Report Oojective: The obiectives of the Applied Project are to: - Integrate theoretical concepts and practical experience - identify the value of experiential fearning - Clarify future learning objectives and career poals - Torm a permanent tecord of vour wark and capatsintes - Faciltate an understanding of the project work environmem - Refine writing skils to prepare professional qualify report1 - Foster communication - Provide an opportanity for peer / professor necogention of vour skills - Puild vour netiwork * Bulld confidence in yoor theoretical and practical project management - Meet the requirements for the centicate program Repart Overview; Each student must submit a report describing and analyzing the eiperience the student had on their applied project. The report shall follow the format of a lessons learned document and be profestionaly organized and presented. The report must meet the following criteria: - The report must be an indvidual originat repert * The report should address the followine Scope of the applited seciect: - What was the ayeed upon scope of work to be completed on the applied project? 0. Summary of Deliverables and Activities completed: - Provide a uummary of work cempleted on the project, includife delverables and activities. D Lessons Learned: - Closins atatements or lestons learned broken inte 2 categcoties: 1 General Lessons Learned 2. Lessons Learned for your Knowledipe Area (if applicable) to be inclused in Preject Clotine - What went well oe the applied project? - What did not go well? Provide in-depth analysis to demonstrate that vou have assessed what die not go well and have a good underatanfirs of the foot cause and influeacing tactors regarding the lasue or challenge. I - What recommendations do you have to improve this kind of project in the future? Be specific in your recommendations, Previde plant of action, if posuble. - The report must be professionally organized and presented, free of tyoos and spellincerrors, and complete with a cover page, table of contents and page numbering - If yow cite any reference materia, enoure that you use the APA Style Guidelnes as per the School of Business policy * The School of Business Procedures apolies to this assessment The total marks for thit repert are 35, but it is worth 15N of your final grade