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Read these articles and answer the questions below. GE. Press Esc to exit full screen ronomics FFR A New Frontier: Monetary Policy with Ample

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Read these articles and answer the questions below.

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GE. Press Esc to exit full screen ronomics FFR A New Frontier: Monetary Policy with Ample Reserves Scott A. Wolla, Ph.D., Economic Education Coordinator GLOSSARY "Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster Arbitrage: The simultaneous purchase and maximum employment and price stability. In support of these goals, sale of a good in order to profit from a the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal difference in price. funds rate at 2-1/4 to 2-1/2 percent." Balance sheet: A statement of the assets -FOMC Statement, March 20, 20191 and liabilities of a firm or individual at some given time. Federal funds rate (FFR): The interest rate Introduction at which a depository institution lends funds that are immediately available to The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States. Its dual ther depository institution overnight. mandate from Congress is to promote maximum employment and price Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) stability. To achieve this mandate, the Federal Reserve conducts monetary A committee created by law that consists policy by influencing market interest rates. However, the means by which of the seven members of the Board of Governors; the president of the Federa the Federal Reserve influences interest rates have changed over time. Reserve Bank of New York; and, on a rotating basis, the presidents of four other Influencing the Economy through the Federal Funds Rate Reserve Banks. Nonvoting Reserve Bank presidents also participate in FOMC For decades prior to 2008, the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market deliberations and discussion. Committee (FOMC) would adjust monetary policy to match economic Liquidity: The quality that makes an asset conditions by raising or lowering its target for the federal funds rate (FFR), easily convertible into cash with relatively the rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans.2 The Fed can little loss of value in the conversion influence the general cost of borrowing through this one rate because, process. although short-term interest rates differ from each other, they are closely Monetary policy: Central bank actions linked.3 If one short-term rate gets much below others, financial institutions involving the use of interest rate or money supply tools to achieve such goals as will tend to borrow in that market and lend where rates are higher. This maximum employment and stable prices tendency puts upward pressure on the lower rate and downward pressure Open market operations: The buying and on the higher rate-keeping rates linked. This is known as arbitrage, an selling of government securities through important aspect of the way financial markets, and monetary policy, work. primary dealers by the Federal Reserve in So, by influencing one rate-the FFR-the Federal Reserve can influence order to influence the money supply. other short-term rates, which affect longer-term interest rates, consumer Stimulus: Actions taken by a government or and producer decisions, and ultimately the level of employment and a central bank that are intended to encourage economic activity and growth. inflation in the U.S. economy (Figure 1). Monetary Policy with Scarce Reserves Prior to September 2008, the Federal Reserve primarily bought and sold relatively small quantities of Treasury securities in the open market, termed open market operations, to adjust the level of bank reserves and thereby influence the FFR. Bank reserves are the sum of cash that banks hold in May 2019 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | research.stlouisfed.orgPAGE ONE Economics Figure 1 Transmission of Monetary Policy ' - P funds rate Figure 2 Monetary Policy with Scarce Reserves Federal Funds Rate Discount Rate 515 Billion Reserves The supply of bank reserves is vertical because the supply of reserves collectively held by the banking system is determined by the Federal Reserve.\" When reserves are scarce, the Federal Reserve can shift the supply curve to the right or left by adding or subtract- ing reserves from the banking system using open market operations. The intersection of supply and demand determines the FFR. When the supply curve was in the downward-sloping region of the demand curve, relatively small shifts in supply had a significant effect on the FFR. The Trading Desk at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York used open market operations to fine-tune the supply of reserves to achieve the target FFR set by the FOMC. This fine- tuning was done by selling or purchasing securities to shift the reserve supply curve left or right. *More precisely, a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve, determines a country's \"monetary base,\" which is the sum of currency held by the public plus total bank reserves. The monetary base equals the value of the central bank's assets_ But, conditional on the public's choice of how much currency to hold, the chaice of the monetary base pins down total bank reserves. their vaults and the deposits they maintain at Federal Reserve Banks. Reserves fall into two categories. First, banks hold required reserves, funds that must be held as vault cash or deposits at a Federal Reserve Bank.* And banks can also hold excess reserves, funds held as vault cash or deposits at a Federal Reserve Bank in excess of required reserves. Banks had long argued that because they had to hold required reserves, these reserves were Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | research 2 (LSS hwg::m Maximum e Consumers and employment R Producers and stable conditions L a tax because the Fed did not pay interest on these hold- ings. Absent the requirement, banks could lend or invest those reserves to earn interest. As a result, banks main- tained required reserves, but minimized excess reserves, preferring to earn interest by lending or investing the funds. And, because reserves were scarce, Banks frequently had to borrow in the federal funds market (paying the FFR) to ensure they were meeting their overnight reserve requirements. In that framework, the Federal Reserve could raise or lower the FFR by making relatively small changes to the supply of reserves (Figure 2). For example, the Fed could increase reserves by buying Treasury securities on the open market and crediting the accounts of the seller with reserves as payment. A greater quantity of reserves shifted the reserves supply curve to the right and put downward pressure on the FFR. And a lower FFR tended to put down- ward pressure on other interest rates in the economy. Likewise, the Fed could decrease reserves by selling Treasury securities on the open market and debiting the accounts of buyers. As the supply of reserves decreased, it shifted the reserves supply curve to the left and put upward pressure on the FFR. And as the FFR increased, so did other interest rates. The Federal Reserve used these policies to achieve its dual mandate. For example, the Fed could increase reserves to decrease the FFR and other interest rates, thereby encouraging economic activity when the econ- omy was in recession (to achieve its maximum employ- ment objective). Or, it could reduce reserves to increase the FFR and other interest rates in an attempt to restrain spending when inflation exceeded its 2 percent inflation objective (to achieve its price stability objective). The Trading Desk of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York conducted open market operations, as needed, to main- tain the FFR very near the FOMC's target rate (Figure 3). PAGE ONE Economics" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | 3 Figure 3 Figure 4 Monetary Policy Prior to 2008: The FFR Target Excess Reserves FRED - electies Federal Funds Rate FRED serves of Depository Institutions 1.800.BOO 19096 19798 2030 2032 2984 3 1998 1935 2009 The FOMC's FFR target has varied widely in response to economic NOTE: Gray bars indicate recessions as determined by the NBER. conditions. Prior to 2008, the FOMC set a single target for the FFR SOURCE: FRED*, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; and used open market operations to move the rate toward its target., accessed February 22, 2019. NOTE: Gray bars indicate recessions as determined by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). SOURCE: FRED*, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https:/, accessed February 22, 2019. Monetary Policy Acronyms The Financial Crisis Federal funds rate FFR The Financial Crisis and resulting recession, known as the Federal open market committee FOMC Great Recession, hit the U.S. economy hard. By December nterest on reserves IOR 2008, the Federal Reserve had lowered the FFR to a target Interest on required reserves IORR rate range of 0 to 25 basis points. Then, to provide fur- Interest on excess reserves IOER ther stimulus and liquidity, the Federal Reserve made a Overnight reverse repurchase agreement ON RRP series of large-scale asset purchases between late 2008 and 2014. The primary purpose of these purchases was to lower long-term interest rates to encourage consump- hold more or fewer reserves, it gives the Fed an additional tion and investment. The purchases, which were also open tool for conducting monetary policy. Prior to the summer market operations, increased the size of the Fed's balance of 2008, excess reserves had not exceeded $2 billion; sheet and also dramatically increased the amount of by December 2008 they reached $767 billion, eventually reserves in the banking system. In addition, over the peaking near $2.7 trillion in August 2014 (Figure 4) course of the crisis, the Fed introduced two new tools to because of the large-scale asset purchases by the Fed U.S. monetary policy: interest on reserves (IOR) and the over this period. overnight reverse repurchase agreement (ON RRP) facility. (See the table for a list of monetary policy acronyms.) The second new tool of monetary policy is the ON RRP facility: When an institution uses the ON RRP facility it Congress had enacted IOR in 2006, with an originally essentially deposits reserves at the Fed overnight (with scheduled start in 2011. To enable the Fed to use this a U.S. government security from the Federal Reserve's tool during the Financial Crisis, the start was pushed up portfolio acting as collateral) and earns interest (the ON to October 2008, and it applied to both required reserves RRP rate) on the deposit." This is similar to a consumer paying interest on required reserves, or IORR) and excess buying a certificate of deposit, holding it for a specified reserves (paying interest on excess reserves, or IOER).? time, and being paid interest when it is redeemed. The ORR eliminates the implicit tax on reserves requirements. purpose of the ON RRP facility is to set a floor on interest And, because the IOER rate influences banks' decision to rates.PAGE ONE Economics" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Monetary Policy with Ample Reserves Interest on Excess Reserves Federal Funds Rate FRED - Interest Rate in Excess Reserves - Effective Federal Funds Rate Supply 3.0 Discount Rate Demand TIT IOER Rate ON RRP Rate 2016 2019 2439 $1.6 Trillion Reserves SOURCE: FRED*, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; In a world with ample reserves, the Federal Reserve operates where https:/, accessed February 22, 2019. the following are true: (i) The demand curve is flat and near the IOER rate. (ii) The supply of reserves is ample and far to the right of the origin, Figure 7 intersecting demand on the flat portion of the curve. As such, Monetary Policy with Ample Reserves making slight adjustments to the supply of reserves no longer puts upward or downward pressure on the FFR and instead the FRED - Federal Punch Target Range . Lower Limit - Detection Federal Funds Baby Limit FFR is guided by the IOER rate as well as the ON RRP rate. 30 2.5 The Current Framework: Monetary Policy with Ample Reserves Although the quantity of excess reserves has been declin ing since its peak in 2014, reserve balances are currently far in excess of banks' reserve requirements and the FOMC as has indicated that it will in the longer-run conduct policy with ample reserves. With such a large quantity of reserves in the banking system, the Federal Reserve can no longer effectively influence the FFR by small changes in the The FFR target is now communicated as a range 25 basis points supply of reserves. For example, a relatively small increase wide rather than a single rate. in reserves will not lower interest rates, nor will a relatively small reduction in reserves raise short-term interest rates NOTE: Gray bar indicates recession as determined by the NBER. SOURCE: FRED*, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; (Figure 5). Instead, the Fed uses its newer tools-IOER https:/, accessed February 22, 2019. and the ON RRP facility-to influence the FRR and short- term interest rates more generally. This tends to pull the FFR in the direction of the IOER rate (Figure 6). As such, to conduct monetary policy, the OER Federal Reserve moves the FFR into the target range set The IOER rate offers a safe, risk-free investment option to by the FOMC primarily by adjusting the IOER rate. 10 But banks holding reserves at the Fed. Given this rate, banks not every financial institution can hold reserves with the will not lend reserves in the market for less than the IOER Fed. rate. Arbitrage plays a key role in steering the federal funds toward the target. For example, if the FFR falls very ON RRP Facility far below the IOER rate, banks have an incentive to bor- More types of financial institutions can participate in the row in the federal funds market and to deposit those ON RRP program than can earn interest on reserves. These reserves at the Fed, earning a profit on the difference. institutions use the facility's rate to arbitrage other short-PAGE ONE Economics" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis | 5 term rates. In particular, because these institutions will Notes never be willing to lend funds for lower than the ON RRP ' Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "FOMC Statement.* March 20, rate, the FFR will not fall below the ON RRP rate. As such, 2019; https://www.federalreserve.q ases/mone: the rate paid on ON RRP transactions acts as a floor for the tary20190320a.htm. FFR. 2 In 2008, as the FFR neared zero, the FOMC began to implement monetary policy primarily through purchases of long-term bonds to reduce long-term interest rates, a strategy commonly (but inaccurately) known as "quantitative easing." FFR Range Such purchases are one type of "unconventional" monetary policy. The FOMC supplemented this strategy with "forward guidance" to financial markets. The Rather than setting a single target for the FFR, the target FFR remained near zero until December 2015. is now communicated as a range 25 basis points wide. Short rates can differ because of several factors the duration of the loan, the As stated above, the IOER rate and ON RRP rate are used credit worthiness of the borrower, and whether collateral is required/available. to guide the FFR within the target range (Figure 7). 4 Although legal reserve requirements still exist, in practice, financial innovation in the 1990s had enabled banks to avoid nearly any obligation to hold reserves. Despite the recent changes, the FFR will continue to be " A basis point is 1/100th of 1 percent. It is used chiefly to express differences in the primary means of adjusting the stance of monetary interest rates. For example, an increase in a particular interest rate of 0.25 percent policy." And the transmission channels are the same- can be described as an increase of 25 basis points. the FFR influences other interest rates in the economy, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "What Were the Federal which influence the decisions of consumers and producers Reserve's Large-Scale Asset Purchases?" what-were the fe ses.htm. (see Figure 1). To conduct monetary policy, the FOMC Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "Interest on Required Reserve increases or decreases the target range in a manner Balances and Excess Balances." consistent with its policy goals of price stability and https//www.federalreserve.gow/mar maximum employment. 12 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. See footnote 7. Federal Reserve Bank of New York. "Reverse Repo Counterparties." Conclusion https// When reserves were scarce, the Federal Reserve could 10 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. See footnote 7. influence the FFR with small changes in the supply of 11 Board of Governors of the Federal Rese arve System. "FOMC Communications Related to Policy Normalization." reserves by conducting open market operations that https//ww zation.htm. would shift the supply curve to the right (increasing 12 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. See footnote 11. reserves) or left (decreasing reserves). In the past few years, the Federal Reserve has adopted a new strategy for implementing monetary policy. With ample reserves in the banking system, the Fed now sets a target range for the FFR and uses the rates on IOER and the ON RRP facility econlowdown to keep the FFR rate in the FOMC's target range. click. teach. engage. Please visit our website and archives at http//research for more information and resources. 2019, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis or the Federal Reserve System

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