Requirement 1. Using the briginal data (before any redesign of juice botles), prepare a diect materials budget to calculste the cost of PET purchases in each quarter for the upcomig year and for the year h betal. Sturt by preparre the droct materials budget through the total quantly needed, then coniplete the budget. materials budget to calculate the cost of PET purchases in each quarter for the upcoming year and for the year in fotal for this possible scenario Start by preparing the drect materiais budget through the total quantty needed, then complete the budget Begin by compuking the direct material cost sawings froen making the change to using less PET? Compare the toal of those savings to the cost of retrofiting the juce botte molds for the first year. Should the compary make the charge? Exisin your fatoneie. than taice the cost of reizofiting the molds. B. The compacy should not make the change (catrofiting) Feviewng the comparson of the total savings to the cost of ietroting makes it appear that evey should not ratroft However, afer the firstyest the armal savros are significart. There is cet savings in the fint year and wher thin first year the annwal savings are signficant. the fest year, therefore, they will never recoup the cost of eviroftling sustainabilty goals and because recycled PET is less expensive than virgin PET. (1) (Click the icon to view more information.) EEB (Ceck the icon to viow the number of soda botiles.) Read the recuirements. However, aller the first yoar tive annual sovngs are signiccanks D. The company should not make the change (eetrofating). Reviewing the comparison of the fotai savings to the cost of retrofiting shows that they ahould not retrofic Thern is a net co The company shoulio they wil never cecoup the cost of retrofiting