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Required information The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following information applies to the questions displayed below] Cane Compary manufactures two products

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Required information The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following information applies to the questions displayed below] Cane Compary manufactures two products called Alpha and Beta thot sell for $170 and $130, respectively Each product uses only one type of raw material that costs $6 per pound. The company has the capacity to annualy produce 16,000 units of each product. Its average cost per unit for each product at this level of activity are given betow: The company considers its traceable fixed manufacturing overthead to be avoldable, whereas its cocnmon fixed expenitis are unavoldable and have been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11.6 (Algo) 6. Assume that Cane normally produces and sells 100,000 Betas per year. What is the financial advantage (disadvantage) of discontinuing the Beta product line? The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] (The following information applies fo the questions displayed belowh) Cane Company manufactures two products calied Alpha and Beta that sell for $170 and $130, respectively Fichi piocuct uses only one type of raw materlal that costs $6 per pound. The company has the capacity to annualy prodice 16,000 units of each product. lis average cost per unit for each product at this level of activity are given below: The company considers its traceable fixed manulacturing overhead to be avaldable, whereas its-common fied expenter are unavoldable and have been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11-8 (Algo) 8. Assume that Cane normally produces and sells 70,000 Betas and 90,000 Alphas per year. If Cane discontinoes the Beta prodisct line, its sales representatives could increase sales of Alpha by 14,000 units. What is the financlat advantage (disadvaritage) of discontintaing the Bleta product line? [The following information applos to the questions dilspilayed below] Cane Company manufactures two products called Alpha and Beta that sell for $170 and $130, respectively Each produd uses only one type of raw material that costs 56 per pound. The company has the capacity to annually produce 115,000 units of each product. Its average cost per unit for each product at this level of activity are given below: The company considers its, traceable foxed manufacturing owerhead to be avoidable, whereas is cominon fixed expenses are unavoidable and have been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11-13 (Algo) 13. Assure that Cane's customers would buy a maximum of 90,000 units of Alpha and 70,000 units of Beta. Also assume that the rin inaterlat avallable for production is limiled to 221,000 pounds. How many units of each product should Cane peoduce to maximern as probls? Required information The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following information appiles to the guestions displayed below) Cane company manufactures two products catled Alpha and Beta that sell for $1/0 and $130, respectively. Fach product uses only one type of raw material that costs $6 per pound. The compary has the capacity to annusty produce no.000 inits of each product. its average cost per unit for each product at this levet of activity are olven betow: The company considers its traceable fixed manfacturing overhead to be avoidable, wheteds its common fixed expenses are unavidatile and hawe been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11.2 (Algo) 2. What is the companys total amount of common foed experises? Conon fixed expenses rotal cont per unit The compary considers its traccable fixed manufacturing overhead to be avoidable, whereas its common fixid expenses are unavoidable and have been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11-5 (Algo) 5. Assume that Cane expects to produce and sell 105,000 Alphas during the current year. One of Cane's sales representativis thas found a new customer who is willing to buy 20.000 additional Alphas for a price of $120 per unit; however pursuing this oppoitunity will decrease Alpha sales to regular customers by 9.000 units. a. What is the financial advantage (disadvantage) of accepting the new customer's order? b. Based on your calculations above stiould the special order be accepled? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. What is the financlal odvantage (disadvantage) of accepting the new customer's order? Comen fixed expenses Total cost per unlt The company considers its traceable fixed manufacturing overhead to be avoldable; whereas its coomon fixed expenses are unavoidable and have been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11-5 (Algo) 5. Assume that Cane expects to produce and sell 105,000 Alphas during the current year. One of Cane's sales representatives has found a new customer who is willing to buy 20,000 additional Alphas for a price of $120 per unit, however pursuing this orportanity will decrease Alpha sales to regular customess by 9000 units. a. What is the financial advantage (disadvantage) of accepting the new customer's order? b. Based on your calculations above should the speclal order be accepted? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Based on your calculations in 5 a should the special order be accepted? Required information The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] the following information applies to the questions displayed below? Cane Company manufactures two products called Apha and fieta that sell for $170 and $130, respectively Each product uses only one type of raw materlal that costs $6 per pound. The company has the capacity to annualy produce 166.000 inits of each proxisct. It average cost per unit for each product at this level of activey are ofven below The company corsiders its traceable ficed manufacturing owerhead to be avoldable, wherens its common fixed expernas are unavoldable and have been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11-14 (Algo) 14. Assume that Cane's custemers would boy a maximum of 90,000 units of Apha and 70,000 units of Heta, Also assume that the rxw matertal avalifble for production is timited to 221,000 pounds. What is the total comitibution margin Cane Company will earn? The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] (The following information applies to the questions disployed below) Cane Company manufactures fwo products caled Apha and Beta that sell for $170 and $130, respectively. Euch product uses only one type of raw matertal that costs $6 per pound. The company has the capacify to annually produce 116,000 units of each product. Its awerage cost per unit for each product at this level of acthity are given below: The compary considers its traceable fixed manutacturing ovethead to be avoidable, whereas its common fixed expenses are unavoidable and have beren allocated to prodicts bosed on sales dollars. Foundational 11-9 (Algo) 9. Assume that Cane expects to produce and sell 90,000 Alphas during the current year. A supplier has offered to mamufacture ind deliver 90,000 Alphas to Cane for a pice of $120 per unit. What is the thancial advantage (disadvantage) at buying 90,000 ants from the supplin instead of making thase units? The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following information applies fo the guestions displayed below] Cane Company manufactures two products called Alpha and Heta that sell for $170 and $130, respectively, Each yroduct uses only one type of raw meterial that costs $6 per pound. The company has the capacity to aninually produce 116.000 units of each pioduct its average cost per unit for each product at thits lewet of activily are given betiow: The compary cinsiders its traceable fixed manufacturing overhead to be avoidable, whereas its commion fixed expenses are unavoidabile and heve been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11-12 (Algo) 12. What contribution margin pet pound of law material is eained ty each of the two products? (Round your answers to 2 decimel plnces) Kequirea intormation The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6) the following information applles to the questions displayed betow Cane Company manufactures two products called Apha and Beta that sell for $170 and $130, respecthely Each product uses only one type of raw material that costs $6 per pound. The company has the capacity to annually produce n6.000 units of each product. its average cost per unit for each product at this fevel of actity are given befow The company considens its troceabie fixed manufacturing ovechead to be avoidable, whereas its common fied enperises are unavoldable and have been aflocated to products based on sales dollats. Foundational 11-11 (Algo) 11. How many pounds of raw material are needed to make one unit of each of the two productin? The roundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] Cane Company manufactures two products called Alpho and Bieta that sell for $170 and $130, respectivey Each prodinct uses anly one type of tow materlal that costs $6 per pound. The company has the capacify to annually produce 160.000 unts of each prodact its averoge cost per unit for each product at this lewet of activily are given below The company considers its traceable fixed manufactuing overtead to be avoidabie, whereas its common fixed expenses ace unavoidable and have been allocated to products based on sales doitars. Foundational 11-3 (Algo) found a new custoner who is wing to buy 20,000 additional Aphas for a price of 5120 per unit. What is the financhar udvaritage (disachantage) of accepting the new customers order? Required informotion The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following information opples to the questions disployed below) Cane Company manufactures two products called Alpha and Beta that sed for $170 and $130, respectivety. Each product uses only one type of raw material that costs $6 por pound. The company has the capacity to annially orodice the.000 units of each product. Its average cost per unit for each product at inis level of activity are ofven betow are unavoidable and have been allocafed to products based on soles dollars Foundational 11-4 (Algo) 4 Assume thar Cane expects to produce and seat 900.000 Betas during the current yeot, One of Cane's sales iepresentatives fhas found a new customer who is wiling to buy 3,000 additional Betas for a price of $49 per unit. What is the froncial advantage (disadviantape) of accepting the new customer's order? Required intormetion The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following information applies to the questions displayod beiow? Cane Company manufactures two products called Alpha and Beta thot sell for $170 and $130, respectively. Each prodixt uses only one type of raw material that costs $6 per pound. The company tas the capacity to annually produce 16000 units of each product. Its average cost per unit for each product at this level of activity are given below: The company considers its traceable fixed manufacturing overhead to be avoidable, whereas its conmon fixed expetises ore unavoldable and have been aliocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11.15 (Algo) 15. Assume that Cane's customers would bury a maximum of 90,000 units of Alpha and 70,000 units of Befa Also assume that the how much should it be willing to pay per pound for additional raw matenals? (Round your answer to 2 decimel places.) The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following information applies to the questions displayed below Cane Company manufactures two products called Apha and Beta that sell for $170 and $130, respectively. Each product uses only one type of taw material that costs $6 per pound. The company has the capacily to annually prodice 116,000 units of each product. its average cost per unit for each product at this level of actlivity are given beitiow The company considers its traceable fixed manufacturing overhead to be avoidable, whereas its common fixed expenses are unavoidable and have been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11-7 (Algo) discontinaing the Beta product line? Required informotion The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following information appiles to the questions displayed below] Cane Company manufactures two products called Alpha and Beta that sell for $170 and $130, respectively. Each product uses only one type of raw material that costs $6 per pound, The company has the capacily to annually produce 116.000 units of cach proctuct its average cost per unit for each product at this level of activity are given below: The comparny considers its traceable fixed manufacturing ovethead to be avolidable, whereas its common fixed expenses. are unavoidable and have been allocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11-1 (Algo) Required: 1. What is the fotat amount of traceable fixed manufacturing overhead for each of the two products? The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following aformation applies lo the questions disployed below] Cane Compary manufactures two products colled Apha and Beta that sell for $170 and $130, respectively. Each product units of each product. Its averoge cost per unit for each product at this level of activity are given below: The company considers its traceable fored manulactiang overthead to be avoidabie, whereas its cammon fived experises are unovoidable and have been altocated to prodocts based on sales dollars Foundational 11-1 (Algo) Pequired: 1. What is the total amount of tracesable fixed manufacturing oveshead for each of the two products? The Foundational 15 (Algo) [LO11-2, LO11-3, LO11-4, LO11-5, LO11-6] The following information applies to the questions displayed below] Cane Company manufactures fwo products called Alpha and Beta that sell for $170 and $130, respectively. Each pooctuct uses only one type of raw material that costs $6 per pound. The company has the capacity to anneally produce 116,000 units of each product. Its average cost per unit for eoch product at this level of activily are given below: The company considers its traceable fixed manufactuaing overhead to be avolidable, whtereas is common fixed expenses are univoldable and have beep alocated to products based on sales dollars. Foundational 11-10 (Algo) 10. Assume that Cane expects to produce and sel 60,000 Aphas during the current yeac. A supplier hos offered fo inanufactire and deliver 60,000 Aphas to Cane for a price of $120 per unit. What is the financiat advantage (disachantage) of buying 60000 inits fiom the supplier instead of making those units

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