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Research Question: How does racial diversity affect performance in project management? Field of Study: Project Management Provide a literature review for the research question above.

Research Question: How does racial diversity affect performance in project management?

Field of Study: Project Management

Provide a literature review for the research question above.

Please see attached for the literature review structure and content, literature matrix, references and the source review.


Smulowitz, S., Becerra, M., & Mayo, M. (2019). Racial diversity and its asymmetry within and across hierarchical levels: The effects on financial performance.Human Relations,72(10), 1671-1696.

Bing, C. M. (2015).Many Cultures, One Team?: Build Your Cultural Repertoire: Vol. First edition. Technics Publications.

Sharma, A., Moses, A. C., Borah, S. B., & Adhikary, A. (2020). Investigating the impact of workforce racial diversity on the organizational corporate social responsibility performance: An institutional logics perspective.Journal of Business Research,107, 138-152.

Richard, O. C., Murthi, B. P. S., & Ismail, K. (2007). The impact of racial diversity on intermediate and long-term performance: The moderating role of environmental context.Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) - 1980 to 2009,28(12), 1213-1233.

Julian, S. D., & Ofori, D. J. C. (2017). Context matters: Diversity's short- and long-term effects in fortune's "best companies to work for."Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.),38(7), 1557-1565.

Howard, J. L., & Brakefield, J. T. (2001). Effects of Diversity on Performance: The Effects of Task Type.Employee Responsibilities & Rights Journal,13(3), 147-154.

Jong, J. (2019). Racial Diversity and Task Performance: The Roles of Formalization and Goal Setting in Government Organizations.Public Personnel Management,48(4), 493-512.

Valverde-Moreno, M., Torres-Jimenez, M., & Lucia-Casademunt, A. M. (2021). Participative Decision-Making amongst Employees in a Cross-Cultural Employment Setting: Evidence from 31 European Countries.European Journal of Training and Development,45(1), 14-35.

Roh, H., & Sung, S. (2024). The Business Case for Workforce Racial Diversity: Options- and Project-Based Human Resource Management in Large U.S. Law Firms.Group & Organization Management,49(1), 141-182.

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As it relates to your research Impact on Organization Enhanced Decision Challenges in Increased Employee Improved Problem Solving question, place in this row the main Making Communication and engagement idea or theme that appears in the Collaboration articles you've researched. Source 1: Bing (2015) Provide strategies for Discuss approaches for Outline tools for fostering Introduce a framework for Equip professionals with developing cultural managing multicultural collaboration across diverse | building cultural repertoire | practical techniques competence teams effectively backgrounds Source 2: Chavan & Taksa (2021) Source 3: Howard & Brakefield (2001) Guidance for effectively managing global teams Uncover conditions where diversity enhances or hinders outcomes Navigating intercultural interactions in multinational organizations Provide task-related perspective on diversity- performance linkage Comprehensive exploration of intercultural management frameworks Insights for managing diversity contingent on work characteristics Equip leaders for challenges and opportunities of diversity Empirical research on diversity's influence across task types Real-world examples and lessons on diverse workforce leadership Contribute to understanding contingencies shaping diversity efforts page3of Source 4: Jong (2019) Investigate moderating roles | Specifically examine Analyze public Delve into diversity-task Offer insights for leveraging of formalization and goal government sector racial organizations data to identify | performance relationship structure and objectives to setting diversity management impact modifiers within public domain optimize diversity Source 5: Julian & Ofori (2017) Source 6: Richard et al. (2007) Source 7: Roh & Sung (2024) Source 8: Sharma et al. (2020) Explore how diversity initiatives shape employee and organizational success Assess how racial diversity's impact on performance influences outcomes overtime Business case for workforce diversity within large U.S. law firms Assess diversity's effect on CSR from an institutional logics perspective Underscore role of culture and support in understanding diversity's effects Investigate conditions under which diversity affects performance positively or negatively Flexible HRM approaches in professional service industry context Examine the link between racial dives and corporate social responsibility Organizational culture and leadership support Highlight importance of' contextual factors in managing diversity Examine how workforce diversity fosters innovation and competitive edge Consider how diversity intersects with organizational contexts to shape CSR. short- and long-term ty effects within high- performing workplaces Explore diversity's impact on intermediate and long- term performance Analyze racial diversity and organizational outcomes correlation Delve into diversity's relationship with CSR performance metrics Consider dynamic nature of diversity's impacts over time Moderate the role of environmental context in diversity-performance dynamics Pagedof 5 Options/project-based HRM insights for strategically leveraging diversity Draw on theoretical perspectives to explore diversity initiatives' broader impacts Source 9: Smulowitz et al. (2019) Source 10: Valverde-Moreno et al. (2021) Examine the impact of racial diversity across hierarchical levels Explore cultural variations in employee participation levels Provide analysis of diversity and performance outcomes Large-scale European country survey sheds light on cross-culture dynamics Investigate the relationship between racial diversity and financial performance Identify factors influencing decision involvement across cultures Discuss the importance of organizational hierarchies Explore participative management practices Analyze racial diversity within and across organizational levels Insights into challenges and opportunities for inclusive decision processes Page 5 of 5 References Bing, C. M. (2015). Many cultures, one team: Build your cultural repertoire (Vol. Ist ed.). Technics Publications. Chavan, M., & Taksa, L. (2021). Intercultural management in practice: Learning to lead diverse global organizations (Vol. Ist ed.). Emerald Publishing Limited. Howard, J. L., & Brakefield, J. T. (2001). Effects of diversity on performance: The effects of task type. Employee Responsibilities & Rights Journal, 13(3), 147-154. DOI: 10.1023/A:1014914917655 Jong, J. (2019). Racial diversity and task performance: The roles of formalization and goal setting in government organizations. Public Personnel Management, 48(4), 493-512. DOI: 10.1177/0091026019826157 Julian, S. D., & Ofori, D. J. C. (2017). Context matters: Diversity's short- and long-term effects in fortune's "best companies to work for." Strategic Management Jjournal, 38(7), 1557-1565. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2576 Richard, O. C., Murthi, B. P. S., & Ismail, K. (2007). The impact of racial diversity on intermediate and long-term performance: The moderating role of environmental context. Strategic Management Journal, 28(12), 1213-1233. DOI: 10.1002/smj.633 Roh, H., & Sung, S. (2024). The business case for workforce racial diversity: Options- and project-based human resource management in large U.S. law firms. Group & Organization Management, 49(1), 141-182. DOI: 10.1177/10596011221108886 Sharma, A., Moses, A. C., Borah, S. B., & Adhikary, A. (2020). Investigating the impact of workforce racial diversity on the organizational corporate social responsibility performance: An institutional logics perspective. Journal of Business Research, 107, 138-152. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.10.018 Smulowitz, S., Becerra, M., & Mayo, M. (2019). Racial diversity and its asymmetry within and across hierarchical levels: The effects on financial performance. Human Relations, 72(10), 1671- 1696. DOI: 10.1177/0018726718812602 Valverde-Moreno, M., Torres-Jimenez, M., & Lucia-Casademunt, A. M. (2021). Participative decision-making amongst employees in a cross-cultural employment setting: Evidence from 31 European countries. European Journal of Training and Development, 45(1), 14-35. DOI: 10.1108/EJTD-10-2019-0184Bing, C. M. (2015). Many cultures, one team: Build your cultural repertoire (Vol. First edition). Technics Publications. Bing (2015) introduces readers to the intricacies of building cultural competence within teams in the book Many Cultures, One Team: Build Your Cultural Repertoire. Through this volume, the author aims to equip individuals and teams with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of multicultural work environments successfully. The book offers practical strategies, insights, and tools for fostering understanding, communication, and collaboration across diverse cultural backgrounds. With the first edition published by Technics Publications, Bing's work serves as a valuable resource for professionals seeking to enhance their cultural repertoire and create inclusive and harmonious team dynamics. Chavan, M., & Taksa, L. (2021). Intercultural management in practice: Learning to lead diverse global organizations (Vol. First edition). Emerald Publishing Limited. Chavan and Taksa (2021) offer a comprehensive exploration of intercultural management in their book Intercultural Management in Practice. Through this volume, the authors provide insights into the challenges and opportunities of leading diverse global organizations in today's interconnected world. Drawing on theoretical frameworks and practical examples, the book offers guidance for leaders and managers seeking to navigate the complexities of intercultural interactions and effectively manage diverse teams. With a focus on real-world applications and case studies, Chavan and Taksa's work equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to foster inclusivity, collaboration, and innovation in multicultural work environments. Howard, J. L., & Brakefield, J. T. (2001). Effects of diversity on performance: The effects of task type. Employvee responsibilities & rights journal, 13(3), 147-154. [DOI: 10.1023/A:1014914917655] Howard and Brakefield (2001) investigate the effects of diversity on performance, specifically focusing on the influence of task type. Through empirical research, the authors explore how diversity within workgroups impacts performance outcomes across different types of tasks. By considering task characteristics such as complexity and interdependence, the study seeks to uncover the conditions under which diversity enhances or hinders performance. The findings contribute to the understanding of diversity-performance relationships, providing insights into the contingencies that shape the effects of diversity within organizational contexts. Jong, J. (2019). Racial diversity and task performance: The roles of formalization and goal setting in government organizations. Public personnel management, 48(4), 493-512. [DOI: 10.1177/0091026019826157] Jong (2019) examines the relationship between racial diversity and task performance within government organizations, with a specific focus on the moderating roles of formalization and goal setting. Through empirical research, the author investigates how racial diversity within workgroups influences task performance outcomes, considering the extent of formalization and the presence of goal-setting mechanisms within the organizational context. By analyzing data from government organizations, the study seeks to uncover the conditions under which racial diversity enhances or diminishes task performance and how organizational factors moderate this relationship. The findings contribute to the understanding of diversity-performance dynamics within public sector organizations, providing insights into the mechanisms through which formalization and goal setting shape the effects of diversity on performance outcomes. Julian, S. D., & Ofori, D. J. C. (2017). Context matters: Diversity's short- and long-term effects in fortunes \"best companies to work for.\" Strategic management journal, 38(7), 1557- 1565. [DOI: 10.1002/smj.2576] Julian and Ofori (2017) examine the short and long term effects of diversity within organizations recognized as \"best companies to work for\" by Fortune magazine. Drawing on data from a longitudinal study, the authors explore how diversity initiatives implemented by these organizations influence employee outcomes and organizational performance over time. Their findings underscore the importance of considering contextual factors, such as organizational culture and leadership support, in understanding the impact of diversity initiatives on various performance metrics. By highlighting the dynamic nature of diversity's effects, the study contributes to the literature on diversity management and strategic human resource management. Richard, O. C., Murthi, B. P. S., & [smail, K. (2007). The impact of racial diversity on intermediate and long-term performance: The moderating role of environmental context. Strategic Management Journal, 28(12), 1213-1233. [DOI: 10.1002/sm;j.633] Richard, Murthi, and Ismail (2007) explore the impact of racial diversity on both intermediate and long-term organizational performance, with a focus on the moderating role of environmental context. The study examines data from a diverse sample of organizations to assess how racial diversity within workgroups influences performance outcomes over time. By considering environmental factors such as industry dynamism and competitive intensity, the authors investigate the conditions under which racial diversity may positively or negatively affect organizational performance. The findings contribute to the understanding of diversity's complex relationship with performance outcomes and highlight the importance of considering contextual factors in diversity management strategies. Roh, H., & Sung, S. (2024). The business case for workforce racial diversity: Options- and project-based human resource management in Large U.S. Law Firms. Group & organization management, 49(1), 141-182. [DOI: 10.1177/10596011221108886] Roh and Sung (2024) delve into the business case for workforce racial diversity within large U.S. law firms, focusing on options-and project-based human resource management approaches. Through empirical research, the authors examine how workforce racial diversity contributes to organizational performance and innovation within the context of law firms that employ options- and project-based HRM practices. By analyzing data from a sample of large law firms in the United States, the study explores the relationship between racial diversity and organizational outcomes, such as financial performance and client satisfaction. The findings offer insights into the strategic advantages of workforce diversity in fostering innovation and competitive advantage within professional service firms, particularly those that adopt flexible HRM practices. Sharma, A., Moses, A. C., Borah, S. B., & Adhikary, A. (2020). Investigating the impact of workforce racial diversity on the organizational corporate social responsibility performance: An institutional logics perspective. Journal of Business Research, 107, 138- 152, [DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.10.018] Sharma, Moses, Borah, and Adhikary (2020) delve into the relationship between workforce racial diversity and organizational corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance from an institutional logics perspective. Through empirical analysis, the authors explore how the racial diversity of an organization's workforce influences its CSR activities and outcomes. Drawing on institutional theory, they propose that the institutional logics embedded within an organization shape the relationship between workforce diversity and CSR performance. By examining data from a diverse sample of organizations, the study contributes to the understanding of how organizational diversity initiatives intersect with broader institutional contexts to influence CSR practices and outcomes. Smulowitz, S., Becerra, M., & Mayo, M. (2019). Racial diversity and its asymmetry within and across hierarchical levels: The effects on financial performance. Human Relations, 72(10), 1671-1696. [DOI: 10.1177/0018726718812602] Smulowitz, Becerra, and Mayo (2019) investigate the relationship between racial diversity, both within and across hierarchical levels, and its impact on financial performance within organizations. The authors analyze data from a large sample of firms to examine how racial diversity at different levels of an organization influences its financial outcomes. They argue that understanding the asymmetry of racial diversity within organizational hierarchies is crucial for comprehensively assessing its effects on financial performance. Valverde-Moreno, M., Torres-Jimenez, M., & Lucia-Casademunt, A. M. (2021). Participative decision-making amongst employees in a cross-cultural employment setting: Evidence from 31 European countries. European Journal of Training and Development, 45(1), 14- 35. [DOL 10.1108/EJTD-10-2019-0184] Valverde-Moreno, Torres-Jimenez, and Lucia-Casademunt (2021) investigate 7 Valverde-Moreno, Torres-Jimenez, and Lucia-Casademunt (2021) investigate participative decision-making among employees in a cross-cultural employment setting, drawing evidence from 31 European countries. Through empirical research, the authors explore the extent to which employees across different cultural backgrounds engage in participative decision-making processes within their organizations. By analyzing data from a large-scale survey, the study sheds light on cultural variations in employee participation levels and identifies factors that influence employees' likelihood to participate in decision-making. The findings contribute to the understanding of participative management practices within diverse cultural contexts, offering insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with fostering employee involvement in decision-making processes across European countries.CHECKLIST: Structure & Content for Your Literature Review Paper Title Page Follow APA formatting rules double space/center text Be sure to set up your Running Headings and page numbers across the top of each page Running heads are a shortened version of your paper's title - just 3 or 4 words Introductory Page M Follow APA formatting rules double space/indent first line of each paragraph, no extra lines between headings or paragraphs, etc. Your Title / Centered at the top Do not label \"Introduction\" just begin Include your purpose for doing this research Include why it's important to your field of study and/or the reader Include the focus of your paper and how it is organized by stating your key themes AN E A -EF Key themes should be a short title each and not a long sentence Body of the document M Follow the order and titles of your key themes that you stated in the introduction M Follow APA format rules Follow APA citation rules M Synthesize your sources within each key theme by following the Green Light/Red Light handout in Week 7 Resources Conclusion Remind the reader of your purpose in doing this research Briefly summarize your findings without use of citations M Briefly summarize your findings from the literature and the research conducted M DO NOT cite any sources in your conclusion as the literature is discussed and cited already and there is no need repeating them in the conclusion DO NOT introduce any new information in your conclusion References Page Y] START REFERENCES ON A NEW PAGE DO NOT CONTINUE ON SAME PAGE AFTER CONCLUSION Follow APA formatting rules review my feedback from your papers for where you need improvement on your references; use your textbooks and/or the Writing Center's Intro to APA found here: YOU ARE NOT DONE YET M Proofread your entire document Read your entire document out loud to yourself Have someone else read your document Use the Spell Check tool in MS Word Check off items on this checklist

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