Required 2. Shaud the oufuret supoled b otter pe accepled? own cost of prostachy the carturntor memaiy? fitequabet: Pequates. Pepevired: Troy Engines, Lid, manufoctures a variety of engines for use in heavy equtpment. The concany has atways produced all of the necessary parts for its engines, thcluding all of the carburetors. An outside supplier has offered to sell one type of carburetor to Troy Engres, I1d. for a cost of 532 per unit. To evaluate this offer, Troy Engines, Led, has gathered the following infocmation relating to its own cost of producing the carburetor infernally: 'Onethird supervery saiaries, two-therds depreciation of special equipment (no resale valise) Reculred: 1. Assuming the company bas no aliemative use for the focinbes that are now besing used to prociuce the carburetors, what would be the financial advamage idisadvantagej of buyngg 17000 carburetors from the outside suppler? 2. Snould the outske suppliers offer be occepted? 3. Suppose that if the carburetors were purchased. Troy Engines. Lta., coisd use the freed capacity to launch a new product. The segment margin of the new product would be \$170,000 per year. Glven this new assumption, what would be the financial advantage (disedvantegej of buyng 77.000 carbusetiors from the outside supplief? 4. Gven the new assumption in requirement 3, should the outside supplier's offer be accepted? Compiet= this qumstien fiy estering yeur antwere in the tabs below. 'One-third supervisory salanes, two-thirds depreciation of special equipment (no resale valuel: Required: 1. Assumtng the company has no alternative use for the faciiltes that are now being used to produce the carburetors, what would be the financial advantoge (disadvantage) of buying 17,000 carburetors from the outside supplier? 2. Should the outside supplier's offer be accepted? 3. Suppose that if the carburetors were purchased, Troy Engines, Lid, could use the freed capacity to launch a new product. The segment margin of the new product would be $170.000 per yeat. Given this new assumption, what woukld be the financial advantage fcisadvamagej of buying 17.000 carbutetors from the outside supplier? 4. Given the new assumption in requirement 3 , should the outside supplier's offer be accepted? Complete this question by enteritig your answers in the tabs halaw. wowlt be the financial advantage (disedyantapo) of tuying 17,000 casturetere frem the butalde tupplier? "One-thtid supervisory saiarles; wo-thirds depreciation of spectal equipment (no resale value). Required: 1. Assuming the company has no ahemative use for the facilities that are now being used to produce the carburetors, what would be the financial acvantage folsacvantagej of buying 17,000 carburetors from the outside supplier? 2. Should the outside suppiler's offer be accepted? 3. Suppose that if the carburetoss were purchased, Troy Engines. Ltd. could use the freed capacity to launcha new product The segment margin of the new product would be $170.000 per year. 6 ven this new assumption, what would be the financial advantage (cisadvantage) of buyng 17,000 carburetors from the outside supplier? 4. Given the new assumption in requirement 3, should the outside supplier's offer be accepted? Camplete this question toy entering your answers in the tabs tielaw. Thuppose that if the cashureters ware purchased, Jiop Engines, Ltify could use the freed capacity to launcha new product. The adivintage (dinadvantage) of buying 17.000 carburetors from the outside supplier? Engines, Ltd., for a cost of $32 per unit. To evaluate this offer, Troy Engines, Ltd. has gathered the foll own cost of producing the carburetor internally: "One-third supervisory salaries; two-thirds depreciation of special equipment (no resale value). Required: 1. Assuming the company has no alternative use for the facilities that are now being used to produce th the financial advantage (disadvantage) of buying 17,000 carburetors from the outside supplier? 3. Suppose that if the carburetors were purchased, Troy Engines, Ltd, could use the freed capacity to launch a new product. The segment margin of the new product would be $170,000 per year. Given this new assumption, what would be the financial advantage (disadvantage) of buying 17,000 carburetors from the outside supplier? 4. Given the new assumption in requirement 3 , should the outside supplier's offer be accepted? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Assuming the company has rio alternative use for the facilities that are now being used to produce the carburetors, what would be the finandal advantage \{disadvantage) of buying 17,000 carburetors from the outside supplier? 4. Given the new assumption in requirement 3 , should the outside supplier's offer be accepted? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Suppose that if the carburetors were purchased, Troy Engines, Ltd., could use the freed capacity to launch a new product. The segment margin of the new product would be $170,000 per year. Given this new assumption, what would be the financial advantage (disadvantage) of buying 17,000 carburetors from the outside suppller