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Quiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D

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Quiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 2 1 pts Home 2) Can the State appeal a "Not guilty/acquittal" verdict solely because it doesn't agree with that Announcements verdict? Account Zoom O a. Yes Discussions Dashboard Grades O b. No 9 Courses People 898 Syllabus D Calendar Question 3 1 pts Modules NetTutor Inbox 3) The U.S. Supreme Court has __justices and ___of them must vote to have a case sent up to them from a lower court for review. History O e. 10 / 7 O d. 12/ 6 Studio O b. 9/9 ? Help O c. 9 / 4 O a. 12 / 9 D Question 4 1 pts K 4) One major factor that resulted in an increase in the cost of incarceration was the shift from aQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 4 1 pts Home Announcements 4) One major factor that resulted in an increase in the cost of incarceration was the shift from a Account Zoom --- philosophy of criminality. Discussions Dashboard O a. biological philosophy to sociological Grades 9 O b. sociological philosophy to biological Courses People 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules D Question 5 1 pts NetTutor Inbox 5) Which amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives the states authority and responsibility to establish their own court system? History O b. 6th Studio O c. 10th ? O a. 5th Help O d. 14th D Question 6 1 pts K 6) The purpose of a "gag order" is to quiet a defendant who is screaming during a trial andQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 Home D Question 7 1 pts Announcements Account Zoom 7) Why is "hearsay evidence" not normally allowed in a trial? Discussions O a. Person testifying may be lying Dashboard Grades 9 O d. Defendant cannot confront and cross-examine the accuser. Courses People O c. Original person cannot be sworn in because they are not in court. 898 Syllabus O b. Original person who told the witness who is testifying may have lied. Calendar Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 8 1 pts History 8) Must a person giving a "dying statement" have to die in order for their statement to be used during a trial? Studio ? O a. Yes Help O b. No D Question 9 1 pts K 9) Which court system(s) is (are) established specifically, by name, in the wording of the U.S.Quiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 9 1 pts Home Announcements 9) Which court system(s) is (are) established specifically, by name, in the wording of the U.S. Constitution? Account Zoom Discussions O c. State Courts Dashboard Grades O b. Federal Courts 9 Courses People O a. U.S. Supreme Court 898 Syllabus O e. U.S. Supreme Court and State Courts Calendar Modules O d. Federal and State Courts NetTutor Inbox D Question 10 1 pts History 10) "Jurisprudence" is a term referring to the philosophy of Studio ? O b. law Help O a. court procedures O c. legal training D Question 11 1 pts KQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 11 1 pts Home Announcements 11) In criminal cases, guilt must be proven by the state Account Zoom Discussions O b. by a preponderance of evidence Dashboard Grades O a. beyond a reasonable doubt 9 Courses People 898 Syllabus D Question 12 Calendar 1 pts Modules NetTutor Inbox 12) A Grand Jury hearing allows the state and defense to see what the other side will do in the trial. O b. False History O a. True Studio ? Help D Question 13 1 pts 13) If a person is provided with a court-appointed attorney, that person cannot request a different attorney. O a. True K O b. FalseQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 14 1 pts Home Announcements 14) The Constitutional Amendment that prohibits "hearsay evidence" is the ____ amendment. Account Zoom O c. 6th Discussions Dashboard O e. 14th Grades 9 O d. 8th Courses People O b. 5th 898 Syllabus O a. 4th Calendar Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 15 1 pts History 15) The "Three-Strikes Law" is an example of which modern philosophy of sentencing? Studio O c. Retribution ? Help O a. Deterrence O b. Incapacitation O d. Rehabilitation D K Question 16 1 ptsQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 16 1 pts Home 16) You have a Constitutional right to have your case heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. Announcements Account Zoom O b. False Discussions O a. True Dashboard Grades 9 Courses People Syllabus D 898 Question 17 1 pts Calendar Modules NetTutor 17) A person appeals their conviction of a California criminal law violation. Which is the highest court they can appeal to? Inbox O d. U.S. Supreme Court History O c. California Supreme Court Studio O a. California Appeals Court ? O b. Federal Appeals Court Help D Question 18 1 pts 18) When the U.S. Supreme Court is going to review a case it orders the lower court to send the case up to them by issuing a writ of_ KQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 18 1 pts Home Announcements 18) When the U.S. Supreme Court is going to review a case it orders the lower court to send the Account Zoom case up to them by issuing a writ of _ _ __. Discussions Dashboard O d. Certiorari Grades 9 O c. Remand Courses People O b. Stare Decisi 898 Syllabus O a. Habeus Corpus Calendar Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 19 1 pts History 19) The primary duty of a judge during a court proceeding is to Studio O d. play golf on Fridays ? Help O a. ensure that justice prevails O b. maintain order in court O c. rule on objections by attorneys K D Question 20 1 ptsQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 20 1 pts Home Announcements 20) Who has the ultimate authority regarding the relevance/admissibility of evidence during a trial? Account Zoom O a. Prosecution Discussions O c. Judge Dashboard Grades 9 O b. Jury Courses People O d. Defense 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules NetTutor D Question 21 1 pts Inbox 21) Who is the manager of a county court system? History O b. Court Clerk Studio O a. County Consul ? O c. Clerk of the Court Help O d. Board of Supervisors D Question 22 1 pts K 22) When the Grand Jury sends a recommendation for charges against a person to the court itQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 22 1 pts Home Announcements 22) When the Grand Jury sends a recommendation for charges against a person to the court it hands down a/an_ Account Zoom Discussions O a. Information Dashboard Grades O d. Indictment 9 Courses People O c. Charge Order 898 Syllabus O b. Crime Complaint Calendar Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 23 1 pts History 23) A defendant cannot be found guilty based solely on "circumstantial evidence." There must be "direct evidence" that can support circumstantial evidence. Studio ? O a. True Help O b. False D Question 24 1 pts K 24) The first attempt within the U.S. to reform the prison system was at_ _Quiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 Home D Question 24 1 pts Announcements 24) The first attempt within the U.S. to reform the prison system was at_ _ _. Account Zoom Discussions O b. Walnut Street Jail (1790) Dashboard Grades O c. Folson Prison (1880s) 9 Courses People O a. Southern prison farms (1860s) 898 Syllabus O d. Eastern State Penitentiary (1829) Calendar Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 25 1 pts History 25) In 1777, John Howard visited prisons in Europe and as a result published a book titled "State of Prisons." What did that book reveal? Studio ? O c. Creative new designs for prisons. Help O d. Reforms were being made to improve prisons. O a. More prisons were needed. O b. The brutal and inhumane treatment and conditions. K D Question 26 1 ptsQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy re brutal and mumanic Fall 2022 Home Announcements D Question 26 1 pts Account Zoom 26) In "convict lease", inmates would work for a private business to pay off their fine and get out of Discussions Dashboard prison sooner. Grades 9 People O a. True Courses O b. False 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 27 1 pts History 27) When the Civil War started, the Union (northern states army) fought in order to Studio O b. keep the nation united ? O a. end all slavery Help O c. stop slavery from coming to northern states O d. get the south's natural resources D Question 28 1 pts KQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 Home D Question 28 1 pts Announcements Account 28) In the 1860s, the greatest financial asset of the U.S. southern economy that created its wealth Zoom was Discussions Dashboard Grades O a. cotton 9 O c. slavery Courses People O b. tobacco 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules O d. manufacturing NetTutor Inbox D Question 29 1 pts History 29) All slaves were "freed" by the following act by the Union (northern) states. Studio ? O d. 14th Amendment (1868) Help O c. Winning the Civil War (1865) O a. Emancipation Proclamation (1863) O b. 13th Amendment (1865) K D Question 30 1 ptsQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 30 1 pts Home 30) The Innocence Project found that incorrect eyewitness identifications were the greatest Announcements contributing factor in over ____ of wrongful convictions that were overturned upon appeal based Account Zoom on DNA analysis. Discussions Dashboard O d. 70% Grades 9 O c. 55% Courses People O b. 40% 898 Syllabus O a. 25% Calendar Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 31 1 pts History 31) Historically, sanctions/punishments have followed the Classic School of Criminology philosophy of . VS Studio ? O b. pain vs gain Help O No answer text provided. O c. physical vs mental O a. sociological vs biological K D Question 32 1 ptsQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 32 1 pts Home Announcements 32) What is "civil death"? Account Zoom Discussions O a. state execution without pain or suffering Dashboard Grades O b. felons cannot file civil lawsuits 9 O c. loss of civil rights went sent to prison Courses People 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules NetTutor D Question 33 1 pts Inbox 33) Which of the following offenders can be executed for their crime per U.S. Supreme Court History decisions in 2002 & 2005 while the other two offenders cannot?? O a. Juveniles Studio O c. Mentally retarded ? Help O b. Felony sexual crimes D Question 34 1 pts 34) The term "prisonization" refers to KQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 34 1 pts Home Announcements 34) The term "prisonization" refers to Account Zoom Discussions O c. socialization into the prison culture Dashboard Grades O a. being housed in a private prison 9 Courses People O b. mental breakdown due to incarceration 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules NetTutor D Question 35 1 pts Inbox 35) In 1787, at the Constitutional Convention, the Founders that was a conflict that was a History "time bomb" that they hoped would be solved in the future for the good of the new nation. O b. anger by the King of England Studio ? O c. violent disagreements by the political parties Help O a. the institution of slavery D Question 36 1 pts 36) Following the Civil War in 1865, "Black Codes" were enacted by Southern states. What was K the purpose and goal of this codes?Quiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Home Question 36 1 pts Announcements 36) Following the Civil War in 1865, "Black Codes" were enacted by Southern states. What was Account Zoom the purpose and goal of this codes? Discussions Dashboard O c. Help the newly freed slaves get "processed" into society. Grades 9 O b. Keep the newly freed slaves in line. Courses People O a. Laws to protect the newly freed slaves from harm. 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 37 1 pts History 37) At the end of Reconstruction in the South in 1877, Southern legislatures enacted laws to restore the "southern harmony way of life" back to what it was before the war (racial segregation). These laws were as _ until the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & Voting Rights Act of Studio 1965 by Congress. ? Help O b. White Harmony Laws O c. Jim Crow Laws O a. Separate But Equal Laws O d. Dred Scott Laws KQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 38 1 pts Home Announcements 38) Research by the University of Wisconsin has that white job applicants with a criminal history receive better treatment and job offers than black job applicants with no criminal history at all. Account Zoom Discussions O a. True Dashboard Grades O b. False 9 Courses People O c. Both received the same treatment. 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules NetTutor D Question 39 1 pts Inbox 39) Research into causes of false convictions has shown that in eyewitnesses identifications the History brain records and interprets everything the eyes see exactly as it is seen. Studio O b. False ? O a. True Help D Question 40 1 pts 40) When the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 was enacted it ignored the scientific evidence regarding the degree of harmfulness between crack and powder cocaine. As part of the law, a 5 K year enhancement for added years to sentencing was based on the quantity of cocaine involved inQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy D Question 40 1 pts Fall 2022 Home 40) When the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 was enacted it ignored the scientific evidence Announcements regarding the degree of harmfulness between crack and powder cocaine. As part of the law, a 5 year enhancement for added years to sentencing was based on the quantity of cocaine involved in Account Zoom the violation. To trigger this enhancement, there had to be ___ grams of power cocaine to ___ gram Discussions of crack cocaine. Dashboard Grades 9 O d. 100 to 1 Courses People O a. 5 to 1 898 Syllabus O b.10 to 1 Calendar Modules O c. 25 to 2 NetTutor Inbox History D Question 41 1 pts Studio 41) The United States Supreme Court had limited authority when it was first established. In an ? 1803 decision, in the John Marshall Court, the court gave itself the authority/power that it has today in the Marbury v. Madison decision that gave the court _ _ authority over other branches Help of government. O d. appeal process O c. judicial review O b. judicial superiority K a. case decision empowermentQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 42 1 pts Home Announcements 42) When the Supreme Court is of the opinion that a lower court decision was wrong and needs to Account Zoom be remedied the Supreme Court decision is termed _ that case. Discussions Dashboard O b. reverse Grades 9 O a. affirm Courses People O c. reverse and remand 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules NetTutor D Question 43 1 pts Inbox History 43) To "voir dire" a jury is to O c. question the jury on their knowledge of a specific scientific concept Studio O a. see if the jurors are qualified to be on the jury ? Help O d. come to a decision on a verdict yet b. remove a juror for bad conduct D Question 44 1 pts K 44) DuQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 Home Announcements D Question 44 1 pts Account Zoom 44) During a trial, a 'character witness' is a person who gives testimony about the honesty and Discussions credibility of another person involved in the trial. Dashboard Grades 9 Courses People O a. True O b. False 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 45 1 pts History 45) When the prosecutor (D.A.) files charges against a suspect the prosecutor submits an _ with the court. Studio O d. crime citation ? Help O c. charging document O b. information O a. indictment D 1 pts K Question 46Quiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 46 1 pts Home Announcements 46) In the 'Motions Hearing' step in the trial process, if an attorney files a motion to find out Account Zoom evidence that the other side has it is called a motion of Discussions Dashboard O e. Dismissal Grades 9 O d. Continuance Courses People O c. Discovery 898 Syllabus O b. Change of Venue Calendar Modules O a. Suppression NetTutor Inbox History D Question 47 1 pts Studio 47) Knowingly making false, untrue, misleading, inaccurate testimony under oath during a trial is ? known as Help O d. Being just plain stupid O b. Perjury O a. Lying to the Robes O c. Unlawful verbal intent KQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 D Question 48 1 pts Home Announcements 48) A defendant is convicted of multiple crimes. Each conviction has a separate state prison Account Zoom sentence. The judge sentences the defendant to serve the sentences 'concurrently!' What does Discussions that mean? Dashboard Grades 9 O a. Serve sentences simultaneously. Courses People O b. Serve the sentences one after the other. 898 Syllabus Calendar Modules NetTutor D Question 49 1 pts Inbox 49) In the contemporary philosophies of sentencing, the philosophy that sees crime as a sickness History that has to be cured is Studio O e. restorative justice ? O b. incapacitation Help O c. retribution O a. deterrence O d. rehabilitation K D Question 50 1 ptsQuiz: Week 7: Mid-Term #2 X *Dashboard CO To f? Update : Google docs school materials Design De anza bobo Jetzy Fall 2022 Home D Question 50 1 pts Announcements Account Zoom 50) A 'Hung Jury' is a jury that Discussions Dashboard O a. cannot come to a unanimous verdict Grades 9 O b. sentences a defendant to execution Courses People O No answer text provided. 898 Syllabus Calendar O c. a jury that is forced to keep deliberating until it reaches a verdict Modules NetTutor Inbox D Question 51 1 pts History 51) At the start of the documentary (Life in Folsom), an inmate compared life in Folsom to a Studio _movie. ? O a. fantasy Help O c. horror O d. bad comedy O b. science fiction K

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