. . U canvasasuedu Quiz: Module 4: Activity 4 - Simulating cumulative culture __} question I . Set pinnovate to 1.0E4 (a.k.a 0.0001), p-forget to 0.04, p-copy to 0.02 and payoff-biased to true. Press the setup button to setup the simulation and set it running with the go button. If you look at the simulation you will see that squares sometimes become a brighter colort This is innovation: the squares are innovating and improving their technology level which increases the brightness of their square. Other times, however, a bright square will suddenly turn black, why is this? x\" The square is copying one of their neighbors that has a technology of 0. x" The square innovated. but came up with a bad idea and their technology reverted to a lower level. n" The square is forgetting its technology and returning to technology 0. x" The square died and has been replaced by a new square with a technology level of 0. :> Question 2 0.5 pts With the same parameter values as before, re-start the simulation (i.e. press setup. then press go again). You will notice that when better technology levels appear they tend to be clustered in certain regions. Why is this? , Because squares nearby the innovator forget what they are doing. , Because when a square innovates, the neighboring squares can copy it. This cause the innovation to spread forming a patch of squares to have the same color. FT Because when a square innovates its tness increases and it has children that inherit their technology. (\"3 Because nearby patches tend to be smart and so they innovate in groups. l U E canvasasuedu C l vs -.Sinu'a'is'cynil'eiwmswe _ _ Question 3 0.5 pts Set p-innovate to 0.005, p-forget to 0, p-copy to 0 and payoff-biased to true. This will create a world where only innovation happens, no one ever copies and no one ever forgets. Reset the simulation with the setup button then press go to start the simulation. Average technology level will increase, but what value does it eventually stop at? Question 4 0.5 pts Repeatedly change the value of pinnovate and restart the simulation (i.e. press setup and go). How does increasing p-innovate affect the rate at which technology increases? C? It speeds it up 0 No effect. C? Increasing pinnovate to 0.005 increases the rate at which technology increases. Going beyond this has no effect. C? It slows it down. Question 5 0.5 pts Set o-innovate to 001 (its max value) and o-foraet to 0.0L (D-coov remains at 01 . i i = l U canvasasuedu 0' . o r11 ' l El Quiz: Module 4: Activity 4 - Simulating cumulative culture MI 3 Question 5 0.5 pts Set pinnovate to 0.01 (its max value) and p-forget to 0.01. (pcopy remains at 0). Reset and run the simulation. You should see a shimmering eld of black, red and white squares. After a thousand ticks or so the average technology level should settle down, to their nearest .1, what does the average technology level settle at? I) Question 6 0.5 pts With the same parameter values as before, restart the simulation. As it runs periodically increase p- copy in increments of 0.01 (you can do this by clicking toward the right hand side of the pcopy slider). Note the effect of increasing p-copy on the grid of squares and the average technology level shown in the plot. What effect does p-copy have? i", The grid is still shimmering but it is whiter in color and the average technology level increases. A, The grid has stopped shimmering and now alternates between being all dark and all light. The average technology has increased. F1 The grid has stopped shimmering and the average technology level stays the same. F7 The grid has stopped shimmering and the average technology level increases. I) Question 7 0.5 pts . i i = i U canvasasuedu Ci . 0 ii i lill l Quiz: Module 4: Activity 4 - Simulating cumulative culture 3 Question 7 Consider these two parameter settings: Setting A: p-innovate = 0.01, p-forget = 0, p-copy=0.01, payoffbiased = true Setting B: pinnovate = 1.0E-4 (a.k.a 0.0001), p-forget = 0, pcopy=1, payoff-biased = true One of the settings causes technology to steadily increase evenly across the grid with each square behaving separately to each other, the other causes technology to increase a step at a time with innovations rapidly spreading out from a single point. The setting that causes technologies to spread out from a single point is setting _. I) Question 8 0.5 pts Set pinnovate to 1.0E4 (a.k.a 0.0001), p-forget to 0 and payoff-biased to true. Repeatedly reset and run the simulation for different values of p-copy. You should notice that for some values technology increases in quite sharp steps, but for other values technology increases smoothly. which of the following statements is true? FT When p-copy is low technology increases smoothly. For high values of p-copy technology increases in steps. F\ C ASU Quiz: Module 4: Activity 4 - Simulating cumulative culture Homework Help - Q&A from Online Tutors - Course Hero + ASU D Question 9 0.5 pts Set p-innovate to 1.0E-4 (a.k.a 0.0001), p-forget to 0.01, p-copy to 0.4 and payoff-biased to true. Run the simulation and observe what happens. Now set payoff-biased to false and run it again. What happens when payoff-biased is false? The population quickly reaches technology 10. New technologies appear and persist, but they are unable to spread. Technology sometimes improves and spreads, but these patches of higher technology tend to be shortlived. Overall almost all of the patches are dark. ? New technologies never appear. D Question 10 0.5 pts Set p-innovate to 0.01 (its max), p-forget to 0.01, and payoff-biased to false. Are there any values of p-copy that allow the population to reach technology level 10? no yes Quiz saved at 6:47am Submit Quiz