Real estate in New South Wales, Australia:
The receptionist at Azure Beach Realty Group and has just spoken Jack Hastings, the landlord for 10 Mary Street, Newcastle, in regards to replacing the stoye in his rental property. The landlord informed the receptionist that he was going to use a mate {retired electrician John Hastings} to install the new stoye at his property. He has also mentioned that John would like to go on the agency Tradesperson list and asked ifthe Property Manager can please set up a meeting tomorrow, to discuss these matters with him and John. The receptionist informed the property manager {you} and has booked a meeting with the landlord and Jack for tomorrow as requested. Note: Bylaw, any electrical installation work in NSW must be carried out by a licenced electrician. Contractors used by the agency must be able to supply the following documents: I Copy ofthe releyant licence I Copy of insurance documents I Safe work Methods Policy I ABM number Task 1: Communicate with a customer and client Using your communication strategies and ethical practice, participate in a meeting to 1. Identify whether the 'the friend [John Harrington]I has the required qualifications (licence, public liability Insurance, WHERE documentation} to complete the installation of the stoye and become a listed tradesperson for your agency. 2. Explain to Mr Hastings and John ymyyou are unable to use John as an agency tradesperson or to install the stove. Refer to the legal requirement set out by HEEL Fair Trading. Meeting participants: I CustomerJohn Harrington, may be played bya friend or colleague I lad: Hastings the landlord, may be played bya friend or colleague I Property Manager 1'Iiou Meeting information John Harrington is a retired electrician that still holds his licence but no longer holds an ABM or the required insurances. Landlord Ask property manager to l\"turn a blind eye' and let friend do the iob. Will agree to wait till John organises the relevant insurances before he installs the stove. Landlord understands agencies position and thanks the property manager for protecting his interests