! rangom sample 0! !ll patients agmltte! to an aguit ll'llCnSlVC care unit \"Ell was COIICCIC! to examine factors associated with death during hospital stay for ICU patients. Data was also collected on patient's age (in years). race. whether the patient had an infection at the time ot'lCU admission, and whether the patient had CPR administered prior to the hospital admission. The following table presents the unadjusted and adjusted slopes (these have not been exponentiated). and standard errors from logistic regressions, as well as the intercept for the multiple logistic regression model. Table 1: Logistic Regression Results for Predictors of ICU Mortality Regression Slopes (SE in parentheses} and Intercept (These results have not been exponentiated) Predictor Unadiusted Adjusted Infection No ref ref Yes 0.92 (0.36} 0.68 (0.38} CPR Performed No ref ref Yes 1.70 (0.60} 1.62 (0.62} Age Quartile p=0.04 = 72 years 1.58 (0.61} 1.47 (0.64} Race White ref ref Non-white -0.68 (0.19) -0.39 (0.67} Intercept -2.76 17' What is the adjusted inmddlr ratio of'dearh) and 95% CI for those who received CPR prior to [C U admission. compared to those who did not receive CPR prior to ICU admission? 18. What is the adjusted odds ratio ofdearh and 95% CI for those who received CPR prior to ICU admission, compared to those who did not receive CPR prior to ICU admission? 19. Does it appear that the association between death and receiving CPR was confounded by infection status and/or age and/or race? Why or why not? 20. Based on the multiple logistic regression results, what is the estimated probability of death in the ICU for 45 year old White patients who did not receive CPR and did not have an infection at the time of ICU admission? 21. Based on the multiple logistic regression results, what is the estimated probability of death in the ICU for 75 year old White patients received CPR and had an infection at the time of ICU admission? 22. What is estimated adjusted odds ratio of death for the group described in question 21, compared to the group described in question 20'? 23. What is estimated relative risk of death for the group described in question 21, compared to the group described in question 20