Requirement a. List the deficiencies in indenal control for each of these situations. For the list of intemal controls presented in each situation below, choose the roman numeralis) that correepond with the given deiciencies Click the icon to view the deficiencies in inlemal control ) Partial descriptions of internal controls internal control Whon Mr. Clark orders materials, an electronic copy of the purchase order is sent to the receiving department During the delivery of materials, Mr. Smith, the receiving clerk, records the receipt of shigment on this purchase order and then sends the purchase order to the accounting department where it is used to record materials purchased and accounts payable. The materials are transported to the storage area by forkifts. The addtional purchased quantties are recorded on storage records Every day, hundreds ofloroes clock in using tar empkroedetkation cards at Generous Motors Corporation The data on these time records is used in the preparation of the labor cost distribution records, the payeol jounal, and the electronie payments and payroll checks. The reasurer, Angela Lee,compares the paysol jounal with the payroll recoeds, signs the checka, and retums the payroll noefications and chacks to Charles Stode, the supervisor of the computer department. The payroll checks and payment notices are diotributed to the employees by Strode The smalest branch of Connor Cosmetics employs Mary Cooper, te branch manager, and her sales assistant, Janet Hendrix The branch uses a bank aceount to pay experses The account is kept in the name of "Connor Cosmetics Special Account To pay expenses, checks must be signed by Cooper or by the treasurer, John Winters Cooper eives the cancelled checks and bank stalements She reconcles the branch account horeelf and Nes canceled checka and bank statements in her records shabo periode by prepares reports of cash tunerwts and sends them to the home ofice 2 L