Read the attached article in regards to Consultative Selling -What are the 2 most important concepts, in your opinion, in implementing a Consultative Selling approach? The Consultative Selling Framework The Consultative Selling Framework provides sellers with a consistent, repeatable process to more effectively execute sales conversations. The Framework consists of 6 steps: 01. Prepare Sellers learn to use a structured approach for conducting research to understand common industry challenges, recent changes in the client's company, their role, and interests to outline a plan for a productive and engaging meeting. Weve built a suite of tools that help embed best practices like call preparation into your sales team's flow of work. Learn about these tools, which inciude a sales call planner by clicking here. 02. Connect Sellers use rapport-building skills to open customer conversations and set a positive tone for the meeting. This helps them to start building trust to ensure the buyer is comfortable sharing critical information. 03. Understand Sellers differentiate their organization and start the process of formulating a value statement by using questioning skills to develop a deep understanding of the buyer's needs. To gain this understanding, consultative sellers employ a questioning framework based on asking open-ended and checking questions that encourage exploration and aligntnent. What Is Consultative Selling? Consultative selling is a sales approach that prioritizes relationships and open dialogue to identify and provide solutions to a customer's needs. It is hyper focused on the customer, rather than the product being sold. This technique helps sales professionals better understand the challenges faced by customers so they can position their solutions in a more compelling and effective way