Review Chapter 3: Value and logistics costs Pick 2 of the following discussion questions Explain what is meant by the term value in a supply chain. How can value. 1 ?best be measured in a supply-chain context Why are processes important in terms of managing logistics? Suggest 2 how the processes of a plan, source, make, deliver and return might differ in the case of the two factories Simple and Complex described in section 3.3 What are the advantages of cutting the total cost cube' in different ways? .3 Summarise the different perspectives on logistics costs provided by fixed/variable, direct/indirect and engineered/discretionary costs, and activity-based costing SuggestbalancedmeasurementportfoliosforthetwofactoriesSimpleandComp lex described in section 3.3. In particular, suggest key performance measures in the areas of strategy, process and capability Read your classmates' messages and post at least one reply by the end of the Week 31 Review Chapter 3: Value and logistics costs Pick 2 of the following discussion questions Explain what is meant by the term value in a supply chain. How can value. 1 ?best be measured in a supply-chain context Why are processes important in terms of managing logistics? Suggest 2 how the processes of a plan, source, make, deliver and return might differ in the case of the two factories Simple and Complex described in section 3.3 What are the advantages of cutting the total cost cube' in different ways? .3 Summarise the different perspectives on logistics costs provided by fixed/variable, direct/indirect and engineered/discretionary costs, and activity-based costing SuggestbalancedmeasurementportfoliosforthetwofactoriesSimpleandComp lex described in section 3.3. In particular, suggest key performance measures in the areas of strategy, process and capability Read your classmates' messages and post at least one reply by the end of the Week 31