Requiremen 1. Journalze the adpating entios on Decinber 31 sRecord dabies frit then credts Seled the explanation on the lass line of the fournal araty tatio) C. Anka used sibb of efice wpplet a. besiectation for the equlpmert is 5990 More info Augushont dath at December 31 followi 1.. Oe Decrember 15 Anka contracted to pedoem iemucesilar a cllont recohing 53,600it advance. Anlka recorded thil receipt of cath mb Witained Reremue. As of Decomber 31. Andar bas completed 51460 of the services. 1. Ania paepais two moritis of tent on Decemberi A Asune the Frepaid Peed balance as Docember 1) c. Ankka usod 9540 of ofice mugphies. d. Doprociation for the teculintert is 5900 6. Anka recelved a bal for Decombers onlne advertitho. 1900 Acka will not pay the bill und January (Use Acceints Payable) 55. 0no far a five-day workweek: December 31 tals on Toesday thin year October 1) fof a customer lor \$1f60, Anita has completed the sybuen check Requirements 1. Jsumakre the adusteg enties on 0ecember 31 2. The taccounts ahong with the uradeucted balonces have been egened for 3. Pregase the adeniad wal batienoe 4. How wil Arika Ay Fueficason lifiles ane the aifuled poubalance? The unadjusted trial balance of Farrolion Inn Company at December 31, 2024, and the data noeded for the adjustments follow (Click the icon to viow the unatjisied trial balance) ( d (Click the icon to vies the adjustront data) Read the requements Requirement 1. Joumalive the adjusting entries on December 31 . (Record debits first then crudiw. Select the explaniaticn on the last line of the jaurnal intry lable.) a. As of December 31, Fatrohon had 5650 of Prepaid insurance remaining b. At the and of the month, Farrohon had $800 of office supplies remaining c. Depreciation on the building is $3.200 More info Adesiment data at Decweer 31holow b. Al the end of tie nent furchon had sogo at otice mupreles remaining c. Doppelation on the buing a sypoo. Requirements 1. Jsumale the adjasing entias on December 31 2. The foc-column lodger accounts hawe been opened for you ving the una lusted trial belance. Pout the willoting enteies to the fosge acocuts 3. Prepere the adproed tial badanct thin mean that the asfosthg erteres hare been recoeded comechy Esplan Data table Farrolton inn Company Unadjusted Trial Balance December 31, 2024 Print Done