking you back to your

earlier days of people and culture human

resource management

that setting of goals

do you see that as being part of the

motivation process as well yeah i think

um you know even in

you know you start off very small but

you've got to have a couple of

goals you're trying to achieve um

and hopefully your goals and fit in if

you've got the bigger plan of the

organisation you can then slot your

goals into those and align them and if

you've got alignment then you should be

able to get on with it

but if you have misalignment

you're going to be

pulled aside and said hang on a minute

heading that way we want to go that way

um conflict

is often seen as inevitable in

organizations and sometimes seen as

positive sometimes seen as negative

so how do you

manage conflict that arises in your


well i think first of all i said before

you need to develop a culture that can


and address conflict

and as you say conflict or having a


you can have a difference of opinion

and not agree with someone and do it in

a respectful manner


not an aggressive or disrespectful

but down type manner

so i think that um

you know conflict arises

invariably between individuals


the important thing is to address that

sooner than later don't let it fester

and this is where i've been fortunate

working at ha you're always dealing with

conflict between individuals and working

out ways to bring it together and

you know with that skill set it can be

quite powerful to help

manage conflict either

within the people that report to you or

other parts of the organisation

but the important thing is to address it

sooner than later

and don't let it fester and do it in a

respectful open manner

uh but the quicker the better

i'm assuming of course that at your

level you you seldom see um operational

type conflict or even the interpersonal

level of conflict but are there systems

in place for managers that layers down


yeah we've got

a lot of


processes ability for staff to um



other avenues to talk about their

conflict and then see how it can be


and if you go on to our internal website

there's plenty there we also carry a

card that has all the

way you can contact

different parts of the organization

whether it's peer support or hr or

your next up manager

or even external

organization we have an external

organization that staff can contact

and then of course we have to compact

how we are going to interact

the six thousand staff will interact

with each other and we all make those


there's about 20 pledges and we all make

and commit to those pledges

so the the systems are deeply

embedded into the organization's culture


but people are people and conflict


and we also monitor

through surveys

uh how people are traveling

you know whether they're stressed or

is there harassment going on we monitor


both from a monthly pulse survey point

of view but also

an annual

statewide sort of people matters survey

so getting feedback on how people are

traveling and feeling is also important

some questions about ethics john and

it's i guess again just a reminder of

the context the hospital is a very

complex organization and there's many

layers to the to the operation you

mentioned patients and families earlier

and i think that's the very reason for

the hospital being there but it's also a

place of work

for a lot of people and there's a lot of

work that goes on in a hospital that

would be not dissimilar from work in

other organizations

i think there's uh questions about

ethics when it comes to medicine which

we can assume

uh related to medicine and set aside

from what we're talking about which is


and in the healthcare sector i think the

the processes around ethics are

extremely robust

but in a business setting um ethical

issues do come up

everything from contracts and granting

of them to

your favorite suppliers and so on are

there ethical challenges that you see as

important for you

um well as i say we do have a very

strong clinical ethics group

and i do rely on them quite a bit in my

role i mean

i'm not a clinician by trade

but i do face a number of clinical

and ethical decisions for example do i

give one child a 1 million drug

or do i

give 20 children

20 drugs

you know the budget's not unlimited

and there's lots of decisions that come

to me around those sort of things

i think the other thing though is that




as an organization

and as a group of people


need to be seen

to do the right thing about even


like um

we had a situation of children in


we made a decision with our board and

the executive that we would allow our

staff to advocate outside the front of

the hospital

now if some people saw that as

not a good thing

ethically they should have just been


down the middle but we thought we would

advocate for that because research said


you children can be harmed in

you know

in detention


you know those things come up they're

considered and then decisions are made


and you know


we're very aware of conflict as well you

know someone might

be approving a contract but they might

have something connected to that


it's not really so much an ethical thing

but it can be ethics

and we have what's called the conflict

of interest committee

where we go through a lot of potential

conflicts and make decisions around them

and every meeting we have we ask if

there's a conflict against the agenda

items of anyone in the room

and ironically enough at the conflict of

interest committee we asked has anyone

got any conflicts

um but yeah so

that whole idea of

doing the right thing

has anyone got any conflicts in

delivering decision making

is important

john it's it's um

again one of the things we we look at in

the course is corporate social


one of the the approaches that we

discuss in that is is going beyond what

the law requires and actually taking a

position which the organization feels to

be right and i think it's a really nice

example you gave

of the the refugee situation

advocating on behalf of the group that

the law has one rule about that you

believe that there should be a different


and we did it based on not on politics

but based on the research that

the murdoch children's research

institute had done which showed that the

potential harm

uh and that was why we supported it not

for its political

right or wrong

but for yeah the the evidence base was

there to say that this needs to be


can i ask you a little bit about

workplace diversity uh

6 000 staff i imagine that there's a

pretty diverse

work group there

yeah look uh


first of all we do embrace diversity we


uh as you know we're we're the leaders


our gender service


we um we support homes glenn we've got a

large intake each year of

students with disabilities to support

them to get

you know work experience therefore they

get work elsewhere

we've got one of the state's best



sort of health

clinics if you like called our roger or

family place clinic

and then we do embrace all our cultures

but having said that

it's an area where we need to a lot

more work

particularly in

translating different


if you like assets that we have whether

it's clinical guidelines or things that

are on the internet

so there's there's a fair bit of work to

be done to really embrace diversity it's

not just about

embracing the different people's it's

about then

ensuring they get the same information

that everyone else gets

it's it's a an interesting question for

a a for-profit organization and i find

it's a really you know

interesting question for an organization

like a hospital that has to operate in

the black and it has to keep its budget

but it's not there to make money it's

there to provide a service

do you feel that the diversity of your

workforce gives you a competitive

advantage for one of the better wood

it definitely does i mean


different cultures

creating energy and innovation and

thought processes


extremely helpful but also

a large part of our patient population

are very diverse so

we need to uh be able to connect with

them very well as well

but having said that look

have got a way to go we

you know

you could say we're we need to devolve

further on our diversity front

well that's pretty impressive i think

there's so many organizations which

which would be far less than others than


and to hear that you still feel

you know you've got more to do it just

speaks of a very strong commitment to

that idea of the benefits of workplace


yeah and we're fully committed


john thank you so much for your time

today i really appreciate it and i'm

sure the students will when they start

unpacking this and analyzing our

conversation today

but um for your time and for your

willingness to participate thank you so


all right no thanks adam

ellen sorry and uh

good luck to all the students uh

as i said

sometimes one thing leads to another so

don't block off any avenue to get


i think it's great advice thank you

note: I only wants for controlling.

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