Questlon 8. The ogerations vice-president of the Regal Bank of Canada, Kristin Wur, bus been iaterested in investigatiag the efficiency of the bank's operations. She has been particularly concerned about the costs of handling routine traneactions at the bank and would like to compare these costs at the bank's various branches. If the branches with the most efficient operations can be identified, their methods can be shadied and then replicated elsewhere. While the bank maintains meticulous records of wages and other costs, there has beed no atternpt thus far to show how those costs are related to the various services provided by the baak. Wu has asked for your help in coctocting an ABC study of bank operations. In particular, she would like to know the cost of opening as account. the coit of processing deposits and wiahdrawals, and the cost of processiag other eustomer transactions. The Windsor braneb of the Resal Bank of Canads subenitted the followving cost data for last year: Virtually all of the other coses of the brach - eeat, depreciatice, unilities, and so ou-are ofganization-sustaiaing costs that cannot be meacingfilly asaigned to individual cusfomer trmactions, stach ar depositing chiegues. In addition to the cost data above. the emplopees of the Windror branch have beth antervioved eoaceming how their time wens distributed laat year across the activities inclided in the ABC srudy. The resulti of those inrerview Virtually all of the other costs of the branch-rent, depreciation, utilities, and so on are organization-straining costs that cannot be meaningfully assigned to individual customer transactions, such as depositing chequen. In addition to the cost data above, the employees of the Windsor branch have been interviewed conceming how their time was distributed last year across the activities included in the ABC studv. Tha nowik -r those interviews. Fequited: Prepare the first-stage allocation for Wu Question.8: The operations vice-president of the Regal Bank of Canada, Kristin Wu, has been interested in investigating the efficiency of the bank's operations. She bas been particularly concerned about the costs of handling routine transactions at the bank and would like to compare these costs at the bank's various branches. If the branches with the most efficient operations can be identified, their methods can be studied and then replicated elsewhere. While the bank maintains meticulous records of wages and other costs, there has been no attempt thus far to show how those costs are related to the various services provided by the bank. Wu has asked for your belp in conducting an ABC study of bank operations, In particular, she would like to know the cost of openiag an account. the cost of processing deposits and withdrawals, and the cost of processing other customer transactions. The Windsor hranch of tha Raoal Dank of Canada submitted the following cost data for last year: Virually all of the other costs of the beasch-rent, depreciation, utilities, and so on-are organization-suataining costs that cannot be meaningfully assigned to individual customer thansactions, such as depositing cheque: In addition to the cost data above, the employees of the Windsor braach tave been interviewed concening howtheir time was distributed last year across the activities incladed in the ABC thudy. The recults of those interniews vartuany all of the other costs of the branch rent, depreciation, utilities, and so on-mere ofganization-rustaining costs that cannot be meaningfully assigned to individual customer transactions, sach as depositing cheques. In addition to the cost data above. the employees of the Windsor branch have been interviewed concerning bow their time was distributed last year across the activities included in the ABC shady. The results of those interviews appear below: Requiredt Prebare the firstestade allocafion for Wh