Read all the instructions carefully and do it according to the given order. Save both files and submit in D2L. 7) Open the file Final Word.docx 8) Link the last word of page 10 to the title in Page 4 of the document 9) Replace all occurrences of the word happiness with Joy 10) Change all the spelling error of Video by replacing it once to the whole document. 11) Correct all the grammar error for the whole document. 12) Make a new auto correct entry for the word appi to be replaced as happy 13) Create an auto text entry for QA so that it means Qatariya 14) Only on page 2 make a border to look like this =, thickness 11/2pt and colour purple 15) Make only_page 2 as Landscape 16) Only on page 2 set the text as 2 columns 17) Replace the title in all odd numbered pages to Happiness and even numbered pages to Video. 18) Set all the heading styles to Heading 2 and paragraph styles to Quote. 19) Set a theme of your choice. Change the colors, fonts \& effects of your choice. 20) Set the header and footer for 'Different Odd \& Even Pages'. 21) Create a header - "Lessons for Happiness" in the left, date field in any format on the right to be updated automatically for all odd pages. 22) Repeat the above point with header - "Lessons for Video" for all even pages. 23) Create a footer with page number of any format in the centre for all pages. 24) Set the first line indent of each paragraphs to 2cm or 1 25) Adjust the line spacing of the document to 1.65 26) Add a drop cap to the first paragraph on the first page only. 27) In the last page of the document, insert Object shapes.docx and set a link to this file. 28) Insert a WordArt - CNAQ. Change the shape of the WordArt to Stars \& Banners - Wave. 29) Change the shape outline to Purple and Weight - 3 pts. 30) Create a page border with an Art design to the last page of the document only. 31) Save the file as Final Word.docx and submit it