Reba Dixon is a fifth-grade school teacher who earned a salary of $38,000 in 2022 . She is 45 years old and has been divorced for four years. She receives $1,200 of alimony payments each month from her former husband (divorced in 2016) Reba also rents out a small apartment buliding. This year Reba received $50,000 of rental payments from tenants and she incurred $19.500 of expenses associated with the rental. Reba and her daughter Heather (20 years old at the end of the year) moved to Georgia in January of this year. Reba provides more than one-half of Heather's support. They had been living in Colorado for the past 15 years, but ever since her divorce, Reba has been wanting to move back to Georgia to be closer to her family. Luckily, last December, a teaching position opened up and Reba and Heather decided to make the move. Reba paid a moving company $2,250 to move their personal belongings, and she and Heather spent two days driving the 1,600 miles to Georgia. Reba rented a home in Georgia. Heather decided to continue living at home with her mom, but she started attending school full-time in January and throughout the rest of the year at a nearby university. She was awarded a $3,360 partial tuition scholarship this year, and Reba helped out by paying the remaining $500 tuition cost. If possible, Reba thought it would be best to claim the education credit for these expenses Reba wasn't sure if she would have enough items to help her benefit from itemizing on her tax return. However, she kept track of several expenses this year that she thought might qualify if she was able to itemize. Reba paid $6,520 in state income taxes and $14,100 in charitable contributions during the year. She also paid the following medical-related expenses for herself and Heather: Shortly after the move. Reba got distracted while driving and ran into a street sign. The accident caused $1,020 in damage to the car and gave her whiplash. Because the repairs were less than her insurance deductible, she paid the entire cost of the repairs, Reba wasn't able to work for two months after the accident Fortunately, she received $2,000 from her disability insurance. Her employer, the Central Georgla School District, paid 60 percent of the premiums on the policy as a nontaxable fringe benefit and Reba paid the remaining 40 percent portion. A few years ago. Reba acquired several investments with her portion of the divorce settlement. This year she reported the following income from her investments: $2,200 of interest income from corporate bonds and $1,740 interest income from City of Denver municipal bonds. Overall, Reba's stock portfolio appreciated by $13.510, but she did not sell any of her stocks. Heather reponed $6,400 of interest income from corporate bonds she received as gifts from her father over the last Heather reported $6,400 of interest income from corporate bonds she received as gifts from her father over the last several years. This was Heather's only source of income for the year Reba had $11,270 of federal income taxes withheld by her employer. Heather made $1,120 of estimated tax payments during the year. Reba did not make any estimated payments. Using the information from part a-1, Complete pages 1 and 2, Schedule 1, and Schedule 3 of Form 1040 for Reba Reba Dixon's address is 19010 N.W. 135th Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30043. Social security numbers Reba Dixon: 111-11-1111 Heather Dixon: 222-22-2222 Filing status Osingle Ouaried filing OMarried filing separately (MFS) OHead of household (HOH) Cuaifying widom(er) (QW) Check only If you checked the MFS box, enter the name of your spouse. If you cheched the HOH or QW box, enter the childs name if the qualifying person is one box. a child but not your dependent Your fist name and middie inital If pint tetum spouse's first narte and middle intal Al any time during 2021, did you recoive, sel, send, exchange, or otherwise acqure ary fnancial merest in aby vitual cunency? Required information THIS FORM IS A SMMULATON OF AN OFFCUAL U.S. TAX FORM. IT IS NOT THE OFFICML FOFM IT SELF. DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR TAX FLUNGS OR FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN EDUCATOMAL, 92022 MCGREW Hil EdTucation. 16 Tax (see instructions) 8014 Check if any from Form(s) 17 Amount from Schedule 2 , line 3 18 Add lines 16 and 17 19 Nonsetundable chad tax credit or credi for other dependents from Schedule 3512 20 Amount from Schedule 3, line ? 21 Add lines 19 and 20 22 Sublract ine 21 from line 18 If zero or less, enter -0. 23 Other taxes, including self-employment lax, from Schedule 2 , line 21 24 Add lines 22 and 23. This is your lotal tax 25 Federal income lax witheld from a Form(s) W.2 b Fam/s) 1099 e Olher forms (see nstructions) A Add ines 25 a through 25C 202021 estimated tax payments and amount appled from 2020 return Check here it you were bom aher Jacuacy 1, 1996, and before January 2, 2004, and you sataty alt the other requirements for taxpayers who are at least age 10, to claim the EIC. See instructions b Wontarable combat pay election c Prior year (2019) eamed incorne 26. Pefundable chid tax ceedA or additional child tax credit from Schedule 8812 29 Amencan opportunty eredt from Form 363 , line 5 30 Recovery rebale credt See intructions 31 Arsount trom Sehooule 3, line is 32 Add ines 27 a and 28 though 31 . These are your total other payments and refundable credits Sign Under penalties of pergury, I declare that I have examned this retum and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and Additional Income Tarable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local incorve taxes Alimony received Date of onginal dworce or separaton agreement (see instruclions) Business income or (loss) Altach Schedule C Other gains or (losses). Astach Form 4797 Rentai real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts etc. Astach Schedule E Farm income or (loss). Altach Schedule F Unempioyment compensaton Other income Net operating loss Gambling neome Cancellation of debt Foreign earned income exclusion from Form 2555 Taxable Heath 5 avings Account distribution Maska Permanent Fund didends Jury duty pay Prizes and awards Activity not engaged in for proft income Stock options Income trom the rental of personal propeity if you engaged in the rental for profit but were not in the business of renting such property Oymple and Paralympic medals and UsoC prize moncy (see instructiont) Sectoon 951 (a) inclusion (see intructions) Section 05 1A(a) inclusinn (ree instructions) Section 4610 excess busness loss adjusiment Taxable distritutions trom an AbUE account isee instructions) Oeter income. List bpe and amount 12. Certain buniness erpenses of resenvists, performing antsts, and See basis government offioiais. Altach Form 2106 13 Heath savegs account deduction Allach Foem 3569 14 Moving expenses for menbers of the Armed Forces. Attach Form 3903 15 Deducible part of selfemployment tax Allach Schedule SE 16 Sellemployed SEP, SMPLE, and qualfied plans 17 Selfemployed health insurance deduction 15. Penalty on eany withdraiual of swings 15 Almony paid \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline 11 & \\ \hline 12 & \\ \hline 13 & \\ \hline 14 & \\ \hline 15 & \\ \hline 16 & \\ \hline 17 & \\ \hline 16 & \\ \hline 19 s & \\ \hline \end{tabular} b Recipierts 5SN c Dale of oniginal dwoece of sepaation agreenent (aee instructons) b 20 TPA deduction 21 Shudent loan interest Geduction n Peserved for fuduse une 23. 24. Oter adputments: Jury duty pay (see instructions) Deducticle expentes ielated to income reported on ine kk tom the rental of pervonal propenty engaged in for prodit Nontacabie amount of the valee or olmpic and paraympec medwa and usoc. pres money repolied on lne td Reforestaton amortataton and ersenses Repayenent of weplemental unemplopment benetis under the Trode Act of 1974 Contitutions to wection 50tie)(18)(D) pensise plans Contributions by certain chaplaies to section 403b, plans Alloref lees and cout costs for actons envolving cettan uniamul discrimenation dams (seo intructions) Abores tees and court costs you pad an conecton with an anard tori the AS for elormition you poronded that helped the ith delect tax Ia violations Housing dectucton fiom rom 2555 Archer MSA deduction Other adiustments Jury duty pay (see instructions) Deductble expenses related to income reported on line 3k from the rental of perscnal property engaged in for proft Nontaxable amount of the value of Otympic and Paralympic medals and USOC prize money reported on line of Reforestabon amorization and expenses Repayment of supplemental unemployment benefts under the Trade Act of 1974 Contributions to section 501(c)(15)(D) pension plans Contributions by certain chaplains to section 403(b) pians Allorney fees and court costs for actions involving certain unlawful discremenation claims (see instructons) Aliorney lees and coult costs you paid n connection with an award from the IRS for information you provided that heiped the IRS delect tax law violations Housing deduction from Form 2555 Excess deductions of section 67(e) expenses tiom Schedule K-1form 1041) Excess dedactoos of section 67(c) expenses trom schedule K-1 form 1041) Tolal cther adjustments. Add lines 24a thoough 24z Add Ines 11 through 23 and 25 . These are your adjustinents to incone Enter beie and on Foris 1040 or 1040.SR. line 10, of Form 1040 WiR. Ine 10a For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax refum instructions. Cat. No, 71479f Schedule 1 (f orm f040)2021 THIS FOPM IS A SIMULATION OF AN OFFICIAL U.S. TAX FORM. IT IS NOT THE OFFICUL. FORM IT SELF, DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR TAX FILINGS OR FOR 2 Credt for child and dependent care expenses from Form 2441, line 11. Attach Form 2441 3 Educalion credits from Form 8863 , line 19 4 Refirement savings contributions credit. Attach Form 8880 5 Residental energy credits. Alach Form 5695 6 Other nomefundable credits a General business credi. Athach Form 3800 b Credn for poior year mininum tax. Attach Form 8801 c Adopton credit Allach Form 3839 d Creda for the eldenty or disabled. Allach Schedule R e Alternative motor vehicle credit Attach Form 8910 f Cualified plug-in motor vehicle credit Antach Form 8936 g Mortgage interest credit. Attach Form 3396 h District of Columbia first-tme homebuyer credit Attach Form 8859 I Qualfied electrio vehicle credit Atiach Form 8834 1 Allernative fuel vehicle refieling property credit. Aflach Form 8911 k Credit to holders of lax credit bonds Attach Form 8912 I Amount on Form 6978 , line 14 . See instructions z Other nontefundable credits. List type and amount 7 Tolal other nonselundable credits Add lines 6 a through 62 8 Add lines 1 through 5 and 7 . Enter bere and on Form 1040, 1040-SR. or 1040-tRR. Ine 20 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. Cat No 71430C Schedule.3 (Form 1040) 2021 Reba Dixon is a fifth-grade school teacher who earned a salary of $38,000 in 2022 . She is 45 years old and has been divorced for four years. She receives $1,200 of alimony payments each month from her former husband (divorced in 2016) Reba also rents out a small apartment buliding. This year Reba received $50,000 of rental payments from tenants and she incurred $19.500 of expenses associated with the rental. Reba and her daughter Heather (20 years old at the end of the year) moved to Georgia in January of this year. Reba provides more than one-half of Heather's support. They had been living in Colorado for the past 15 years, but ever since her divorce, Reba has been wanting to move back to Georgia to be closer to her family. Luckily, last December, a teaching position opened up and Reba and Heather decided to make the move. Reba paid a moving company $2,250 to move their personal belongings, and she and Heather spent two days driving the 1,600 miles to Georgia. Reba rented a home in Georgia. Heather decided to continue living at home with her mom, but she started attending school full-time in January and throughout the rest of the year at a nearby university. She was awarded a $3,360 partial tuition scholarship this year, and Reba helped out by paying the remaining $500 tuition cost. If possible, Reba thought it would be best to claim the education credit for these expenses Reba wasn't sure if she would have enough items to help her benefit from itemizing on her tax return. However, she kept track of several expenses this year that she thought might qualify if she was able to itemize. Reba paid $6,520 in state income taxes and $14,100 in charitable contributions during the year. She also paid the following medical-related expenses for herself and Heather: Shortly after the move. Reba got distracted while driving and ran into a street sign. The accident caused $1,020 in damage to the car and gave her whiplash. Because the repairs were less than her insurance deductible, she paid the entire cost of the repairs, Reba wasn't able to work for two months after the accident Fortunately, she received $2,000 from her disability insurance. Her employer, the Central Georgla School District, paid 60 percent of the premiums on the policy as a nontaxable fringe benefit and Reba paid the remaining 40 percent portion. A few years ago. Reba acquired several investments with her portion of the divorce settlement. This year she reported the following income from her investments: $2,200 of interest income from corporate bonds and $1,740 interest income from City of Denver municipal bonds. Overall, Reba's stock portfolio appreciated by $13.510, but she did not sell any of her stocks. Heather reponed $6,400 of interest income from corporate bonds she received as gifts from her father over the last Heather reported $6,400 of interest income from corporate bonds she received as gifts from her father over the last several years. This was Heather's only source of income for the year Reba had $11,270 of federal income taxes withheld by her employer. Heather made $1,120 of estimated tax payments during the year. Reba did not make any estimated payments. Using the information from part a-1, Complete pages 1 and 2, Schedule 1, and Schedule 3 of Form 1040 for Reba Reba Dixon's address is 19010 N.W. 135th Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30043. Social security numbers Reba Dixon: 111-11-1111 Heather Dixon: 222-22-2222 Filing status Osingle Ouaried filing OMarried filing separately (MFS) OHead of household (HOH) Cuaifying widom(er) (QW) Check only If you checked the MFS box, enter the name of your spouse. If you cheched the HOH or QW box, enter the childs name if the qualifying person is one box. a child but not your dependent Your fist name and middie inital If pint tetum spouse's first narte and middle intal Al any time during 2021, did you recoive, sel, send, exchange, or otherwise acqure ary fnancial merest in aby vitual cunency? Required information THIS FORM IS A SMMULATON OF AN OFFCUAL U.S. TAX FORM. IT IS NOT THE OFFICML FOFM IT SELF. DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR TAX FLUNGS OR FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN EDUCATOMAL, 92022 MCGREW Hil EdTucation. 16 Tax (see instructions) 8014 Check if any from Form(s) 17 Amount from Schedule 2 , line 3 18 Add lines 16 and 17 19 Nonsetundable chad tax credit or credi for other dependents from Schedule 3512 20 Amount from Schedule 3, line ? 21 Add lines 19 and 20 22 Sublract ine 21 from line 18 If zero or less, enter -0. 23 Other taxes, including self-employment lax, from Schedule 2 , line 21 24 Add lines 22 and 23. This is your lotal tax 25 Federal income lax witheld from a Form(s) W.2 b Fam/s) 1099 e Olher forms (see nstructions) A Add ines 25 a through 25C 202021 estimated tax payments and amount appled from 2020 return Check here it you were bom aher Jacuacy 1, 1996, and before January 2, 2004, and you sataty alt the other requirements for taxpayers who are at least age 10, to claim the EIC. See instructions b Wontarable combat pay election c Prior year (2019) eamed incorne 26. Pefundable chid tax ceedA or additional child tax credit from Schedule 8812 29 Amencan opportunty eredt from Form 363 , line 5 30 Recovery rebale credt See intructions 31 Arsount trom Sehooule 3, line is 32 Add ines 27 a and 28 though 31 . These are your total other payments and refundable credits Sign Under penalties of pergury, I declare that I have examned this retum and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and Additional Income Tarable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local incorve taxes Alimony received Date of onginal dworce or separaton agreement (see instruclions) Business income or (loss) Altach Schedule C Other gains or (losses). Astach Form 4797 Rentai real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts etc. Astach Schedule E Farm income or (loss). Altach Schedule F Unempioyment compensaton Other income Net operating loss Gambling neome Cancellation of debt Foreign earned income exclusion from Form 2555 Taxable Heath 5 avings Account distribution Maska Permanent Fund didends Jury duty pay Prizes and awards Activity not engaged in for proft income Stock options Income trom the rental of personal propeity if you engaged in the rental for profit but were not in the business of renting such property Oymple and Paralympic medals and UsoC prize moncy (see instructiont) Sectoon 951 (a) inclusion (see intructions) Section 05 1A(a) inclusinn (ree instructions) Section 4610 excess busness loss adjusiment Taxable distritutions trom an AbUE account isee instructions) Oeter income. List bpe and amount 12. Certain buniness erpenses of resenvists, performing antsts, and See basis government offioiais. Altach Form 2106 13 Heath savegs account deduction Allach Foem 3569 14 Moving expenses for menbers of the Armed Forces. Attach Form 3903 15 Deducible part of selfemployment tax Allach Schedule SE 16 Sellemployed SEP, SMPLE, and qualfied plans 17 Selfemployed health insurance deduction 15. Penalty on eany withdraiual of swings 15 Almony paid \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline 11 & \\ \hline 12 & \\ \hline 13 & \\ \hline 14 & \\ \hline 15 & \\ \hline 16 & \\ \hline 17 & \\ \hline 16 & \\ \hline 19 s & \\ \hline \end{tabular} b Recipierts 5SN c Dale of oniginal dwoece of sepaation agreenent (aee instructons) b 20 TPA deduction 21 Shudent loan interest Geduction n Peserved for fuduse une 23. 24. Oter adputments: Jury duty pay (see instructions) Deducticle expentes ielated to income reported on ine kk tom the rental of pervonal propenty engaged in for prodit Nontacabie amount of the valee or olmpic and paraympec medwa and usoc. pres money repolied on lne td Reforestaton amortataton and ersenses Repayenent of weplemental unemplopment benetis under the Trode Act of 1974 Contitutions to wection 50tie)(18)(D) pensise plans Contributions by certain chaplaies to section 403b, plans Alloref lees and cout costs for actons envolving cettan uniamul discrimenation dams (seo intructions) Abores tees and court costs you pad an conecton with an anard tori the AS for elormition you poronded that helped the ith delect tax Ia violations Housing dectucton fiom rom 2555 Archer MSA deduction Other adiustments Jury duty pay (see instructions) Deductble expenses related to income reported on line 3k from the rental of perscnal property engaged in for proft Nontaxable amount of the value of Otympic and Paralympic medals and USOC prize money reported on line of Reforestabon amorization and expenses Repayment of supplemental unemployment benefts under the Trade Act of 1974 Contributions to section 501(c)(15)(D) pension plans Contributions by certain chaplains to section 403(b) pians Allorney fees and court costs for actions involving certain unlawful discremenation claims (see instructons) Aliorney lees and coult costs you paid n connection with an award from the IRS for information you provided that heiped the IRS delect tax law violations Housing deduction from Form 2555 Excess deductions of section 67(e) expenses tiom Schedule K-1form 1041) Excess dedactoos of section 67(c) expenses trom schedule K-1 form 1041) Tolal cther adjustments. Add lines 24a thoough 24z Add Ines 11 through 23 and 25 . These are your adjustinents to incone Enter beie and on Foris 1040 or 1040.SR. line 10, of Form 1040 WiR. Ine 10a For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax refum instructions. Cat. No, 71479f Schedule 1 (f orm f040)2021 THIS FOPM IS A SIMULATION OF AN OFFICIAL U.S. TAX FORM. IT IS NOT THE OFFICUL. FORM IT SELF, DO NOT USE THIS FORM FOR TAX FILINGS OR FOR 2 Credt for child and dependent care expenses from Form 2441, line 11. Attach Form 2441 3 Educalion credits from Form 8863 , line 19 4 Refirement savings contributions credit. Attach Form 8880 5 Residental energy credits. Alach Form 5695 6 Other nomefundable credits a General business credi. Athach Form 3800 b Credn for poior year mininum tax. Attach Form 8801 c Adopton credit Allach Form 3839 d Creda for the eldenty or disabled. Allach Schedule R e Alternative motor vehicle credit Attach Form 8910 f Cualified plug-in motor vehicle credit Antach Form 8936 g Mortgage interest credit. Attach Form 3396 h District of Columbia first-tme homebuyer credit Attach Form 8859 I Qualfied electrio vehicle credit Atiach Form 8834 1 Allernative fuel vehicle refieling property credit. Aflach Form 8911 k Credit to holders of lax credit bonds Attach Form 8912 I Amount on Form 6978 , line 14 . See instructions z Other nontefundable credits. List type and amount 7 Tolal other nonselundable credits Add lines 6 a through 62 8 Add lines 1 through 5 and 7 . Enter bere and on Form 1040, 1040-SR. or 1040-tRR. Ine 20 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. Cat No 71430C Schedule.3 (Form 1040) 2021